in #love7 years ago

his story is Rated 18+

Movie Tittle- MY BOSS WIFE

Posted by Prince Daniel

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    ****Episode 1****

“Honey, the air conditioners aren’t
“Yes, you told me that some two hours ago.”
“I mean the whole house is stuffy. Can’t you
get that?”
“That’s alright; I’m sending the company’s
engineer to work on them immediately.”
“Please do. Thanks honey.”
“You’re welcome, my love.”
In less than thirty minutes time, I heard a
Siena screeched to a stop in the compound
as the gateman closed the gate. Hearing the
sound of the doorbell, I rushed to open the
“Hello sir.” I said.
“Good day Madame, this is Mr. Kayode from
Ray and Sons Ltd.”
“Oh, the engineer from my husband’s
“Yes ma’am. I’m here to work on your fanning
“Air conditioners please.”
“Yes ma’am.” I was almost blushing when the
lanky ebony-brown complexioned man
addressed a young woman like me, ‘ma’am.
He looked far older than me, if not older than
even my husband.
“You’re going to work on the air conditioners
of the whole house, beginning with the sitting
room, then our bedroom and my husband’s
“That’s ok ma’am.”
“If you can’t finish the remaining parts of the
house today, you may have to come back
another day.”
“No problem ma’am.” I felt like slapping him
for calling me ‘ma’am’ like he was addressing
his mother but I felt he was only being as
polite as possible.
“When you’re done for today, I’ll be in the
backyard if you need me.” I smiled.
“That’s fine ma’am.” Addressing me ‘ma’am’
again, I was seriously getting pissed off but I
decided to ignore his good manners.
Three hours later, while I was knitting my
son’s cardigan, Mr. Kayode came.
“I’ve finished my work ma’am.”
“You mean you are done? You mean the
whole house or what?”
“Yes ma’am. I’ve been on this job since the
last fifteen years. It was no big deal checking
all the fanning systems in the house.”
“That’s incredible!”
“I appreciate you ma’am.”
“Can I check them? Just to make sure
they’re working well so I don’t need to call
you back here again.” I didn’t want him to
think I didn’t trust the work is done.
“Why not?” He agreed. Besides, he had no
choice, I was his boss’ wife.
Moving from one part of the room to the
next, I felt the cooling capacities of the
fanning systems, as he called them. They
started working so perfectly like they were
newly bought systems.
“Thank you so much sir.” I was being polite
to him. Besides, he’d been addressing me as
‘ma’am’ since he arrived.
“I’m always at you and your husband’s beck
and call ma’am.”
Leading him out of my husband’s study, my
feet hit the table just before the door and I
fell down. I couldn’t hold the pain as I yelled
as if he was the one that pushed me to the
“Stop yelling ma’am.” He said as he held me
up. I suddenly felt a tingling sensation all
over my body and didn’t know when I started
kissing him. He was about to make a
comment when I held his lips. From my
husband’s study, we ended up in the
bedroom. Though the man was gangling, he
treated so nicely and I felt like clinging to
him forever. When he was leaving, it pained
me that I may never see him again.
“Thank you for coming Mr. Kayode.”
“The pleasure is all mine.” He didn’t add
‘ma’am’ this time around and that made me
happy. We were now on the same page.
“Would you like to have lunch before you go?”
I was trying as much as possible to keep this
man here with me even for the few hours
before my husband will be back from work.
“Maybe some other times dear, there are
other official duties I have to attend to in the
office.” His calling me dear made me even
“That’s okay but you take care of yourself.”
“You too dear.” He winked at me.
As soon as he left, my husband called that he
was coming home for lunch. It was unusual
because he was such a workaholic who
hardly spends time with me or our child.
“So to what do I owe this lunch?”
“I came actually to pick up an important file
in preparation for my meeting with members
of the company’s board of trustees this
“But when will all this stop?” I grumbled,
hovering over him as he looked for the
documents he came for.
“What? Where are you heading to?”
“Honey, it’s been like months since you had
lunch with me na.”
“I see. What about all the money, properties
and security I’ve provided for you and your
son? Do you think if I spend my time at home
all the time, you would be driving that car?”
“Is it security and wealth that make a home?”
Haba, this man though that he could just
leave a whole lot of me at home every
morning before he left for work and that
would somehow satisfy me? I am a woman,
not a piece of metal. I feel, and I have
cravings that I realized not only him could
satisfy today.
“See, you are delaying me ooh. Just let me
get what I came here for okay?” He kissed
my cheeks as he grabbed a hold of the
documents and then he left again. This has
been the routine I have been trying to get
used to ever since we had our first child.

