72 Beat of Love

in #love6 years ago

The entire house smelt of fresh jasmine. I tip toed carefully through the big Rangoli that was drawn at the entrance.
Kirti weds Nikhil – I saw the shimmering wedding card in my hand.
The festival spirits were high. The house was pristine. I could hear some murmurs.
As I entered the house, I first saw an old lady, looking at a room. I angled my head in the direction of the look and I found a divine puja room.
“Uma, this is beautiful.” The old lady complimented.
The middle aged woman smiled and seemed to continue to meticulously place the strings of flowers for almost all of the framed pictures of the deities.
“Hey.” I heard a voice. Kirti, my friend stood there, smiling at me. She was the bride. She had invited me for her wedding.
“Paati(Grandma), this is my friend. The aspiring writer, whom I told about- you remember?” She spoke to the old lady.
“She is Srimathi, my grandma.”Kirti smiled. I smiled at her grandma and joined my hands to greet with respect. Srimathi invited me in and asked me to take a seat.
The middle aged woman from inside came out as she heard the introductions going on.
“She is Uma Mami, my mom’s brother’s wife. “Kirit introduced Uma to me. I smiled at her too.
I saw Srimathi walking towards the entrance. She walked to the doorstep and stood there, as if expecting someone.
“Harshith!” Kirti and I turned to a loud, firm voice that came from inside.
“That’s my Thatha(Grandpa), Mr. Gopal.”, Kirti spoke in a low voice.
“Appa he has gone for bathing.” I heard another voice, coming from a middle aged man.
“That’s my uncle, Mohan – Uma Aunty’s husband- Father of two, Harshith and Harini.” Kirti tried to clear my mind.
“How many times have I asked him to align the chairs neatly under the table, once not in use? Look at that.” Gopal pointed to a chair near the dining table.
“Using his laptop on the Dining table, eating in the bed, sleeping till 9 in the morning, when are these children going to learn some discipline?” Gopal continued.
Mohan shook his head and smiled. He slowly walked towards the dining table arranged the chairs and turned towards us as Kirti called him.
“Uncle,” she called.
“Uncle, this is my friend – My school friend whom I had invited for the wedding.”
“How are you my child?” Mohan’s warm voice greeted me.
“I am fine. Thanks.” I smiled.
“Take this juice.” Uma came out of the kitchen. “Sit down child, make yourself comfortable.” Uma showed me the sofa, as she placed a plate full of snacks on the pristine coffee table that was place in front of the sofa. Uma saw Gopal coming towards us. She smiled at us and went inside.
I again joined my hands and greeted Mr. Gopal, nevertheless to say, the head of the family. He acknowledged my greetings and smiled at me, as Kirti introduced me.
He was well disciplined, well-groomed and swift like a greased lightning.
“It is not new, at least for us,” Mohan’s voice broke my chain of thoughts. “My mom, my wife Uma and children have known who my father is. He is personified as an epitome of perfection and precision. He is our inspiration. “Mohan smiled.
“All five of your grandchildren are meeting after a long time. Your children might understand your demanding nature, but your grandchildren won’t. If you are going to demand discipline in everything, let me tell you, your grandchildren are going to hate you. For the next few days, this house is going to look beautiful even with imperfections.” Srimathi warned her husband.
Gopal did not bother to reply. He sat on his rocking chair with a paper in his hand.
Srimathi was still standing near the door, her eyes, peering out at the huge gate.
“Is she expecting someone?” I asked Kirti.
“Yes, my Chithi(Aunt) Akhila.” Kirti replied as I sipped in the juice.
“When is Akhila coming?” Uma enquired about her sister-in-law to her husband.
“Let me call and check.” Mohan pulled out his mobile.
Thanuja and Akhila are the daughters of Mr. Gopal and Mrs. Srimathi Chakravarthy. Thanuja is the eldest daughter of the Chakravarthy family. Kirti, Thanuja’s only daughter, the eldest granddaughter of the Chakravarthy’s is getting married in another fifteen days.
