KURT COBAIN - 26 Years of his FLIGHT.

in #love4 years ago (edited)

Greetings my Panas Steemian@s I am @renny-krieger! Today I present you with a new article. Titled:


Kurt Cobain 1967-1994 [Morphing]. MCRA NIRVANA.

On the eve of 26 years, as a dedication to the flight of the young spirit


Photograph of the crime scene that was hidden for more than 10 years,
Source Seattle.gov

On April 8, 1994, an installer from the security systems company VECA ELECTRIC arrived at the home of the famous Nirvana singer Kurt Cobain in Seattle, who had urgently requested surveillance of his home. After playing and not receiving an answer, he decides to see the surroundings of the house, to observe the details of the mansion and to advance an idea of the place where the cameras will be installed, but he finds a surprise.....

Annex where the remains were found

Source: Seattle.gov

"... I surrounded the house, I found a small annex with open doors. When I entered I thought I saw a mannequin... there were many things watered on the ground but seeing that there was blood around the head I decided to call 911...

Source: Seattle.gov

The tragic news came to light, "A few days ago the famous NIRVANA vocalist Kurt Cobain died "....

Several versions were released at the time, the Seattle Police concluded that it had been suicide but the reporter of the case declared: "Kurt Cobain was killed ... the whole scene is a drill to make believe it is suicide. Strange things happened during the process, some evidence was not admitted, many previously shown photographs were hidden for 10 years and not processed..... Meanwhile, his death was spread as a circus number in different public and private media....

For my part I can be a bit skeptical of the case and at the same time doubt many things. What Kurt shot himself with a shotgun that burns clothes and his face was recognizable? At that time, as a child I didn't eat that story, despite many things; for me Kurt Cobain didn't commit suicide but everyone has their own ideas and conclusions about it....-@renny-krieger```

This famous singer of the group "NIRVANA" was the creator of the famous genre called GRUNGE by the record houses, which marked a before and after in the History of Rock, he was a cheerful and intelligent boy who since very small had a hectic life, between the influence of his great passion for the arts and the use medicines imposed by his parents to sedate him, a battle where the Music was imposed and an extravagant but original plastic expression, later the appearance of the artist, the fame, the problems, the songs until he was suddenly separated from us....

How did the artist Kurt Cobain come about?

A small Historical Context......

When Kurt was very small in his first months of life, the Cobain couple decided to move to Aberdeen, Washington a small and sordid village of woodcutters come to less, it was very frequent the decrease of jobs and although the population did not surpass the 20.000 inhabitants, the locality had a very bad reputation, for the time it was one of the populated centers with the highest rate of suicide of the United States, surpassing the double of the national average. A high number of unemployed inhabitants, alcoholism, drugs and frequent domestic violence prevail in this murky place.

"Aberdeen is a city rich in ghosts, where fog, rain and snow darken the sun for nine months of the year, while the industry dedicated to supplying the war market provides the few jobs that young people avidly dispute...."
Cobain's House 1210 E First Street, Aberdeen

As you'd expect, the house doesn't have anything flashy. It's normal, it's ugly and it's located in a poor neighborhood. There is no notice or anything where it is mentioned that I live in it. In fact, we are surprised that it is not worse, although it has been clear for a few years now that this man lived there and a few more owners must have passed. …

Visitor's comment to the house...

Bridge Aberdeen.

Source: Caracola y oruga.com

In the photograph above, the abutment of the Bridge where he lived for a while, when he was expelled from home... According to Kurt, it was the place where he composed Something in the way. All this may be more or less legends, but what is true is that there, the bridge that crosses Wishkah, a third of its ashes were thrown away.

In the surrounding area a micropark was built, where a commemorative fence was placed with the lyrics of the song mentioned above, written in those high days of his second season in the house of Aberdeen, this a sign of lyricism:

Under the bridge
The tarp has a leak,
and the animals I've caught,
they've all become my pets,
and I'm living on grass,
and the roof leaks,
but it's okay to eat fish
because they don't have feelings.
Something in the way


Fuente: CBS NEWS CREDIT/ AP Photo/Elaine Thompson

What do you know about Curtis's childhood and family?