To be continued

Episode 2

In the evening when he returned from work,
my husband was happy as he shared with me
his new position as the Chairman of the
Nation’s Electoral Commission. I was
vibrating with joy as I hugged him tightly.
This meant more money for us and I hoped
that would finally make him stay home.
“Where is Odin?” My husband asked.
“Odin is upstairs doing his assignment.”
“I see.”
“Honey, you know what? I prepared your
special this evening.” I said excitedly.
“Before that, I need to check an old file that
Senator Ogundipe gave me before my
“You must be tired. You need to shower, eat
your food and relax. You can check that in
the morning before you leave for the office.”
“What? You’re thinking too far. I need that
now in order to prepare for my meeting with
the senator tomorrow. We were classmates
in the university and he trusts my integrity. I
don’t want anything to go wrong dear.” There
he goes again, putting his work before me.
Was he the only one in that company? Didn’t
the senator also have a family at home?
“Do as it pleases you honey.” I said, with hurt
written all over my face. Now, if he would
just look up at me once maybe he would see
“Thanks, my love.” He quickly kissed me and
went into his study to go about his search. I
wanted something more but his work and
ambitions will not let him treat me like a
woman. All he was concerned about was his
work and work and work. He rarely touched
me and I’ve been aching for him. I wanted us
to go back to the wedding night where he
promised me more years of endless pleasure.
I wanted us to be closer than we are now. I
wanted us to be best friends and lifetime
lovers not just one bossy husband and rich
man who hardly spends time with his family.
Entering Odin’s room to check in on him, I
saw him already sleeping, his notebook on
the table beside the bed. I looked into the
notebook and saw his homework already
done. Seeing that his additions and
subtractions were correct, I switched off the
light as I went out of his room. My husband
was still in his study looking for the file.
Usually, my husband would go in and check
on Odin like I just did but he has left the role
of mother and father all up to me.
“Honey, I’m tired and need to go to bed
“That’s fine.” He said, “I will join you when
I’m done with my preparations for tomorrow.”
On bed, I pondered as I wondered why and
how I allowed someone else touched me,
besides, my husband’s employee. It was the
last thing I had ever dreamt of but it
happened. Though I enjoyed it, I just
discovered that it was unfaithful of me to
give in to another man when Raymond
provides me with nearly everything I’ve ever
wanted in life. The problem is that he doesn’t
have time for me and my desires keep
seeking for fulfillment. Will I continue to
m--------e because my husband hardly
touches me?
“Tonia, I’ve found the file. I can now shower
and take something before I join you.” He
called out, interrupting my thoughts.
“Glad to hear that.” He was so excited about
his new appointment that I thought he would
touch me tonight. It’s been quite some time
and I’ve been wondering whether our
marriage will go on like that. I was touching
my body, hoping to arouse him when he
comes to bed. To my surprise, after he
showered and ate his food, he entered the
room and sat, his hands on the table as he
disturbed my eardrum flipping through the
pages of some files. I kept shaking on the
bed, distracting him and inviting him to join
me but he sat there like one serious-minded
business tycoon. It was at that time that I
thought of inviting Mr. Kayode again. But
everything was just fine, the fanning systems
were intact, the Dstv and Tv sets were just in
good order. What would I do then? I can’t
continue to live like that naah.
In the morning of the next day, my husband
was dressed and ready to go to the office.
He and Odin were having breakfast as I was
putting some indomie in the flask for Odin.
He normally takes Odin to school in the
morning while I go to pick him up after
school hours because he would be so
engrossed with work at that time. He was the
owner of the company but he worked himself
to death as if the company would crumble
when he stops working. As the two of them
were leaving, I kissed my husband as I
watched his handsome face and luscious
lips. He had all it takes to lure a woman of
his choice but his commitment to duty
makes him a lover of work than anything else
in the world.

