in #love3 years ago (edited)

Hello Earthlings...

Its been soo very long since I've had the urge to make a post!

Energetically I find it interesting that I got this urge right now just before midnight on All Hollows Eve!

I pray for peace within myself and strength and resiliance to get through what ever is to come next... The path I've been walking down is one of much pain, hard lessons, daily struggles, greif, and a greater love for myself that i ever knew possible... the hardest truth is that its not all for nothing.

I believe everything that happens is an opportunity to learn and grow and evolve...NO MATTER WHAT IT IS!
We are all complex creatures... WE ARE ALL LEARNING...and its impossible for any single one of us to not have to experiance real raw life ordeals at one point or another...

Thats why I was compelled to write... Feeling very raw... very lucid... very in the now.. like the tip of a needle point... sharp... crisp... aware... alive....I cannot express how long i have been asleep... unaware... hopeless.. its been years and yet... deep in my subconcious i knew at some point a shift would spontaneiously happen to wake me the fuck back up so I can proceed doing the work. I have a lot of things i will be sharing, some might intrest... some might not...but knowing i have a platform for open expression is the point !
alexa ebay pic.png

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