My thoughts
My father once asked me what i wanted to be as a child i said to him i want only to be a hero. He found it odd. He asked again with more detail are you sure a firefighter a policeman ? I replied again i want to be a hero and i'd sacrifice myself for the sake of this world he looked at me and said hmm maybe i can learn from you son.
I am op demi God raunchy I've been treated like crap all my life and still i feel the same way. I honestly don't wanna be here it hurts me so much that i deep down in my soul love you all unconditionally even if you hate me or hurt me and i don't know why but I'll willingly would without thought put my own life in danger to try to help anyone that's all i know to be right but in my mind right and wrong don't exist only reason cause everything has purpose so please love me for i truly do love you all no matter how you treat me i take responsibility for all my own actions and still i mainly just want to be loved that means to me more than money could ever buy and that's what i think makes me unlike any other human being so i started to label myself a demi in my mind i feel I'm not all human i know it people called me crazy all my life used and abused me treated me like an animal or worse at times and still i don't hate them the one thing i want overall is love and admiration I'll get this someday i hope i continue to wish for this since i was a child please even if you'll never understand me cause I'm sure you won't just give me your love and admiration i don't wish to harm anyone i wanna love you all i choose to everything in this universe I'll keep loving you all until my final breathe