As his car pulled out from the drive way, I
became lonely again, not that his presence
filled up the house in the first place anyways.

To be continued.


Episode 3

My friend, Busayo, stopped by on her way to
get her wedding dress and accessories. The
joy she radiated as she tells me about her
fiancé made me jealous. We were classmates
in the university; she was busy pursuing a
career when I married Raymond. I’m happy
that she has found her right hand man now.
“Tonia, Peter is the man I’ve been waiting for
all my life.” She spoke so gloriously in her
British tainted accent.
“Oh, I’m so happy for you. I’ve been waiting
all the while for this to happen.”
“Thank you Tony-baby, I was wondering if you
could accompany me to purchase my
wedding accessories.”
“That’s no problem. Raymond and Odin have
gone to school and work, what will I be doing
in this house all alone? Let’s go get some
amazing things in the market my dear.”
“Hey, I’ve got news for you. My husband is
organizing a small party for just close friends
this Saturday; I would love for you and
Raymond to be there.”
“I hope Ray will not be in the office this
week-end like he does nearly every week in
the name of supervising his accountants and
auditors ooo?”
“I pray so dear because I would not be happy
at all if the both of you can’t make it; who
else I know again?.”
“So how is peter?” I asked.
“Trust me, my Peter is the best man that
have come into my life. He’s handsome,
hardworking, caring and really romantic.”
“You are highly lucky my dear.”
“Why are you saying that? What about Ray, I
used to have a crush on him ooh until I met
“I hope you were not playing with my
“Nope, how can I do such a thing; that’s the
last thing I would do, no, not to my best
“Give me a minute dear; let me quickly
change so that we can go shopping. This
reminds me of the day I and Raymond were
going shopping for our own wedding
“I’m also happy for you two.”
As I turned, going to my room and channeling
the Dstv to Telemundo, I rushed to my room
to dress up. It’s been long I wore any of my
innumerable jean trousers. I decided to go so
youngish by wearing a jean trouser with a
white top. When I came to the sitting room,
Busayo blurted: “What is this, are you going
on a date?”
“Date ke, I need to relax in something simple
once in a while since I’m not with a
“That’s okay but I’m jealous ooh. Are you the
one getting married or I am?”
“Better mellow your mind and let’s go
shopping.” I burst with excitement, laughing
out loud as I switched off the Dstv and telly
After shopping, I sighted Mr. Kayode entering
his car as we just got out of the shopping
“Kayode.” I called but he didn’t hear me.
“Kayode, Kayode, Kayode.” I shouted and he
turned, facing me.
“Hi Mrs. Raymond.” He was polite but not
like the other day when he was calling me
‘ma’am’ like I was an elderly woman.
“Hi Kayode.” I responded gently and gingerly
as Busayo pinched me, asking who he was.
“He’s my husband’s employee.” I told her.
“I can see your hands are full, that’s
evidence of extravagant shopping.” He said,
“My friend is about to wed and we came
buying her wedding accessories.”
“I can see.” He said, saying hi to Busayo as
she responded simply.
“What brought you here?” I was prying into
his affairs.
“I actually stopped by to see my wife before I
leave for the office. I’ll be working long hours
today, so I came to let her know.”
It’s not as if I expected a man of his age to
still be single but I had to admit, I was
envious and disappointed in finding out that
some lucky woman out there was getting all
of him.
“That’s good. You are a good husband.”
“Ok, I have to be on my way now.”
“That’s alright, bye!” I said as I turned,
walking to Busayo’s car, shaking my butt as
his eyes were all on me.
“What did you just do? You know you’re a
married woman?” Tonia said, making a fuss.
“Don’t worry, he’s just one of those diligent
employees of my husband.”
“But you saw how you shook your behind and
he was staring at you like his girl friend.”
“Oh, he was staring at me, don’t mind that
man joor. Let’s get going.” I turned around to
see if he was still there with a huge smile on
my face.

To be continued


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