The famous singer, guitarist and composer Kurt Cobain , was born in Aberdeen, Washington on February 20, 1967, into a family Christian , which he made known in the lyrics of his song "Lithium", he lived the first 6 months in a small town called Hoquiam, whose main jobs are in the sawmills or as a woodcutter in the forest.
Kurt Cobain's family was very picturesque, being against parts of each other; like all families, they had their virtues and defects, as we mentioned above, when he was very young he was transferred to Aberdeen and 3 years later his sister Kimberly Cobain was born.

Kimberly y Kurt Cobain.
According to his aunt Mary, sister of his mother Wendy, the little boy became interested in music from a very early age, loved to sing and began to play the piano at 4 years of age, taking the example of his uncles musicians, also began to write short lyrics about their games and daily walks.

Together with her loving mother, she began her incursion in the plastic arts, showing exceptional aptitudes and creating very original drawings. His great-uncle under the pseudonym Dale Arden recorded records in the 50's; an uncle named Chuck played in a rock and roll band and his aunt Mary, with whom he was very close, played folk guitar in bars in the Aberdeen area and even recorded in studios, with her he learned his first notions about music and the first chords of the guitar..

When the cheerful and intelligent child turned seven, the guitarist presented him with vinyl records from The Monkeys and The Beatles, with the idea of guiding and channeling the life of the misunderstood child who had been diagnosed with hyperactivity. According to his teachers, it was very difficult for the child to concentrate his attention, among several problems at home, domestic violence was present and by medical indication began his contact with medications that influenced his mood, this came to add the little success of the father as a coach and the continued failure eventually led him to move to other locations.

He was initially treated with Ritalin (a controlling drug), which soon ceased to work and began to give him small doses of Valium. Thus the little Kurt Cobain began his contact in the world of barbiturates and methylphenidates.

From his father's family, Kurt Cobain inherited the depressive genes. He was a sports trainer when Kurt Cobain was twelve years old, one of his uncles named Burle Kobain committed suicide with a shot in the abdomen and five years later Uncle Kenneth shot himself in the head when he was fired from his job. The generational spirit of suicide was already ravaging the Kobain's.

Divorce in the life of Kurt Cobain

In the midst of this panorama, the lack of parental attention, the presence of divorce and the consumption of medication, all this mixture deeply affected the child, transforming his joy into a taciturn and introverted child and with the trauma of divorce.

According to sources in the journal Medicine and the journal Psychiatry, the child Kurt Cobain was subjected to the consumption of methylphenidates, with dose increases, not having the desired effect; doctors recommended the use of Diazepam containing Valium as an active substance, introducing it to the world of barbiturates.

From there began the new and inclement sway in the life of Kurt, the problems and separations occurred when he was 7 years old and the final separation of his parents at 9 years. She went to live with her mother, but was unlucky enough not to get along with Wendy's new boyfriend and in less than a year the mother decided to separate from the child and sent him to a nearby village where her father lived. In the middle of this whirlpool caused by the recent abandonment and the difference in tastes with his father, uncles Chuck and Mary were the raft in the middle of the storm. Without having many musical notions, since he was 10 years old he began to play drums in school groups, in this way he strengthened his love for the arts, continued reading and drawing daily, listening to a lot of music from different groups, guided by his uncles; with whom he used to stay when a problem arose at home or when they wanted to avoid his strong medical treatments, which they suspended when he was living with them.

descarga (2).jpg

Cobain family, Kurt top left, in the right corner Donald Cobain, in the middle his stepmother Jenny Westeby and in his legs Brianne, bottom left Chad Cobain and in the bottom right Kimberly Cobain.
Shortly after, the father's situation changed thanks to the winning streak as an experienced coach and had a new marriage, his father noticed the inclination for musical tastes and gave him a subscription to the postal club of COLUMBIA Stamp and joining the musical repertoire Aerosmith, Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath and others. But as not everything is happiness Kurt's presence at home, began to annoy the new family with the arrival of the children and decided to send him to live with the uncles in Aberdeen..