Kirti lost her father a couple of years ago. Mohan took up the responsibilities of leading the wedding preparations and other negotiations with the Groom’s family from the front.
As per Gopal’s request, the wedding was planned to take place in Chennai where the grand parents are living along with their only son, Mohan.
I heard about all of this from Kirti, when she called me for inviting me.
“Where are you?” Mohan’s voice disturbed the prevailing silence and my thoughts. “That’s great. Welcome. Welcome.” Mohan cut the call.
“Amma, come and sit. It will take another twenty minutes for them to come.” Mohan held his mom’s hands and led her inside.
He walked to the kitchen. Uma was already in the kitchen. I heard the clinging sound of the spatulas against the vessels.
“Yes Meena. Go to the store room behind and bring a bag of sugar. From today onwards, sweets must be a part of every day’s lunch. Bring 2 packets of Sooji too. “Mohan heard his wife as he entered the kitchen.
“Coffee?” Uma smiled at him.
“Before that, just because your in-laws are with you, it does not mean that you are still the newbie daughter-in-law. You are 50 years old. Take care of your health. The following days might be very busy for us, with the rituals going around. I might not be around every time to remind you, but, still don’t forget to take your tablets. “He paused to look at his wife.
“Sure I will.” Uma smiled.
“One more thing, “Mohan continued as if he remembered something.
“Yes.” Uma looked at him curiously.
“A cup of coffee.” He smiled. Uma ignited the stove to heat the milk.
As Mohan walked out of the kitchen, he saw us sitting in the living room.
I smiled.
“Make yourself comfortable child. You are most welcome to the first wedding of the Chakravarthy family’s second generation.” He smiled at me, asking me to have my lunch there, which I respectfully denied.
He smiled and walked in.
I looked at Kirti.
“Your family is as interesting as you described.” I smiled at her.
‘Will I be really able to weave a story around these characters?’ I wondered.
“You and one of your cousins are here – The one who misplaced the chair. Who else? I remember your grandmother telling five.” I counted in my mind.
Kirti had a good laugh.
“That chair guy is Harshith.”She smiled.
“You remember, they were talking about my Chithi Akhila? She has two kids- Arjun and Adhithi. That sums up to 5. “She smiled.
Kirti, Harshith, the two invisible ones and it tallied only four. I threw a skeptical look at Kirti. She smiled as if she caught my dubiety.
“I forgot to mention about my Mohan Mama’s daughter. She is in Pune. She will be here after few days.” Kirti smiled.
I greeted the elders, wished Kirti good luck and assured that I will join them a couple of days before the wedding and left the house.
“Can I meet her?” I asked, as Kirti came along with me up to the huge gate.
“She is in Pune.” Kirti shot a vague look at me.
“I am going to Pune tomorrow as a part of my job. My company has a Business operational center there. So I thought I would meet her.”
“She is a little weird, but you can meet her.” Kirti smiled and shared her contact.
We spoke for more than ten minutes as we stood near the huge Iron Gate. I bade a bye and walked out.
I let out a sigh and headed out.
As I walked I tried to save the contact Kirti gave me a few minutes before.
“Hey, her name?” I almost shouted.
“Harini.” She smiled and waved to me.Pune, Maharastra
“Dr.Harini.”, she heard a voice from the adjacent room.
She hurriedly placed the echo cardiogram report on the table and rushed inside, ignoring me, who sat in front of her.
The chief doctor’s room and Harini’s were separated by an automatic lock door. As the door took time to close behind Harini, I was able to hear some of the initial conversations.
“Yes, Doctor.” She responded to Dr. Sachin Patil’s call as she entered his room. Dr. Sachin was one of the leading cardiologists of the nation.
“Here is the report of Mr. Rahul. I have specified the medication. Go through the report, give general advice and other instructions and ask them to pay a visit every month.” Her chief doctor, under whom she was working as a junior doctor and also as the research analyst in cardiovascular system, handed over a bunch of papers to her.
“Sure Doctor.” Harini collected the papers and walked out to her table.
