Project loveletters #4 - Her responsesteemCreated with Sketch.

in #loveletters7 years ago


Noorwijkerhout, 26 augustus 1978

Dear Gesus

It’s always difficult for me to start a letter, because I don’t know how to start.

Maybe you don’t think I’ve got nothing to do, but than you think wrong. In the first letter I told you that I had nothing to do that evening, but I meant that I was not in the mood to do something. In the week-end I always busy. Two weeks ago I wrote you a letter. I started the letter on Friday-evening and saterday I still was busy with the letter. I first wrote the letter into dutch and then I had to translate it into french. I also needed a dictionary. So I needed one hole day to write you, but that does not matter. I just like it. Now I can write in English, it’s much easier for me.

I also have some hobby’s, like reading, do needlework so I’m always busy with something.
Next week I have to play volleyball again in the evening. I’m playing volleyball twice a week (you know what that is?) Also I’m going to learn to dance with my sister.

Lyda, not Lydia, was very glad you did not forget to remember her. I had to thank you for this. The last time you wrote me I had to remember you told me you liked the long hair of Lyda. I first wanted to let my hair grow. But almost every girl in our country carries her hair short. Its new fashion her. Now I’ve been to the hairdresser to let my hair cut. It’s much shorter now than you see on the last photo I send you.


(Someday I will send you a photo of my short hair). It’s a pitty (domage) the photo you wrote me about is not so good. It’s the light that shut my eyes. I like to get the photo from yourself (militer d’aviation)

Now I understand what you told me about your holiday. I don’t know where it is cheap (ne pas expensive). In every city it’s different. That’s also In Spain. But I think that it’s a little bit expensive for you.

You asked me something about my work. I work 5 days a week. Every day I start at half past eight (8:30). But I have to get up at half past seven, because I must go by bus to my work. My work is in Leiden at a wool-factory. I come home at six o’clock. So I work 8 hours a day. But I don’t work very hard, because at the office is not much to do. That’s why I’m going to change of job.

I want to tell you something about the weather (if you want to come to Holland). This last week the weather was rather beautifull. Today it’s cold the sun is not shining. But they say the weather is beautifull in September. Well I hope so. My sister and her friend are going to Spain in September (to Salou). They hope the weather is much better there.

It was very nice of you, you remembered me by the song “Rivers of Babylon: I remember I sing that song in Maddox together with Lyda when we were dancing. I like that song very much. It’s just playing on the radio.

Now I wanted to finish the letter, because I’m going to town to buy some clothes.


I hope you understand everything. If you want to write me in English you can do that.

I do not send you a photo, because the photo’s are not so good, very moved. I will learn you some dutch words like you teach me some spanish words. Probable you don’t know what the words “veel liefs” means. Well Gesus, I can’t explane. I don’t know how to translate it.

Now some dutch words:

Eet snakelijk = que aproveche (enjoy your meal)
Tot ziens= adios (goodbye)

Een twee drie vier vijf zes zeven acht negen tien
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Tot ziens Gesus

Veel liefs Ireen

P.s. I do not send you a postcard, because I could not find a nice one.

EXTRA: I leave you with By the rivers of Babylon, song refered in this letter, from youtube

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You can also read the other letters here:

Letter #1
Letter #2
Letter #3

Disclaimer: These letters are copied as is. I understand they have many grammatical errors, but my parents did not have google translator, and relied on dictionaries to translate their thoughts. Any marks on the letters are made by them to help them understand the letters. Note: I also covered her signature for protection


Pretty cool. Learning Dutch seems really hard though.

It can be , yes! It all takes practice :)

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