Love comes when you least expect it - Joanna's amazing story

in #love6 years ago

I was really tired. The next meeting ended with a total fiasco. For ten months I had an account on a dating site, reportedly the largest in the country. And what? Nothing. It is not that there was no opportunity to meet. Almost every conversation eventually resulted in a meeting in the real world. At the beginning I was excited about it. I ran from one meeting to the other, I happened to have two dates in one day. But nothing came of it.

Types of guys from dating sites
First: undercover. Lots of men are looking for fast, enjoyable sex on the Internet without obligation. As for other people - I do not mind, but I want a relationship, affection, stability, a shared future. So we were not on the way. Unfortunately, during the correspondence, none of the "undercovers" had the courage or honesty to say honestly what he meant. They only said it later, just wasting my time.
Scheme two: desperate. On dating sites, it's crawling with them. They are men who want to know someone so much that they will take everything as it goes. And at the second meeting they talk about their plans for life. Massacre…

I think I'm closer to this casual sex for the two bad ones.
I did not sign out of the portal yet, but I felt more and more resigned. How did other people succeed? There are so many pairs "from the Internet", and I could not find anybody there.
I'm unfortunate! I will be alone by my death!
The sound of the phone ripped me from my brooding thoughts.

  • Hi, Asieńko, what's up? - I heard my friend's soothing voice and I immediately broke up.

I just started crying.

  • Are you okay? Speak immediately what happened! - she was worried.
  • Nothing happened ... - I was whimpering.
  • Just this world sucks, people are sucking, guys are sucking ...!
    "Men are people too," she said.
  • Do not interrupt me! I'm not sure if they are normal people! I'm not sure anymore!
    There was silence. Ania was probably waiting for the continuation, but ammo was exhausted. Anger turned to discouragement. Such a swing of moods has recently accompanied me constantly.
  • Okay, so something happened ... - she said.
  • Well, I have the same problem forever. I do not know if I'm doing something wrong, or have such a bad luck. It seems to me that there is no man on earth for me.
  • Oh, all over the earth ... - I sensed that Ania was smiling. - Well, that's a hopeless situation.
  • You have to mock me?
  • Where am I laughing?
  • You are so smart, that's how to enlighten me. Tell me what I'm doing wrong.
  • Probably nothing. I am convinced that you are doing everything right. It's just love that usually appears when you least expect it.
  • God! Woman, do you know that by this statement you undermine the meaning of dating sites? After all, everyone is waiting for love, such or a lot! There is no question about any surprise. Unless it is negative when it hits the fence again.
  • Asieńko, I mean only to not think obsessively about finding a partner, not to plan that it will happen today or tomorrow, or at the latest next month.
  • Anka, ten months ... Do you understand? Ten! I really gave myself plenty of time and I did not assume it would happen soon.
    "Maybe you need the eleventh month ..." Ania hesitated.

The best methods to meet a cool guy
I think her arguments ended. It's hard to argue with the fact that almost a year is a long time. Lots of dating and no sensible person. So either I was felted, or these guys ...

  • You have to change the method! - something dawned on my friend. - Did you hear about five-minute blind dates?
  • What are you raving about?
  • They set up a dozen or so tables, with only two chairs next to each. The candidate sits on one, you sit on the other and have five minutes to talk. Then you get up and go to the next table and candidate. It's about the magic of the first impression. If you remember someone, you can make contact with him and arrange a regular date, of course, provided he wants it.
    "You must have gone crazy," I said.
  • It's like a market with guys! In my life I will not go to choose guys like in the store! It's demeaning to the max.
  • Okay, do not be upset. I just wanted to help, but I do not force you to anything, "she murmured.
  • I appreciate it, but now I have to finish, because I have zumba. Bye! - I said goodbye quickly.

An unplanned date
I really was in a hurry. Instantly I changed into a tracksuit, slipped my feet into my shoes, pulled my hood over my head and ran out of the house. It was gray and gloomy outside. Not yet completely dark, but the rain was very limiting visibility.
I do not remember what happened when I stumbled across the street. It seemed to me that I was crossing the belts, but there were no belts there. Instead, a car came around the bend, whose driver had no right to notice me. I just walked in under him. Hit, dump, hit again, total vertigo.
A handsome guy was leaning over me
Flashing lights, blood from a cut or chewed lip, a figure bending over me, shouting:

  • Halo halo! Ma'am, please stay with me, please do not close your eyes!
    For the bright cholera this guy is screaming so much? I did not quite understand what had happened. I tried to focus my eyes. I saw a pretty handsome man above me. What did I do to look at me with such concern and anxiety? ABOUT! That's how someone who cares wants to look at me!
  • Do you hear? Please say something! Or wink at the sign that you understand, "said the man.
  • Yes ... - I started quietly.
  • Okay! He breathed a sigh of relief. - You live! I'll call the ambulance right away.
  • Ambulance? - I was surprised.
  • Sure! You came straight to the mask! You can not be so ... stupid - he smiled at me, so I unknowingly raised the corners of my mouth. - How happy I am that you are contacting ... You live here? Notify someone?
    "Cat," I said automatically, and only then did my nerve connections begin to work again.
    Cat? Did I say: cat ?! Christ, Lord, I'm pathetic!
  • And besides a cat? - the perpetrator and the savior in one tactfully did not comment on my confession.
  • E ... do not bother them. Will you help me get up? - I gasped.
  • Maybe it's better not to move ...
  • Easy, I'm fine. I am going to give an ambulance, because I will get a ticket for creating a threat - I dared to joke.
  • Mrs…
  • Aśka.

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