Welcome To The 'Love The Clouds' Contest! #28-Fire in the Sky !!
This week i thought i would try something different with #lovetheclouds everyone seems to be enjoying a bit of picture digital editing so i thought i would have a go also so this is what i came up with my picture digital editing a "Wild fire Sunset" it's for sale if anyone likes to buy it...haha :)

Category : #lovetheclouds
Camera : iPhone 6

Category : #lovetheclouds
Camera : iPhone 6
haha! Howdy sir hangin! That is indeed a sunset on fire! Great photo editing there!
Thank you sir janton i normally don't get into photo editing but i thought i would do something different :)
howdy sir hangin! and it was so different that it was amazingly vibrant and bright, that was a great success. maybe you were just lucky again! lol.
We do get some unbelievable amazing sunsets over here been tropical country it changes a lot :)
Howdy again sir hangin! Is that the difference, being a tropical country? I mean, you didn't have those like that in Australia?
We do have them in the top end north of Australia in Queensland because more tropical up there but not in Sydney were i was :)
howdy sir hangin! oh I see, yes sir that makes sense. I had to go look at a map of Australia!
See we learn something new everyday on steemit :)
I will have to start charging you a fee for my information.....hehe :)