8 Signs He Loves You Deeply (and What to Do Next)
A man who truly loves you will do more than tell you he loves you; he’ll make sure to show it, too. Of course, if you want to be completely sure that this guy isn’t just with you because of convenience or lust, you should pay attention to the other signs he loves you deeply. But if your gut tells you that he’s ready to commit and settle down with one woman for the rest of his life, these are some of the top signs that indicate this might be the guy for you!
- The Way He Treats You Is Different
He might be living for the moment, but he's hoping for the future. He loves you so much that he wants the opportunity to love you forever. The way he treats you is different from how he treats other girls. He holds your hand in public, kisses you in front of his friends, and talks about being with you forever. But there are a few signs that also say that his time with you might be limited
- He Asks For Permission
0 ne of the most obvious signs he loves you deeply is that he asks for your permission before doing things. If he's not asking for your opinion, then it may be time to take a step back and consider how you feel about him. It can't be healthy for either of you if he's constantly doing what he wants without ever considering your feelings.
- You Mean The World To Him
It's a clear sign that your partner really loves you when he says you mean the world to him. Chances are, he'll say this if he's been with you for a while and feels like his life would be incomplete without you. Now that he has someone who understands him on so many levels, he feels grateful and appreciative for the other person's presence in his life.
- His Love Language Is Acts of Service
You can always tell how a guy feels about you by what he does for you. Acts of service is a language that any man should speak, but some don't know how to use it correctly. If he asks, What can I do? and then offers any kind of help or follows through on the request as soon as possible, he's speaking acts of service.
- Honesty Is Important To Him
Honesty is crucial in any type of relationship, so if he's an honest person, it's a good sign that he really cares about you. Honesty doesn't always mean the truth though. Sometimes, men will find a way to sugarcoat the truth in order to try and avoid hurting their loved one's feelings. However, there are some pretty common signs that can indicate that a man loves you deeply even if he doesn't want to outright say it out loud.
- He Can’t Live Without You
If he can't live without you, he may be deeply in love with you. But how do you know for sure? First, pay attention to his actions.
- He Needs Time To Mature/Grow Before Commitment
He's maturing, but not committed enough. Sometimes this is because he feels you're younger than him. The best thing you can do is understand his position and stop pressuring him. Sure, he might be immature right now, but what matters most is that he has good intentions and cares about you deeply. Just give him time--he'll come around soon enough.
- There Are No Half Measures With Him
Is it just me, or does it seem like you spend more time trying to convince him than you do spending time with him? It's common when you're first starting a relationship. After all, we don't want our partners to think they can just have us anytime they want. But, if your partner is ignoring your hints and making it hard for you feel comfortable when you ask for something from them, that's a red flag.