Love It / Shove It Challenge...Yes, I am Behind....
I have been nominated for this fun challenge by @crosheille, and it took me long enough to finish writing it up! This is about a month (or more) late!
Thanks to @snowpea for organizing this “getting to know our fellow Steemians better” challenge for all of us! I have enjoyed reading other people’s posts about what they love and don’t love.
Here are the rules:
• List five things that you love
• List five things that you really dislike
• Use the first tag #loveitshoveit
• Tag five people or more to participate, but anyone can join in.
Here are my lists, in no particular order:
💜💜 Love It 💜💜
Arts & Crafts - Since I was a little girl, my mama (and my grandma, too) loved to do all types of crafts. Grandma was a quilter, and she was amazing at it. She worked on the old foot pump sewing machine. Before she got sick, she was working on a quilt for my college graduation. My mama did macrame and she sewed all of the time. I always had a good amount of handmade clothes for school. She and one of her cousins would spend every single weekend at Hancock Fabrics, figuring out their next project. So I think it is in our genes - LOL! I was into everything - those suede and puff and glitter paints when I was younger, and sewing Barbie doll clothes with any scraps my Mama and grandma had, and then after college, I got into crochet and jewelry making. I love giving handmade gifts to people to make them smile.
Sweets - I enjoy baking so much. Again, this love came from watching my grandma bake all the time and eating her treats she always had around in her kitchen. My signature sweet is my grandma’s recipe for pecan pie. We had pecan trees in our yard when I was growing up, and picking up and shelling pecans was the thing to do in the fall. She taught me her recipe when I turned 12, and of course I felt it was like a rite of passage. My cousins to this day always ask for my pecan pie for Christmas dessert.
Music - I cannot help it. I have been in love with all types of music since I was young. We had music playing in the house often. From rhythm and blues, to classical, to pop, to easy rock - I heard it all. I had lessons in classical piano from 4th grade all the way through 10th grade, then I took gospel piano lessons until I started my second year in college. My mama and daddy wanted me to explore and ask questions about the stuff I didn’t understand. They wouldn’t let me get the explicit rap, which was fine with me. And I didn’t really understand why country music had to be so sad 95% of the time - ha!
Action Movies - Yes, yes, a thousand times YES!! To me, action movies were an escape from the “bore” I thought my life was. I was a Bruce Willis fan, a Steven Segall fan, an Arnold Schwarzenegger fan, a Sylvester Stallone fan, and a Jean-Claude van Damme fan. And don’t get me hooked on Karate on Saturday afternoons, because I would NEVER go out to play!
Cats - Loving yet independent. This is what I see when I think about cats. I had two cats growing up. One ran away when I was in first grade, and the other lived until my second year in college. Cats brought so much joy to my life, and I knew they understood me. (Some points during my teen years, I felt my cat was the ONLY thing in the house that understood me and loved me.) I don’t have a cat now because it would take time for me to keep an eye on it, plus our hardwood floors may not like its claws.
🚫🚫 Shove It 🚫🚫
Snakes - Oh my goodness - snakes make my skin crawl. They may be good for the environment in some form or fashion, but all of them can stay as far away from me as possible. I remember seeing a snake slither up the side of our house when I was young, and I didn’t go to sleep for nights because I was afraid it would get inside somehow.
Texting while Driving - This one gives me the MOST anger. I cannot stand to see people driving on the street or the highway and swerving into other lanes of traffic because they are texting and NOT looking at the road and where they are going. If whatever you need to say is THAT important, then it is time to pull over to a parking lot and type (or even call). Value your life enough to NOT do this!!
Fake People - When I was younger, I would change who I was in order to fit in with everyone else. I was the fakest of the fake, because I truly thought I was not enough and I was too weird to be around everyone else. It made me so tired to always have to wear a mask around everyone. One day, I stripped off the mask and showed my true colors, not really caring anymore if anyone would like me. And surprisingly, people enjoyed being around me for who I am.
Spiders - I watched a movie when I was younger with my cousins called Arachnophobia. That movie scared me so badly. To think that there may be creepy crawly spiders that have the capability to kill you in an instant, and that some of them could take you away because they were so huge. Later I realized that this was not real, but my mind was already set on getting rid of every spider around me. My mantra now when I see one in the house? “Spiders must die.” And I grab the vacuum and suck them into the dust trap of death.
Liver & Onions / Chitterlings - Let me share a secret with you that you can gladly use against me if you get angry. Lock me in a room where the only two things I have available to eat are liver and onions and chitterlings. I will die from getting sick from the smell before I die of starvation. The smell is horrible, and the taste is even worse. When my dad’s side of the family came over to hang out and cook these two dishes, I wished that I had friends close by so I could run away. Even writing about them makes me sick.
Those are my Love It and Shove It entries.
Now I have to nominate 5+ people to do this challenge.
My seven are: @karinxxl @sarnalisa @shanibeer @hickorymack @rossana @kimwoo @thailand-funfun
Looking forward to reading your responses!!
Yay you got it out! Better let than never right?!!! 😅
I enjoyed reading yours! You cracked me up about sucking those spiders up into the trap of death, I feel the same way about them lol!
I wish crafting was in my interests at an earlier age. It’s cool to know you too grew up around crafters.
I can so relate to sweets and action movies too. Love them both!! 😄
That’s right - better late than never! This was fun! Thanks for the nomination!
Absolutely! 😉
This is awesome, I really enjoyed getting to know you a little more. I also hate people who are fake or who use their phones while driving- it is so dangerous and in 99% of cases unnecessary.
Thanks @thriftymum! My husband gets mad at the texters too, especially now since we had to get another car and he is very careful about watching where you are headed.
Wow! I didn't know I'd see another one of these! I love cats too! And liver & onions? Yuck!
Thanks for organizing this @snowpea! It’s been a while since I was nominated, but I finally got it done. 😊
If you donate 1 SBD or STEEM to @a-a-a I will resteem your last post to over 72,500 followers on my 2 accounts @a-a-a and @a-0-0
This was fun ... I'll see what I can come up with. Give me a day or two 😎
Sounds good @shanibeer - look forward to reading yours! 😊