Love it/Shove it Challenge

in #loveitshoveit7 years ago


Raspund uneori la provocari cu: "Bine, fie!" Exact asa i-am raspuns Elisei (@ruth-elise) la provocarea de a scrie acest articol.
Doar ca drumul de la "Bine, fie!" pana la a gasi acele lucruri care imi plac cu adevarat sau care dimpotriva imi displac a fost destul de anevoios… Recunosc ca asta poate sa insemne ca nu ma cunosc foarte bine…, sau ca sunt mai complicata decat as vrea sa recunosc uneori, dar oficial motivul principal este ca am vrut sa fie 10 lucruri care chiar sa ma caracterizeze. Nu le pun in ordinea importantei ci in ordinea inspiratiei..

Ce imi place:

  1. Sa petrec timp cu prietenii mei apropiati… timplul acela cand fie ca impartasesti nimicuri, fie ca iti deschizi sau descarci sufletul te bucuri de prezenta oamenilor dragi din viata ta.
  2. Sa ascult muzica - fara sa am un stil preferat sunt cateva melodii care mi-au salvat sufletul in cele mai grele momente.
  3. Iubesc marea si nisipul - balaceala si in apa si in nisip.
  4. Sa citesc carti care imi ofera raspunsuri la unele intrebari care ma framanta… genul de "carti revelatie."
  5. Actele de bunatate: atat sa le fac si sa le primesc cat si sa le observ fie la prieteni, fie in societate in general. E minunat cand un om face petru un alt om ceva ce el insusi nu ar fi putut sa faca pentru el.

Ce nu imi place:

  1. Nu imi plac oamenii cu toane si suparaciosi, acei oameni care se pretind un fel de termostat dupa care trebuie sa iti reglezi si tu temperatura… daca ei sunt bine iti permit si tie sa fii bine dar daca ei au o zi proasta toti trebuie sa ii jeleasca :). Sau oamenii injurul carora ai senzatia ca pasesti pe coji de oua… si in orice moment ceva poate sa nu le pice bine..
  2. Sa vad nedreptati.
  3. Atitudinea de superioritate: acei oameni carora le place sa profite fie de statut, fie de fptul ca sunt mai siguri pe ei ca sa intimideza sau sa umileasca pe cineva.
  4. Nu imi place sa ploua de Craciun…
  5. Sa ma jeneze papucii la drum lung.



I sometimes answer to a challenge with: OK, fine! That was exactly my answer to Elise’s challenge on writing this article. But the road from Ok, fine! to finding those things that I really like and dislike was hard enough... I admit that this may mean that I don't know myself too well..., or that I am more complicated than I like to admit sometimes..., but my official reason is that I really wanted to find 10 things that define me...

I won’t write them in the order of their importance but in the way I was inspired to write them.

What I like:

  1. Spending time with my close friends... that time when you share some things or nothings... and you enjoy the presence of the people you love.
  2. Listening to music - I can't say I have a favourite style but there are some songs that saved my soul in the most difficult times.
  3. I love the sea and the sand... wading into water and sand...
  4. Reading good books that get answers for some of my "big questions"... that kind of books that bring revelation.
  5. Acts of kindness: to make them, to receive them and to observe them happening between friends and in the society in general. It is so wonderful when a person does for another person something that he could not do for himself.

What I don't like:

  1. I don't like moody people... Those who pretend to be a sort of thermostat that you should adjust your temperature by... if they are ok then it's ok for you to be ok but if they have a bad day, they expect you to mourn besides them. The kind of people you really need to approach with gloves because you don't know what they're up to.
  2. To see injustice done.
  3. Attitude of superiority. Those people who love taking advantage of their position or of their self confidence to intimidate or to humiliate someone.
  4. I hate raining on Christmas.
  5. To have my shoes hurting my feet on long walks.

Welcome back, @myvictoria! Ai stat retrasa o vreme... dar ma bucur ca ai revenit. Se pare ca trebuie sa fii provocata ca sa incepi sa scrii, mai ales ca scrii bine. Felicitari!!!

Multumesc draga mea.

Intr-adevar o sincera si frumoasa prezentare. Felicitari!

Multumesc frumos!

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