He was again sent out of the heat of the home, he lived different seasons with the uncles and aunts of the two families, changing villages and places of study, taking refuge in drawing, music and reading. Until the day it was Chuck's turn to take charge of Kurt Cobain.

NIRVANA - Smells like teen Spirit. (Official Music Video) .

The young spirit smells his first guitar

The teenager Kurt Cobain was a boy who appeared to be very shy, with scoliosis problems, was generally used to be a lonely person and home, when classes ended he went straight home and practiced with his guitar until bedtime, began to be interested in punk and Sex Pistols through magazines and imitated Steve Jones. Bands like The Schocking Blue, The Doors, The Cream and others were shifted with The Ramones, The Clash, The Misfits and Dead Kennedys ... but really felt affected by the rejection of his parents, in the midst of loneliness knew very well the toxic environment of Aberdeen, the constant use of drugs supplanted him by the consumption of Marijuana that allowed him to be more awake and calm, so he pretended to feel good. He began to frequent people with the same interests and soon awakened the love for drinking, which according to his testimony came to steal on several occasions. From very early on he knew that he depended on himself...

The season in which he lived with his uncles Mary and Chuck Kurt's life was transformed again, they decided to discontinue their medical treatments definitively, considering them harmful and unnecessary. On his fourteenth birthday, Uncle Chuck gave him a magical gift, a used electric guitar with a small amplifier, Kurt Cobain felt excited and very pleased and in less than a week he learned to play his first song: "Back in Black", from AC/DC. From that moment on he was no longer the solitary drummer, but began to interact with other musicians in the school and outside it, beginning to write his first songs.

kurt guitar.jpg

Beginning of Kurt Cobain's artistic life.

In high school he met two musicians, Punk Scott and Andy, who played bass and guitar respectively and rehearsed in an old butcher's shop on the outskirts of the city, one day the three met to play and decided to form a band and have daily rehearsals. Kurt Cobain left there his guitar convinced that the next day he would return, but coincided with his return to his mother's house, it took more than a week and when he finally managed to convince a friend to take him, he found the guitar in pieces, abandoned between the trees and a note insulting him for looking bad with the rehearsals. This was the result of his attempts to cover his favorite punk bands.

In this new family the problems were not made to wait, the differences with the stepfather, the indifference towards the home for being so much time separated from a real home took him to identify more and more with the underground movement of the Punks. The Stroges, Wipers, Germs, Sex Pistols and the Raincoast were some of the bands he listened to and the music regained a new meaning... After a conjugal fighting event in which Wendy pointed a gun at her husband Pat, the new repentant Mrs. O'connor, decided to throw Pat out with the help of the police and got rid of the guns she put in a package (guns, revolvers, and hunting rifles) and threw them through the Wishkah. Kurt Cobain, who had seen it all, intervened against Pat, with whom he never got along, this time he was backed by his mother, who that same day negotiated with someone to take the weapons from the bottom of the river. When he had the guns, he pawned them and they shared the money. That's how Kurt Cobain acquired his second guitar. With a new atmosphere at home, a new guitar and renewed spirits, he made the decision to make music again, write songs and create a new way of facing the world, which gradually turned out to be new compositions giving way to the multifaceted and misunderstood artist, to his own lyrics, created his own melodies and adorned them with his own illustrations.

...back at home. The New Artist would soon shake the world of ROCK, creating a new precedent, the GRUNGE, from there he would jump into the arena and into the World.


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Peace and Love for all


kurt y frances.jpg

Frances & Kurt

Music is synonymous with freedom, to play what you want and how you want, as long as it is good and has passion. Let music be the food of love.-Kurt Cobain.

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