in #love7 years ago


As I stated at the beginning of this month, one of the things I want to do this month here on my blog is to share some very helpful words of wisdom on love, courtship and marriage.

My wife, @thelovejunkie, is a terrific love catalyst you should read after. I recommend you take the things I'll be sharing here about love everyday this month of February and study them along with the things she writes.

Expect this to be eye opening. I'll be as simple as possible and as direct as I should be.

Over the years you've heard and read a lot of things that really don't work. So, I'll endeavour not to bore you with stuff that can't hold water in the long run.

The Word of God is always dependable and I love the fact that it addresses every matter of interest you can think about.

A Recap

In the previous post on this series we looked at some reasons why ladies say no to a man's marriage proposal.

My aim for writing this is to enlighten someone and render some form of help. Those in situations where this is very useful right now, understand exactly what I mean.

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We talked about four reasons why a lady might reject a marriage proposal. Please read up that post if you missed it.

In this post I will touch on a few more reasons that you should know about.

I hope these things can give the single guys better understanding and somehow help the single women know what to look out for.

So, why do ladies say no?

5. Women are Not For Sale

Some of these things I'm sharing here don't hold true for every lady but they do for godly and responsible women.

A responsible woman knows she's not for sale and therefore won't allow any man "buy" her with anything material.

Proverbs 31:10 says the price of a virtuous woman is far above precious jewels or precious gems.

A woman of virtue knows her worth. It's an insult to try to win her over with material things alone.

If she sees that the man thinks she can be bought with things; if she notices that he treats her as an item he can acquire with money or whatever money can buy, she will say no to his proposal.

A prosperous young man who wants to marry a woman should give her gifts with the disposition that it's an honour for her to receive them from him because she's worth more than anything material.

He shouldn't act as though he can control her with what he has to offer her. That's arrogance gone to sea and such arrogance should not be encouraged by any responsible lady.

6. Unfaithfulness

I have heard stories of young men who seem to be plagued with the weakness of unfaithfulness. Such people really don't deserve a virtuous woman.

Unfaithfulness is a weakness, not a strength. In Matthew 13:44 Jesus likened the kingdom of Heaven to a treasure hidden in a field. When it was found, the man who found it went away with joy, sold all he had so as to gather the resources needed to buy that field.

This is how a faithful man treats a woman who he wants to match. His heart is filled with joy and he lets go of all others so as to focus on the woman he has chosen to marry.

It's not true that every man is unfaithful. Just as there are virtuous women still living in the world, there are loads of faithful men still around today.

Unfaithfulness is a legitimate reason why a lady says no. A man who's unfaithful before the marriage will be give as unfaithful in the marriage.

7. She Loves Someone Else

We must learn to respect the choices of other people and to fully acknowledge the fact that they have a right to choose who they want and decide to go in the direction they please.

A lady might say no to a man because she already loves someone else and/or has accepted the proposal of someone else.

The man who receives the no has to take it with a good spirit of sportsmanship. That is, his response to the lady after hearing the no should be with a lot of respect for the lady and a good sense of maturity.

Life hasn't ended because you got a no. Sometimes the lady is even more confused than you are after she says no to you.

Remember that if you truly love someone you don't want to cage them. If being with someone else is what she believes is best for her, then respecting that decision of hers is proof that you loved her and still do wish her the best.

In Summary...

These, of course, are not the only reasons why ladies say no but these are some pivotal reasons why that's often the case.

This post perhaps isn't for everyone but I really felt like sharing these things with someone. If you're that person, I hope it helped you.



emotional stability starts when you are able to accept rejection..can't get a yes always

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