My entry for @zizymena's #loveandobsession contest | Bleeding Love
Eniola Philips is a beautiful and attractive young lady, a desire of any eligible bachelor in the city. After her last relationship which didn't end well she decided to be on her own for four years. The story changed when she met Mr Ajayi, a very wealthy and handsome gentleman.
She was in the mall picking up a few things when she accidentally bumped into him, her bag fell and as a gentleman that he is he picked it up for her while she apologised to him and he smiled and said "its nothing" .
Then, he followed her to the counter and insisted on paying for her bought items. Afterwards, he asked for her phone number and said he would like to be her friend she refused at first but after much persuasion from him she gave it to him. They started communicating through chats and got close. Later that month he invited her for dinner at a restaurant without much hesitation Eniola accepted the offer. She had to go shopping for a dinner gown because it's been a very long time since she last went for a date, so, she had to look gorgeous on that day.
It was evening already and Eniola was ready to go for this long awaited outing. Mr ajayi had already arrived at the venue before her when he called her to ask if he should come pick her up but she refused. Eniola walked in and was looking so glamorous like a runway model. Mr Ajayi couldn't stop staring as he looked marveled, he said to himself "What a beauty!" They exchanged greetings and placed their order. After eating, he expressed his feelings to Eniola promised to treat her right that he was different from other guys. She smiled and blushed all through the night as she was already into him.
They started dating. Mr ajayi was fond of her couldn't go a day without seeing her became over protective didn't give her privacy. Due to his obsession with this young gorgeous lady, he calls and chat her up almost every minute in a day. Feeling that her privacy is been restricted, she complained and they started having arguments. She said she couldn't take it anymore. He apologised and promised to change his attitude towards her. Not long after that, he proposed and she accepted his marriage proposal.
Few weeks after their introduction things went sour when she received a phone call and he was asking her who it was when she said that it was her colleague at work. He wanted to collect the phone from her forcefully and pushed her. Eniola hit her head on the dining table and blood was everywhere she was immediately rushed to the hospital and was in coma for several days. After gaining her consciousness Mr ajayi knelt down and was begging for her forgiveness stating that it won't happen again. She forgave him and was discharged the next day. Everything was normal again until one fateful day Eniola!s cousin showed up unannounced because he was driven from school for fees he had not payed. Mr Ajayi came back home from work and met Tunde sitting he reached out his hand to shake Mr ajayi but he rushed upstairs to meet his fiancé asking her who the young man was in his sitting room. She was about to explain when she received a hot slap from him saying she brought her boyfriend to the house. Eniola fell on her stomach and was bleeding badly.
They got to the hospital only to find out she had lost a pregnancy and her womb damaged. Eniola couldn't stop weeping as she threw the ring at Mr Ajayi and told him it's over between them he pleaded but it fell on deaf ears. Eniola got home and thought what use it living when she has lost everything. She took a knife stabbed, Mr Ajayi and ended her own her life living a note for her family not to cry for her.
Oh What a sad sorry for eniola