in #loveitshoveit7 years ago


Now this is a cool challenge and a great idea!

For those of you who have not yet met @snowpea, you really should. @Snowpea and @papa-pepper go way back, we even went to the same high school, at the same time! She's been on steemit for a while now, and has really been enjoying it. Recently, she had a great idea for a challenge and asked if I could help get the word out, so I am making this post in response to her request. I'll not only be participating, but I'll use this post as a promo for the challenge too!


To read the original post from @snowpea, click here.. Basically, the rules are simple though, and this challenge is a great chance for us to share more about ourselves and get to know one another better.

  • List five things that you love

  • List five things that you really dislike

  • Use the tag #loveitshoveit

  • Nominate or tag whoever you want



That one would have to come first. Many people will have many different or even opposite ideas about things. That part is just the way it goes. When people can respectfully discuss an issue, even touchy subjects, I think that it always goes better. I'm sick of opinionated and easily offended individuals that can't carry on a civil conversation about anything that isn't in complete agreement that whatever it is they already believe to be true.


This one probably should have been first. Forgiveness is key in this world. If it wasn't for the opportunity that we all have t forgive others and be forgiven by others, we'd all be enemies by now. I've been forgiven a lot in this life and strive to need forgiveness less as time goes on. While it is not always easy, forgiving others is important and I do it when I have to.


Food can be nutritious or it can be deadly. These days, I just don't trust most of the stuff on the shelf, so you'll often find me snacking in the woods or in the garden. Food is a precious thing and key part of our existence, so I like to take it seriously and enjoy it on the rawest level that I can. I love it!


Starting with family and friends and heading outward from there, I love real people. I don't just mean real vs. digital, but people who are simply not fake. Too many put up a front or pretend to be something that they are not. Personally, I don't care at all about stuff like that. If you can't accept people as they are then you can't really accept people. I like people, but I prefer them as they are, rather than as they pretend to be. See that guy next to me in the photo above? He's @freedompoint, and he's real!


From the sun and clouds to the plants and animals, I love creation! I understand that is not a perfect world and is full of death, disease, thorns, and suffering, but it is still amazing. From jumping in the swamp after a turtle to laying in the warm sand on a beach next to the ocean, this world has a lot for us to enjoy! God sure blessed us with all of the wonderful things on this planet that we are able to enjoy, and I don't take it for granted at all!



Sure, we all have that tendency, but some are better at getting over it than others. Unfortunately, many people only seem to care about themselves and with use and abuse anyone that they encounter. Truth be told, I used to be a lot like that, and I wasn't anyone that you would have wanted to meet or come across. I've seen too many people used and abused and changing this world into a less selfish place to be happens one person at a time... who's next?


This one has always gotten to me. I don't encounter it often where I live, but when I travel through Texas or pass through St. Louis I sometimes get stuck in traffic. It seems that too often just one foolish or ignorant person can negatively effect the lives of hundreds or thousands of people, and I wish I never had to be one of those people.


Truth is precious and can be hard to come by. Lies have plagued this world from almost the beginning, and they are still everywhere. I'm tired of people telling lies and living lies, and I wish that more people would just give up on them. So many lies are also "sold" to us as truth too; whether it's corporations, governments, scientists, or others. Personally, I'm tired of it all.


I've been in some pretty painful situations in my life and some of it can get desperate. When you have intense pain that doesn't seem to let up, especially when it lasts for hours or even days, it can be very tough. I've been there a few times, and I never want to go back.


I really dislike that almost every device you purchase now comes with the option of also purchasing a "protection plan." There used to be a day and age when companies produced quality products. If they broke for unreasonable reasons, those companies would stand by their products and replace them, no questions asked. Now, though, you are offered these "protection plans" for one, two, three, or more years, and each additional year costs extra. Often, I turn these down. I figure if they sell me junk I'll just never purchase from that company again. To make things worse, there is often forms and things to fill out when you do get the plan and somehow I usually fail to get those filled out and mailed in. That, is probably the actual goal of the companies, and I'm sick of letting them win at it.


I'm not going to officially nominate any specific steemians, but rather I'll open this up for anyone that wants to jump in. Would you like to share five of your likes and dislikes? It'll not only make for a great post, but it'll help us all get to know you a little better too!

Thanks @snowpea for encouraging me to join in and promote this wonderful challenge too! I hope that many more steemians will participate! It's a great idea!

As always, I'm @papa-pepper and here's the proof:


Until next time…

Don’t waste your time online, invest it with



What a wonderful list @papa-pepper and well thought out answers! Thank you for making your own love it/shove it list and for encouraging others to hop on board!! I so appreciate the favor. Truly it's less of a challenge and more of a community building and relationship building exercise.

Love that you speak on respectful discussion. It's so important! Communication is so much easier with someone who is reasonable. Good one!

You putting pain on your list makes me kinda worried though! Wondering if everything is ok or if you have anything specific you'd like prayers for?

Have a wonderful night @papa-pepper! :D

I just don't like pain, the physical type. Been a while, but it can be tough. I am well! Thanks Sister!

OOooooh, that last one especially burns my biscuits. (I have no idea why I just turned into a southern granny. I mean, technically I live in Oklahoma and I AM a grandma... I guess it's my right to say weird grandma stuff now.

ANYWAY, I'm easily distractable. :)

I get so frustrated with those extended warranties and offers and I swear the only times I'd need them is when I've lost the 'receipt' or paperwork and like you said it's probably WHY they do it in the first place. I'm sure they're raking in the dough for doing nothing.

Anyway I'm getting ready to do this challenge as well, but first I got distracted reading through all the other tags, soooo that's where my evening has went now. A steemit rabbit trail!

Great post!

saw your post while browsing for contests to join. Can I join even if I was not nominated? @papa-pepper and @snowpea ? Lol

Yes you can! Everyone can use the tag, but would be nice to mention the creator obviously 😉 which is @snowpea

Good point~ mention @snowpea!

Anyone can join, and in your post you can tag the people you'd like to get to know better too! :)

Thank yes of course special mention @snowpea and of course @papa-pepper where I saw the contest lol

I would be glad to know you better mam @purpledaisy57. ^_^

It am glad to come across this post too and I would be able to hop in as well?

Nice list @papa-pepper! Just goes to show how deep a person you are.

I have also joined @snowpea's #loveitshove it challenge and made my simple list.

I love reading people's lists- we get to know them a little bit more, in a different light. You joining, i am sure more people are gonna join too! This is exciting. 😉

Cool! Thank you!

style @papa-pepper is really cool, thanks a lot @papa-pepper already sharing, glad to see post.😊

this looks like a very fun and exciting contest.
but I prefer the selfi contest and it is very fun @papa-pepper.

Yaaaayyy.... I love me a challenge...

Would definitely participate in this one...

Great writing Post
I like it this fun
Thanks for sharing this Post.....

wonderful post!

@papa-pepper yours so cool. The contest is a must partake for