J'adore et je déteste... | Love it / Shove it ~ Amelia Style!

in #loveitshoveit7 years ago (edited)

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I've been tagged by @seyiodus to complete a Love It / Shove It challenge. I've given mine a French twist - let's explore what I detest and adore!


  1. French language. French culture, food, and history completes the picture for me. There's a sense of elegance in France's staunch individuality.
  2. Take Care by Drake. This may be one of my favorite albums ever produced. Drake's new sound doesn't do much for me, but this album gives me the feels, the shimmies, and the good vibes on every track.
  3. Stationary and its associated activites. Fine notebooks with different types of paper. Felt tip pens and an infinite variety of pencils. Planners for days, lists, lives. Every color gel pen. Especially the metallic ones.
  4. Toast. Absolutely no wrong cannot be righted with toast. Bad day? Toast. Can't sleep? Toast. Extra avocado and a friend egg? TOAST.
  5. Thoughtful surprises. Not just for birthdays! Bringing home my partner's favorite treat when I make a pit stop at the grocery. Grabbing a bag of soup bones for my dog on a Tuesday. Sending my mom an illustration of flowers because I miss her. Receiving snail mail.


Je déteste...

  1. "Devil's Advocate." I don't care what you think you mean, to "play Devil's advocate" is to roughly poke holes in an idea that has not yet had a chance to take its mature form. Try asking "How might we work with..." and list your concerns for the idea's implementation.
  2. Disposable packaging. I'm over it, humans. Stop destroying the planet with single use crap. Burden yourselves ever-so-slightly to reduce the catastrophic impact our waste practices have on our one and only planet.
  3. Modern diet culture. Can we all just start eating because food is good and nourishing and stop when we're full? Avoid something that makes us feel bad and listen closely to know what feels good? All of the dangerous, triggering, and unnecessary diets are a human invention and they haven't served us one bit.
  4. Falling. I cannot stand to be without control of my body, and falling is sending me straight to disaster.
  5. The establishment. There, I said it. And I'll keep the rest of my words on that subject to myself.

Join the fun!

The rules are simple!

  • List five things that you love

  • List five things that you really dislike

  • Use the tag loveitshoveit

  • You can tag whoever you want to get to know better! As many people as you want!

And remember anyone can join!

Original post: The Love it/Shove it Challenge by @snowpea

I formally extend an invite to:

First photo by @kinwards, second photo from Unsplash.

Hi, I'm Amelia! It's nice to meet you.

I'm a writer, minimalist, tiny home dweller, and maker living in East Tennessee, USA. You might have found me through the Ladies of Steemit curation initiative, showcasing the female voices on the Steemit platform. Let's hang out on the blockchain and see where it takes us.

Proud member of






banner by @bearone


What a cool challenge! Looks like a lot of fun. Upvoted and resteemed!

Thanks, girl! Good to see you around here.

alright! we're down! it'll probably be in the next few days as we're in travel mode ;) <3 can totally relate to many of yours!! especially thoughtful surprises, detesting modern diet culture! lol and the establishment ;)

I love toast, too. You are beautiful.

Thank you kindly!

I need followe and Upvote,,,pls Upvote and followe me!

Not kosher to beg for votes and since you're new, consider that your orientation.

That all white though! Makes me want some toast. And jam. Strawberry. Like the kind you get in those little single serving packages? Lol j/k, viva la résistance!

I know right, imagine trying to eat a jammy toast in that all white getup? From back in my modeling days in the not-too-distant past. 🙈

Hi Amelia! I like and upvoted your post. At first I could not understand words like 'J'adore' and 'Je déteste' but when I read your post again I could understand their meaning.
Have a great time ahead!

Glad you waded through the French. 😏

Hi @ameliabartlett! Thanks for participating! I've seen a couple people say they love stationary and I think it's really sweet. I never would have thought of that. And yes. The establishment. Enough said. I'm with you there!! Love the French twist to your post! Have a great day! :D

Many thanks for this engaging challenge! I love these personal posts - they get me out of my comfort zone and help me learn so much about my friends. 🤗

yeah, falling can be tough

That photo at the top is so good!

Okay, this is the second time in 2 days I've been tagged in one of these guys, so I best get on it. I'm flying home now so I should have the goods this weekend.

Thanks! Cheers! PB on Toast4eva!

🍞🍞🍞 Eat toast everydaaay 🍞🍞🍞 tag me when you make yours!

Oh Amelia thank you for the invitation! I'll do my best not to disappoint.

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