“Prakash Ji. Please ask Rahul and his family to come in.” She ordered the P.R.O, Prakash, who regulates the patients in and out of the consulting room.
“Can you please wait outside? My patient’s information is always confidential. My shift ends in another few minutes. I will call you in, once I get some time. I am sorry.” She apologized and looked at me, waiting for me to go out. I gathered my mobile and walked out of her room, waiting at the entrance.
She read through the prescription for her patient and gave them general advice.
“Please avoid fatty foods. No sugary foods too. Don’t eat a lot. Eat often and eat less. You have to follow this strictly. The medicines are given to ease the block in arteries. Your strict diet plays a major role too. Please go for a brisk walk every day. Please visit us after a month. ” Harini carefully placed the reports inside the envelope exclusive for the patient and gave it to them. I was able to get it from the sound the polythene bag made.
The family thanked her and left the room.
“So how is it going doctor?” A young male doctor in his white coat asked as he entered the room. He was followed by a young female doctor. I entered her room too.
Harini saw me. “This is Shipra and Kunal, pursuing specializations in orthopedics and gastronomy, respectively.” Harini introduced me to the young doctors.
“Guys, she is my first cousin’s friend.” Harini introduced me to her fellow doctors. “Know what? She is inspired by my family and wants to write a story about my cousin’s wedding. Her office’s branch is here in Pune. She had come for work and she came here to meet me.”
Shipra and Kunal greeted me as they took their seats.
“Hey come let us go. It is 8.”Shipra called Harini.
“No. It is only 7.59 PM. Let’s wait.”Harini replied.
“Why can’t you be nice?” Kunal asked as he took the chair. “We were listening to what you were speaking.” Shipra smiled sheepishly.
“What? What do you mean? I was kind enough. Did you look at his report? There was such a heavy blockage. We have now given medicines to widen his artery. If I am not firm in advising, they will not take it seriously.” She removed her coat and folded it neatly.
“That is right, but you need to be nice and soft to establish a personal connection. “ Shipra placed an arm around her shoulders.
Harini signaled them to stay quiet. The clock struck 8 PM.
“Excuse me, doctor.” She entered into Dr. Sachin’s room once again. “My shift is over. I am leaving for the day. “She paused.
“Okay.” He replied.
“Sir, as a research analyst under you, I have a gentle reminder. As I informed a couple of months ago, I will be on leave from tomorrow for ten days. I am going to my home town for my cousin’s wedding.” She reminded him.
“Oh. OK. I remember that now. Fine. Have a good time.” He smiled.
She closed the door behind and turned to Shipra.
“And now, for your personal connection stuff, See, there is nothing wrong in conveying things as it is. I am a firm believer of facts. It is important to be true than being nice. I don’t sugar-coat words or mince them. My mouth is neither a bakery nor a sausage machine.” She took her books off the table.
The trio moved. I moved along with them.
My inferiority complex level rose rapidly as I Walked beside Harini. She had a picture perfect slim body, her cotton salwar accentuating her perfect curves.
My eyes scanned Shipra. She looked like a better option to restore my confidence. She was a couple of inches taller than me but, that was okay. Being short is always cute, I reminded myself. She was almost the same size of mine.
I slowly moved and took a place beside Shipra.
We reached the cafeteria. As we talked, I came to know that Shipra and Harini stayed together in the medical college hostel.
We took seats around a table.
Harini’s phone rang.
“Is it? Have you found it?” She asked in excitement.
“Hey, I have been waiting all day long, wracking my brain. Better we find out the solution tonight. You know how curious I am. I cannot handle something when left untold or partially told. ”Harini continued to talk. “Don’t tell me. You are just going to end up chatting with your boyfriend. Anyways, Bye.” Harini cut the call.
“Shweta.” Harini told Shipra.
“Shweta is our roommate. These guys found a medical puzzle in internet and they found a partial answer. She is eager to find the rest. “ Shipra cleared.
“And I have to say, for the extra kindness you have in your tone, I have already started to feel sorry for your husband.” Kunal added a sarcastic tone.
