You need the divine touch.

in #love7 years ago

Text: Matthew 9:20-22

The entrance of sin into this world destroyed so many things about humanity. It provoked God to pronounce a curse on the ground and banish mankind to a life of sorrow and pain in Genesis 3:16-17.

" Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shall bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee. And unto Adam he said, because thou has hearkened unto the voice of thy wife, and hast eaten of the tree, of which I commanded thee, saying, Thou shall not eat from it: cursed is the ground for thy sake; in sorrow shall thou eat from it all the days of your life;"

The unifying theme of God's pronouncement on Adam and Eve was sorrow. From that moment onwards, sorrow was a heritage of humanity. But praise God, because whatever the Almighty God touches is bound to be good, irrespective of its initial condition. This is why every man born of a woman needs the divine touch of God. Only the regeneration of man's Spirit though God's divine touch can put an end to his heritage of sorrow.

In today's Bible reading, we see a woman in whom the heritage of sorrow manifested as an issue of blood for twelve years! In Luke 8:43, the Bible says she had spent all she had in seeking healing from physicians to no avail. At this point in her life only a touch could put an end to her years of agony and sorrow. Then one day, she came across the great physician, Jesus Christ. Her faith was so strong; she believed in her heart that all she needed from him was a passive divine touch. She believed that based on the power in the divine touch, she did not need an active touch to be made whole. This singular act of faith was commended by Jesus himself. I pray for someone using this devotional that your day of deliverance is here in Jesus' Name. The Almighty God will touch and perfect everything concerning you in Jesus' Name.

It is most unfortunate that the divine touch of God is going around the world today through the power of the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, but it is being rejected in many quarters. No wonder Jesus wept and lamented in Luke 19:41-42. The woman with the issue of blood recognized the person of Jesus. She knew her contact with his divinity would solve her problem, and so it was. Once, again may the Lord touch you today as you yield to him in Jesus' Name.

Prayer point.
Father, please touch me with your mighty power of deliverance in Jesus Name.

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