Isra 'Mi'raj of the Prophet Muhammad.

in #loverofallah7 years ago (edited)

Hello steemit back again with me zaivi from Aceh Indonesia.
This time I discussed the isra 'Mi'raj of the Prophet Muhammad.
Muslims know Isra Miraj is a journey overnight Prophet Muhammad SAW received orders from Allah SWT to perform the five daily prayers a day and night.
In that journey, there is another important thing, namely the Prophet Muhammad's vehicle from earth to Sidratul Muntaha, where the Messenger of Allah received the command.
It only happened overnight.
In the past, it was impossible for humans to travel out of the earth, much less to the uninhabited realms of man like Sidratul Muntaha.
Therefore, it takes a special vehicle to get there.
When Isra Micraj, the Prophet Muhammad was facilitated by Allah a sophisticated vehicle called Buroq
the Buroq specification and why God provided the vehicle specifically for the important event.
The event of Isra Mikraj is in the first verse of Surah Alisra.
This verse reads: Subhaanalladzi asra bi abdihi lailam minal masjidil haroomi ilal masjidil aqsolladzii baaroknaa haulahuu linuriyahuu min aayaatinaa, innahuu huwas samii'ul bashiir.
Meaning: Mahasuci (Allah) who has rendered His servant (Muhammad) at night from the Grand Mosque to the Aqsa Mosque which We have blessed around him so that We may show him some signs of us. Lo! He is the Hearer, the Seer
This verse begins with the word subhan which means holy, its allotment is to reject the assumptions that are contrary to the majesty of God.
It is not without reason, because this event beyond human reason at that time that is not technologically sophisticated right now.
Human vehicles were mostly animals such as horses and camels that would have been impossible to travel long distances, much less to the seventh heaven or Sidratul Muntaha beyond the earth.
This event is certainly beyond human reason at that time, so it is natural that many do not believe when the Prophet Muhammad told about this.After the event, the Prophet Muhammad told it to the others.
"He went up to Qubes Hill and told the people of Mecca at that time. Many do not believe and say the Prophet Muhammad, a liar, a liar. Abu Jahal is very happy tuh, very good chance for him to vilify the Messenger of Allah. Almost all the people of Mecca at that time did not believe, which initially sure began to doubt. Abu Jahl said, there is only one other person who believes it or not with the story of Muhammad, namely Abu Kuhafah or Abu Bakr. If Abu Bakr does not believe it too, then it is finished dakwah Muhammad, "he said.
Finally Abu Bakr was asked, then after hearing the story of Prophet Muhammad he said: if Muhammad said behind the hill there is an enemy but it is not there, then I will still believe in him.
Hence, this verse begins with the word subhan which serves to reject the negative assumptions or harassment of the people of Mecca at that time about the majesty of God in this event.
The people of Mecca when there are many who doubted even say Prophet Muhammad lied about the vehicle he took during Isra Micraj because it is beyond human reason, namely Buroq.
According to Ustad Adi Hidayat, the word buroq comes from Arabic barqun which means lightning.

The point is, once the Prophet was in a room in a state of sleep, then came the angel to take the heart of the Prophet and wash it, then give it a gold filled with faith. Then the heart of the Prophet was restored.
After that the Prophet journeyed Isra 'Mi'raj by riding the Buraq by being delivered by the angel Gabriel to the sky of the world, then there is the question, "Who is this?" Gabriel replied: "Gabriel." "Who is with you?" Gabriel replied, "Muhammad" . "Welcome, the best of people who visit is thou, O Prophet."
In the heavens of this world, the Prophet met the Prophet Adam 'alaihisalam, Gabriel shows that Prophet Adam was the father of the prophets. Gabriel begged the Prophet Muhammad to say hi to Prophet Adam, the Prophet Muhammad greeted Prophet Adam 'alaihisalam, on the contrary Adam also replied to the Prophet Muhammad.
The journey continues towards the second heaven, here the Prophet meets the Prophet Yahya and Prophet Isa.
In the third heaven, the Prophet Muhammad meets the Prophet Yusuf alaihissalam, in the fourth heaven, the Prophet met the Prophet Idris, in the fifth heaven of Prophet Muhammad met the Prophet Harun 'alaihissalam, in the sixth heaven, the Prophet Muhammad met Moses, Moses cried because The Prophet Muhammad had the most people who entered paradise, transcending from the people of Moses himself. And last in the seventh heaven, Prophet Muhammad met Prophet Ibrahim 'alaihissalam.
After that, the Prophet Muhammad went to Sidratil Muntaha, where the Prophet was praying and praying to Allah subhanahu wata'ala. Then the Prophet went up to the Baitul Makmur, which is the baitullah in the seventh heaven which is straight with the Ka'bah on earth, every day there are seventy thousand angels enter to berthawaf in it.
Then the Prophet was served with wine, milk, and honey. The Prophet then took the milk, Jibril said: "Milk is a symbol of the purity and nature that characterizes the Prophet Muhammad and his people."
In Baitul Makmur, the Prophet Muhammad met Allah subhanahu wata'ala. God obliged the Prophet to perform fardlu prayers fifty rak'ahs every day. The Prophet received and then returned home, on the way, Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam met with Prophet Musa' alaihissalam.
Prophet Moses reminded that the people of Prophet Muhammad would not be able to pray fifty times a day, Prophet Moses said, my people have proved it.
Then ask the Prophet Muhammad to return to Allah Subhanahu wata'ala, beg the relief for your people.
Then the Prophet turned to Allah and was reduced to ten prayers. then the Prophet Muhammad returned to Moses, and Moses reminded him of the first. The Prophet returns to God twice, and ultimately Allah requires five prayers. Prophet Muhammad returns to Prophet Moses, the Prophet Moses still says that your people will not be strong O Prophet Muhammad, Prophet Muhammad replied, I am ashamed to return face to God. I am blessed and resigned to God.
See 3 Rivers of Heaven
Among other things that the Prophet sees between the first sky and the second sky are the three great rivers. The three rivers are the Nile, Euphrates, and al-Kautsar.
"It turns out that in the sky of the world there are two rivers flowing, Prophet Muhammad asked, 'What two rivers are this O Jibril? 'Jibril replied,' This is the Nile and the Euphrates. 'Then Jibril continued to bring the Prophet to heaven, suddenly there was another river upon which there was a palace of pearls and diamonds, the Prophet struck him with his hand, suddenly it smelled like adlfar perfume. The Prophet asked, 'This is what Gabriel is? 'Gabriel replied,' This is the al Kautsar lake that your Lord purposely kept for you '. "(Narrated al-Bukhari in the Book of At-Tawhid (7079)).
In this journey, the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam saw three rivers. The first and second are the Nile and Euphrates. Both will he look back in the seventh heaven. The al-Kautsar is a special river. He is a gift that Allah gave to His Messenger (sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam). The water is fragrant like a miss. Even more great. It is a river among the rivers of heaven.

Thank you and so..nabi-muhammad-saw.jpg

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