in #love6 years ago

Excerpt: The next day evening he present himself before  her. Without speaking a word she went and hug him which was quite  unexpected by him. 

 Fight ,fight , and fight…
until you find love… 

 Tejus and Athira , a struggling couple who have a glorious love story to  say , is in family court now. After listening to both sides the court  allowed them a 6 months time to rethink their decision. Not only because  of the usual procedure but also court finds Tejus decision as something  that made reluctantly. 

 Their story begins from a passport office. Athira was born and brought  up as the eldest girl in a lower middle class family. Things were smooth  until her father died of a heart attack. She chose to do graduation in  Education only because it has  great career opportunities in Middle  East. After finishing her graduation, she started working in a private  school just to get an experience certificate as it is must in abroad. 

 Athira applied for passport and she got Monday as the date of  passport  interview. She took the token number and waited for the Verification  process. There she met Thejus, who was assigned to verify her details.  For him it was love at first sight and things became very easy for him  as he had full details of her in front of him. 

 He just had a casual talk with her and find out where she is doing which  was the only detail missing in front of him. He deliberately made  mistakes in her details just to make her sit for a long time and create a  friendship. In between he spoke about himself as if he was speaking  unknowingly. It did work. She also started to speak her interests. He  allowed her to leave only after he felt that two or three further  meetings will make his route clear.

 After one week Thejus passed through her school (accidentally is what he  said to her) exactly on the closing time. He started the conversion  with the updates of passport and she said that verification by police is  all set to come in some day the following week. He liked her more when  he find out that she wanted to go abroad just for her family. That day  made them good friends as he thought. Messages once a while became  weekly then daily and all the time. That was enough for Athira to find  out that she is not the old girl and started a feeling towards him. 

  Thejus understood that things are going on the right path. Soon he  stopped messaging and phone calls just to know how she reacts. He got a  good morning message from her in the morning but nothing else as she  didn’t get a response from him. She sent a morning message in next day  also but it also left with zero response. It continued for 5 more days  which made her worried about him. She called him and the phone left  unattended. An irritated Athira went to his office but find out that he  was on leave for past few days and they said that they are unaware of  the reason. 

 Actually he was in the office and he could see her each and every  expressions which gave him a confirmation symbol that she has something  for him. The next day evening he present himself before her. Without  speaking a word she went and hug him which was quite unexpected by him. 

 Everything else happened all of a sudden. They get married 3 months  later. The first months together were heaven for both of them. But  slowly she started a guilty feeling that she spoils her mother’s dreams.  She is happy and settled but what about her sisters? Even though they  said nothing she felt that she has to do something for them rather than  giving them her small salary. Thejus was ready to help her contributing a  portion of his salary but she didn’t felt it as something really  helpful. 

 She started to rethink about the plan of going abroad and applied all  the job vacancies there and also attended some skype interviews. One  evening when Thejus came back, he was welcomed with a beautiful cake and  super excited Athira. He thought that she was pregnant and became  happy. Situations changed like rollercoaster when she showed him her job  visa. He wanted her by his side and she asked him to be practical as  her younger sisters’ expenses of studies and marriage  is not a simple  thing. She tried to convince him that 2-3 years of her life there will  solve all her family issues but he was not ready to allow her to leave. 

 It end up in a big fight and they did not talk to each other that day.  Silence share their room for the following days. Whenever it breaks  fight begins. They open their mouth just to say how well they adjust  each other’s negatives which made things worse and she left to her home.  Her mother tried to convince her to go back to him and there is no need  for her to go abroad and thereby spoils her life. They are already  adjusted to the life they are living. She was quite convinced and ready  to go to him the following day. 

 But that night changed her decision as the drunken Thejus came to her  home and blamed her mother and sisters for spoiling their life. He  called her mother as selfish, opportunist and so many. Athira lost her  control and asked him to get out from her house. She filed a divorce  petition the following day. 

 They came outside the court after listening to the verdict. He went to  speak to her but she left him without giving an eye. It was quite easy  for him to identify the play of helplessness and ego in her mind. There  he decided that he was not going to leave her for anything. He uses his  old strategy for that of absconding from her sight for some time. 

 From the next day onwards she started calls from his parents and office  enquiring about him. Initially she asked them not to call her again. But  after 2 days she started calling them back to know about his details.  But she didn’t get any information. His expressions in court and absence  made her fear something worse. She dialled him many a time , searched  him where ever there is a chance for him to go. All her efforts go in  vain made her hate herself for taking that stupid decision and realise  her love for him. She withdrew her petition and cancelled the abroad  idea. She even stopped going to school and became so restless. Every now  and then she looked her phone for a call or message. 

 One fine morning she open her eyes and received the greatest surprise  she wished to happen at every moment.  And she started fighting with  him immediately she saw him which he knows will continue till their end… –END– 

if you love this story you can read more of it through my source link thanks and please feel free to comment 

(image source)[https://www.meadowdevor.com/blog/2015/1/9/gotta-love-the-thing-you-hate]


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