If you are single this Valentines Day, read this. 💕
Being single this Valentines Day is not a big deal. You do not need to pressure yourself just to be in a relationship. You do not need to be sad because it is not the end of the world for you.
Relationships should be considered as an investment. You cannot just love the person you just met. You cannot love the the person you barely know. You cannot just love the person whom you do not know their intentions. You need to know the person very well first.
Never settle for less than you deserve. Never lower your standards just to be in a relationship. Never settle with mediocrity in love because you only deserve the best. You deserve to be with someone who takes risks for you as much as you would do for them.
While waiting for the perfect time, make yourself better. Do not look for the right person. Be the right person. Realize your dreams. Love yourself really hard so that once the right time comes, you will really compliment each other. You will not have issues about yourself anymore. You do not question your worth anymore.
Do not look for love. Do not force love to happen. It will naturally find you. Love when you’re ready not because you are lonely. It may take some time but it will surely be one of the best days of life. It will be so magical than you expected. 💕