Horoscope Week Beginning July 30

in #love6 years ago


Love - Some of a new partner’s opinions and habits are quite opposed to you and grate on you, even anger you. If you are a person who likes an ‘opposites attract’ style relationship, which Aries often do, this can work for the time being, but you will already be thinking there is a sell by date fast approaching.

Career - While you are serious and committed to goals and decisions, you are also enthusiastic and not about to let that big picture totally fade into the distance while you grapple with minutia.

Health - Probably the best advice is to enjoy yourself but keep the Rennies, the Pepto-Bismol, and any other stomach soothers handy for the aftermath.


Love - It is best to have discussions and then let what you have both put on the table rest, just like you let a good bread dough rest; in other words, have your say and then leave things be and let emotions settle before you actually make a decision.

Career - Communications related activities, and also new initiatives of an academic nature are very successful, and so this is an excellent week for learning new skills, languages, sending out mail shots, giving lectures or sales demonstrations.

Health - New work coming in can be very exciting as you eye up the £ and $’s and yet you may be taking on more than you have time to manage and do be realistic or you will wind up snowed under and very stressed.


Love - It is not just about having a Yes-man or Yes-women backing you up, you need to feel that your partner shares your values and wants to support you with all their heart; where this is not the case, you may feel quite let down and as if a big chunk of something intangible is missing.

Career - Gemini are subject to twists of fate that can lead you to do something you never thought you would do and totally unplanned, which actually becomes a passion that puts fire in your belly and gets you shooting out of bed each morning

Health - Having a makeover, getting a new haircut, new hair colour, a spray tan, Botox, a body treatment, or just spending more time doing your nails and make-up can give you a psychological boost that soon has health benefits too.


Love - There is greater depth to relationships, and the emotions tend to be stable and mature. Progress can be made on all relationships issues, and confrontation tends to be reasonable and rational, even on highly charged issues like sex.

Career - Events can occur which help you overcome problems that in the past seemed challenging or even insurmountable. As things change, mind sets change fast alongside the other changes, and this brings a whole new light on old issues.

Health - You have to strike a balance between dredging up the past and actually tackling it positively. There is a difference between going over the past with a mind to bringing about closure and just rehashing it for the sake of getting angry and having a good moan.


Love - Leo will find that some of the bones of contention of past weeks iron themselves out without further effort from either of you, or perhaps they just drop off the scale of importance.

Career - Grab any opportunities you get to do something brand new as this can be a way to uncover new talents – Uranus is bringing to the fore aspects of your personality which were latent, and that makes this is a time when skills and abilities can be discovered and developed.

Health - Even if you have neglected your body, you have the opportunity now to turn that around and start regenerating yourself with exercise, good diet, supplements, and alternative therapies. Remember to tailor your new diet to fit your needs and suit your personality.


Love - Virgo can be stubborn emotionally in love, but you are also very keen to work on relationships you care about, and so if you can turn that stubbornness into determination to make things work, this is an immensely rewarding and transformative time in love.

Career - Things can go your way if you are just a little more patient and also observant; you can be so busy that you miss the obvious details which are helpful and not a hindrance.

Health - Work and emotional matters can be stressful, and both will impact your health. Virgo must be clear on who you are and what you contribute and how valuable your efforts are – if you underrate yourself others will keep trying to get more and more out of you.


Love - Librans may have to deal with a partner who is rather broody, and even though you are sure they are harbouring something it can be very hard for you to draw it out of them.

Career - Ask yourself, can you picture yourself in the boardroom or giving a speech or winning that sporting contest – can you see yourself in that top dog position? Often, you will find that you cannot really envision this without a dark cloud of doubt spoiling your day in the sun. Work on getting rid of that doubt, it is your glass ceiling.

Health - This is a good time for building up physical strength, and so you may use weights at the gym or build muscle; you may also try and improve endurance. An excellent month if you are training for a marathon, triathlon, etc.


Love - If Scorpions feel their partner is either detached or not fully involved and committed, you will tend towards stormy relations and some dramatic outburst. You are very edgy right now and it does not take much to push you too far in which case you get quite explosive.

Career - They say it is often not a good thing to be right too early; society or your profession are often not ready for the truth. Those who are right later on when it is the norm tend to get all the credit or sympathy, whichever applies. That said, Scorpio may have to hold back on some of the things you uncover right now until the time is right to expose them.

Health - If you are feeling annoyed or flustered, take a break and have a cool drink; stop what you are doing and only go back to it after you have calmed down. You cannot work well when feeling flustered or annoyed.


Love - Roots and shared history are often a good starting point for a relationship; that said introductions to a new partner from within the family circle should not be dismissed but investigated. Hooking up with an old school pal can lead to love.

Career - One of the best times of the year for those in the arts to attract attention or to vy for better representation with a bigger agency or production company/label.

Health - Good health is about finding your moral compass and listening to the inner spiritual voice. You cannot have good health while you harbour any anger or seek revenge, this is not compatible with recovery or physical healing.


Love - Capricorn are ready to turn a fresh page in love, and you are the one to encourage healing and forgiveness. You are also the one to suggest new directions and exciting new goals for you both as a couple.

Career - This is an excellent week to make a good impression and so time for interviews, auditions, competitions or be more active in the dating scene – get seen, get noticed, and grab attention by being more flamboyant and inventive with your image.

Health - This could be a breakthrough period – by doing things differently you can have a dramatic impact on persistent troubles. So time to look at what you are doing and begin to ask questions? Is there a better way? Is conventional thinking wrong? It is time to view deeply ingrained beliefs from a new angle and thus to better understand your options.


Love - Love is quite competitive, and Aquarians are turned on by having to ‘fight’ for the apple of their eye – so you get fired up in situations where you have to up your game and use your unique charms and clever conversational ability to impress a date who is eligible and can pick and choose.

Career - You enjoy conversations on a one to one level rather than a group, and you can get quite involved in long discussions with a friend, especially one with whom you share a personal history. Expect others to backtrack: people can let you down by going back on their word or saying, “I never said that!”

Health - If you enjoy your salt or eat a lot of pre-packed foods, you need to be eating your potatoes with their skin on to up your potassium levels.


Love - This is a more passionate time when you are bolder sexually than usual, even regarding dress or sexy underwear.

Career - There is a greater emphasis on ‘the show’ and so in all businesses you have to be aware of your image, public perception, and presentation. They say perception is everything in politics, but in life, in general, it is vital that you manage perception as it is the basis on which many make decisions rather than fact, in this fast-paced headline-hungry world.

Health - Creativity and any therapy which involves the arts can help you relax or indeed get in touch with deep emotions. It is not about being a master artist or professional dancer, it is about how use of colour, shapes or rhythmical movement balances your energy and gets you in touch with a higher self.

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