Singleness Is Not A Disease

in #love7 years ago


The feeling that others are married has made so many to end up with wrong partners, or even marring a ghost in the form of a husband.

Do you know that most ladies today are married for more than 5years without setting eyes on their spouse. Their spouse lives abroad while they are here waiting for a ghost of a husband.

Some even go to the extent of marring a man in a picture or a representative as a husband and at the end they are being cage all in the name of am married.

It is better to be single and desire to be married than to be married and desire to be single again.
Singleness is not a disease, don't look down on yourself because you are not married yet. Delay does not mean denier. They are so many marriages today that is in error many wishes they are never married to their partners today.

A lot of us thinks that marriage is everything! Listen to me, marriage does not mean fulfillment there are single ladies and guys out there that are successfully today and they are happy. Marriage does not always bring happiness your happiness doesn't depend on any man or woman it depends on how much you have developed and loved yourself.


Never mourn your singleness, your not been married does not mean you have failed. Marriage is not your destiny marriage was created for man not man for marriage.

Dignity is not conditioned on singleness or marriage. Our worth is rooted not in our marital status, but in our creational status.

Happiness is not found through finding a soul mate, but through finding satisfaction in a loving Father (Jehovah) who calls you his own and made you a beloved son and daughter of kings.

Do not settle for any man or woman because of impatient. Remember it doesn't matter how far but how well. That your friends are married does not mean you should rush in remember that if you rush in you will surely rush out.

Singleness ought not to be viewed as a problem nor marriage as a right.

Living a life of devotion to God will bring far more joy than any physical or relational pleasure.
Instead of mourning your singleness, position yourself where you want people to see or notice you, go places where you meet with people of your choice or class as you may wish, be responsible, get a job, learn a trade, acquire knowledge and read books that will edify you.


In all don't forget that God's timing is always the best. Ecclesiastes 3:1 and 11 says to everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under the heavens. He hath made everything beautiful in his time.

God does not withhold anything good from them that walk uprightly Psalm 84:11
God does not appear late He is always on time.

Image Source pixabay

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