“This is how I am. My words are harsh. My thoughts aren’t. I speak the facts. So if he can understand that, it is going to be okay. I am not that unbearable.”Harini smiled.
“Probably you need someone to hear your thoughts.” I added.
“On the dot. That’s what we always try to say.” Shipra looked at me.
“That’s the writer for me.”Harini smiled.
I smiled too. I guessed that was a compliment. The table had four steel glasses for water and a jug.
Harini arranged four glasses in proper pattern and shook the jar. The gurgling of the water wasn’t audible.
“If they place a jar, they are supposed to fill it. But they don’t. Great.”Harini threw her arm in despair.
I smiled. I got reminded of Gopal who arranged the chair neatly.
Shipra saw me smiling.
“Strange, isn’t it? That’s how she is. She is so perfect in everything to the extent that even headphones come out of her bag untangled.”
I nodded and smiled. She was an interesting person.
“Bhaiya” Shipra called out for the boy who was serving dishes to the other table.
“How hungry are you all?” Shipra threw a general question at the rest of the group.
“I am dying out of hunger.” Kunal answered.
The café owner’s minion came close to us.
“Two butter rotis and Dhal Makhni, for me.” Shipra began and placed the order for all of us except Harini.
“One Carrot juice without sugar and one tomato salad.” Harini ordered. Shipra made a face.
“Ok, I repeat.” The minion said aloud and repeated their order except for the Dhal Makhani.
“Shipz darling, he left out your atherosclerosis.” Harini chuckled.
“If you are going to call my favorite dish that way, then you will have to suffer an ethmoidal undisputed fracture.” Shipra snubbed Harini.
I threw a weird a look at Kunal.
“No worries. Atherosclerosis is the medical term for blood vessel blockage in heart. Harini is mentioning about the butter in Shipra’s dish that might cause the disease. Shipra in turn told Harini that she would punch Harini on her face and break her nose. Ethmoid is the nasal bone.” Kunal shrugged his shoulders as he explained to me.
“Oh My god, but how?” I was shocked.
“This is what happens when a cardiologist and orthopedic doctor converse and you are their best buddy.” Kunal smiled.
Shipra and Harini had a good laugh.
I almost fainted at the explanation, but luckily regained my conscience as the aroma of butter roti hit my nose.Lohegaon Airport, Pune:
The next day, Shipra, Harini and I stood at the airport. Shipra had come to send us off. I made sure to book the return travel with the same airlines, with whom Harini was travelling.
“I told you. “ Harini spoke to Shipra.
“I got ready at 6.23 A.M. You were late by 18 minutes. If we had started by 7, we would have definitely reached airport in 23 minutes. Now it has taken almost 47 mins.” Harini pointed to her watch. “The flight is at 9.25 P.M. I still have only 44 minutes left.”
Shipra smiled.
“We call her digital clock. According to her there are no thirties and forty fives. Ever thing comes down to the minute.” Shipra spoke to me.
This girl was constantly taking me by surprise. I smiled at my own thoughts.
Harini bade a bye to Shipra and turned towards me. I took my baggage and followed her.
I turned to hug Shipra and waved at her. The scene behind, caught my eyes.
“Sir, luggage.” The auto driver shouted on top his lungs. A young man, who rushed in, ran back to the Auto.
“Sorry. Was this yours? ” he placed the bag inside the auto. His expression still perplexed.
“Sir, I meant about this.” The driver pointed to a suitcase that was left unattended inside the auto. “You bought a bag and a suit case Sir. You took your bag, while you left the suitcase inside the Auto. ” The driver threw a weird look.
“Sorry.” The young man smiled. I saw him walking towards us.
“Hey Miss.Fact. Have a safe trip.” Shipra smiled.
Harini had earned the epithet ‘Fact’ after her fondness towards facts, science and precision.
The young man, who rushed in, turned his head as he heard the name. Harini made a face, and then smiled at Shipra before turning to leave.
“Excuse me. I forgot my watch and my mobile ran out of charge. May I know the time?” he asked me.
