The "Friendzone" doesn't exist!
Friendzone, this word can be pretty scary to some people, girls or boys it doesn't matte. Well, today I'm here to tell you that the "friendzone" doesn't exist unless you want it to.
Yes I said it, it doesn't exist, you see at some part of your life you fell in love and you just knew that, that person was the right one, your soulmate, the Rihanna of your Chris Brown, the Rachel to your Ross, the sun to your sky... Okay I went too far there...
Anyway, you picked up your guts and went for it, you had the Nike slogan on your mind "Just DO IT" and all was well but then reality happened, you proposed to her/him and the response was something like this :
• oh you're like a brother to me!
• Oh I love you too bestie !
• Oh sorry I love your father
Anyway the response wasn't very pleasant and you find yourself stuck with this person that you love but you can't be with and watch her date other people everyday that god has made..
Well shocking news buddy you're not in the friendzone unless you accept to be her/his friend after she/he rejects you.
Yes, it's true, for the friendzone to exist it means you have to be friends first but being friends means you accept to be that persons friend, what if you don't accept ?what if you said no?
You won't be friends anymore and therefore there will be no friendzone, it would just be a normal rejection, nothing more nothing less
And that's how you overcome the friendzone.
Thank you for reading.