“It is 8.50.”I replied, his sudden question, taking me by surprise.
“Ok, I should be having 30 – 40 minutes for the departure. Thanks.” He turned away. My mind toggled between the two contrasting characters to my right and left.
Interesting. I smiled.
How good it would be if they could meet? I wondered.
My brain already began weaving a story around these two contrasting characters. I could definitely write a story, if they could meet, I smiled involuntarily.
“It was nice meeting you.” Harini’s voice disturbed my thoughts. I smiled at her as we walked towards the airport.
My Dilemma about writing a story based on Kirti’s wedding was resolved in the next few minutes.
They met. I wrote.
When and How? – That is where the actual story is going to begin.
The next few pages are going to be the wedding gala and all that follows. From the next page onwards, I am going to be a silent listener of the rest of the happening and going to pen down the story in my perspective.
Hope you all have fun!

Chapter 1:
Harini walked through an array of empty chairs inside the flight. She was twenty minutes early. In Harini’s terms, she still had 22 minutes for the take-off. As she approached her seat, he saw a man and his son seated in the adjacent seat.
“Excuse me. I have to go in.” She uttered. The man turned to her. He looked young and smart. He looked familiar. She immediately recognized who it was. He was the one who left his baggage in the auto. She sat and fastened her seat belts.
“Are you sure this big plane won’t fall?” The child’s voice disturbed her. Harini turned towards the child.
“No Baby. It won’t. “His father assured.
He had a small toy plane and was trying to position it in midair, while it fell every time.
“.. but this does.” The small boy frowned as he showed the toy plane.
“There are numerous invisible strings under this big plane. As it flies high, the strings will hold this plane.” The fathered tried to convince.
Harini let out a sigh as she shook her head.
Let it be. It is none of your business. Her mind ordered. She sat still.
“Who attaches the strings?” The boy asked. Harini was as curious as the young boy to get the answer.
“God does that for us.” The man replied.
Harini could not stand it anymore. She had read so many stories and novels, in which a flight travel had changed one’s life upside down. She thought why this one shouldn’t be one of those kinds to the man beside her. She decided to speak her mind and enlighten him.
“Don’t preach about Gods. Teach him about gravity.” She muttered.
The man turned to her in surprise- A surprise by the sudden intervention of a stranger.
“I know it is none of my business. Sorry for poking my nose, I just thought it is my duty to correct where science is not being told right. Your son is asking you a question with great credence that you would give the right answers. Don’t mislead him. It is a sin.” She shook her head.
The man to her left smiled. Harini was intrigued. The flight had started to bustle with people. Passengers slowly got in.
“Pappu.” Another man who walked towards their seat called for the young boy. “Daddy.” The boy rushed to him.
“Daddy?” Harini crooked her brows.
The man to her left smiled. “He is my friend’s son. I took him to a cookie shop to buy him a pack. My friend’s wife missed her wallet in the waiting area. I took the child into the flight while his parents went in search of the wallet.” He smiled.
He expected Harini to smile and apologize.
“If it is a sin to mislead your children, it is a crime to mislead others’.” She was more furious, to his surprise.

It had hardly been a couple of minutes. The girl by his side was already taking him by surprise.
The man had a good laugh.
“Just relax.” he smiled.
“Paapu, come here.” He called. The boy hopped off his mom’s lap and came to the man.
“Today is my birthday. We have a party at home.” The little boy spoke to Harini.
“Happy birthday.” Harini smiled.
“Didi wants to tell you something about the plane.” The man to her left gave the lead.
Harini hesitated for a moment. She gathered herself and began.
“Listen, baby. This toy plane does not stand in midair because it is subjected to gravity, while this real aircraft is designed to win over gravity and stay right in midair. “
“Gratuee.” The boy tried to repeat the word ‘Gravity’, busy playing with the toy plane.
“How cute!” Harini exclaimed. She held his arms and tried to explain about Newton and apple.
“Whooooshh!” The kid pouted his lips and moved the aircraft across Harini’s face. He stopped as he heard the word apple.
“Mama makes apple milkshake. Mama, Apple milkshake.” He yelled, looking at his mom. Harini was embarrassed. Few of the passengers turned towards her.
The man beside chuckled. “It is not that I don’t know about gravity. I just know what to tell and what not to, to a four year old kid. “He smiled. “By the way, he is turning four today.”
“Didi, Milkshake!” The kid extended his arms towards Harini. He was very cute. Harini took him in her arms, ignoring the man’s comment.
“Call me Aunty. I am 19 years and 8 months elder to you. I am little older for your eldest sister.” She grinned.
The man looked at her, eyes wide.
“You astonish me.” He smiled. His smile was warm and radiant.
“You don’t snub someone when you are astonished by them.”Harini cut him short, keeping his previous reply in mind.
“Oh, Well. I am sorry. I did not mean to hurt you.” He smiled. “By the way I am Sarva. Nice to meet you.”
“Oh, and, I am Harini.” She said. Definitely, not nice to meet you. She thought, turning towards the window.
The boy hopped off Harini’s lap and moved to his mom.
“Well. I was astonished by how you asked him to call you Aunty. I thought girls like it when they are judged younger for their age, by the way, not to miss; your petite frame just makes you look so young. “Sarva smiled.
“Three things Mr. Sarva. One, I AM YOUNG. I am just old enough for a 4 year old kid to call me Aunt. Two, I don’t like men flirting with me. So better mind your business and Three, don’t stereotype. Not all women are the same. ” She turned towards the window, the turn, swifter and sharper than the previous.
The next half an hour of the travel went in complete silence, especially in the seat where Harini and Sarva were seated adjacent to each other. The prevailing silence was disturbed by the announcement from the captain’s cabinet. Due to turbulence, the air craft was raised from its normal altitude of 8500 f.t to 13800f.t.
Sarva smiled at Harini.
“When your science can win the gravity, why not such disturbances too?” He raised an eyebrow.
“Turbulence is something very common. Every aircraft is designed to withhold certain amount of turbulence and cabin pressure on such high altitudes.” Harini cut him short. As she tried plug in her headsets back on to her ears and turn on the music, she suddenly heard a heavy breathing.
The elderly man who sat at the back of Sarva found it difficult to breath. Sarva turned on the lights, requesting the immediate attention of the cabin crew.
“Just move.” Harini got up in haste. “He needs some help.”
“What can we do?” Sarva asked in panic.
“Just shut up.” She snubbed him.
The hostess reached the seat.
The hostess pulled down the oxygen mask. A yellow silicon cup hung before the passenger.
Harini and the cabinet member secured the mask on the elder man’s face.
Harini held the man’s hand, as if to check on his pulse.
“There is no medical emergency. He just needs to relax. “She spoke to the Airhostess, without explicitly informing that she was a doctor. The second Airhostess came closer and made sure things were under control.
The cabinet crew took care of the situation.
“Inhale and exhale normally as you would generally do. This mask is providing you the oxygen. Your heart rate is increasing, which is not a good sign. Take deep breaths. Calm down. Everything is normal around you. ” Harini instructed the man.
The cabinet crew stood in amazement at the sudden act from a passenger.
“Don’t overdo. It was so nice of you to help him, but, from now on leave it to the cabinet crew, they will take care. Checking on the pulse is just too much.” Sarva spoke to Harini.
“What? You mean I am overacting? Excuse me; I am a doctor, who will be soon pursuing M.D in cardiology. I know this situation better. Just mind your business.” She glared at him for a second and continued to look at the passenger.
She ignored the astonished gaze from Sarva.
The aircraft was brought back to the normal altitude as the turbulence subsidized.
The elderly man was now comfortable and the mask was removed. Harini got back to her seat.
“ Wow! A doctor?” Sarva spoke, as she sat.
“What else did you think? A janitor of this aircraft?
“Well, I am so sorry..,” he tried to speak.
“For the third time, please try to mind your own business.” She snubbed him.

Next chapter coming soon in my next blog

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