Kisah Cinta Sejati Akhirnya Tak Berujung

in #love7 years ago (edited)

Assalamualaikum semuanya
Gimana keadaan sahabat steemians


Saya akan membagikan cerita di postingan saya ini dalam bentuk cerpen
Sebuah kisah cinta sejati yang tak berujung


Mereka terlihat sangat semangat menjalankan hubungan kisah cinta mereka sangat bahagia.


Kisah cinta senjati mereka memang sangat indah seperti kisah cinta adam dan marwah.

Mereka sangat cocok hidup bersama untuk selamanya.


Tetapi entah bagaimana bisa terjadi hubungan mereka rumit dikit demi sadikit mulai lah terjadinya salah dari kisah cinta sejati merdeka yang terlihat sangat bahagia. Tetapi akhirnya percintaan kisah cinta sejati, sampai mereka. Tak berujung kembali sampai dia tertinggal sendiri penuh dengan air mata.

Pandanganku semakin kabur, teringat pesannya untuk menjaga kesehatanku.tiba-tiba aku ambruk dan dari arah belakang telah sigap orang yang menolongku kemarin juga.

"kamu??" ucapku,"lepaskan"...
"makanya mbak kalau jalan hati-hati" jawabnya sembari mengulurkan tangan "glend dani!!!" lanjutnya.

"masa bodoh" aku menjawab sambil ngeloyor pergi.
dari hari itu, keadaanku semakin tak karuan. kata dokter, umurku sudah tdak lama.

Siang ini, kata guru-guru ada murid baru, pindahan dari magetan. nmanya joko supandi, tiba-tiba aku teringat kembali dengan sosok lelaki yang sudah dua kali menolonku kemarin, "pagi anak-anak" suara bu putri tiba-tiba mengagetkanku."pagi bu" ucap anak-anak serempak. "hari ini kita kedatangan murid baru" lanjutnya" slahkan masuk nak, dan perkenalkan dirimu"
"baik bu, nama saya joko supandi, pindahan dari magetan" ucap nya
sejenak aku tak ngerti ini mimpi atau kenyataan. yak benar, laki-laki bernama joko supandi itu adalah seorang lelaki yang telah menolongku kemarin. "alah mungkin hanya kebetulan saja" pikirku

Suatu hari, sepulang sekolah aku sibuk mencari handphone ku yang hilang, sudah kucari mulai dari loker, kamar mandi, dan kantin sekolah. tapi tetap tidak ada, akhirnya aku memasuki ruang perpustakaan. sejenak aku duduk, tapi tiba-tiba aku mendengar suatu dering yang sudah tak asing bagiku. aku mencarinya dan akhirnya ketemu. kuangkat telefon itu "hallo"..."hallo yuni"ucap suara di sebrang
"trimakasih ya, telah menemukan handphone ku" ucapku, tapi tiba-tiba telefon ku dimatikan.
aku menoba mengecek isi handphone ku, "astaga" seruku, semua kontak dalam hendphone ku hilang,tiba-tiba satu sebuah pesan masuk "ma'af ya. aku yang menghapus semua kontak itu", aku penasaran, ku telefon kembali nomer itu, sial, sudah tidak aktif. sampai dirumah ayah dan ibu sudah menungguku untuk makan malam. memang aku pulang agak malam, kaena harus pergi ketoko buku sebentar.

Paginya adalah hari minggu, dia lelak misterius kembali menelfonku, kami ngobrol panjang lebar. sampai akhirnya aku tak sadar bahwa jam telah menunjukkan pukul 23.00,
'yuni, cepat tidur" teriak ibuku"iya bu", aku bergegas mematikan lampu dan masuk kedalam selimut. ternyata dia adalah anak sekelasku, aku bingung. akhirya pagi datang. dia kembal menelfonku, saat aku memandang keluar, dilangit tampak sebuah awn yang cantik berbentuk hati."heh kau, tengoklah keluar, kau ambl lah gambar awan hati itu, untuk kenang-kenangan." ucapku"sudah, ayuk mandi" lanjutku

Selesai aku mandi ternyata ada pesan baru darinya, "aku tunggu di kolam renang sekolah jam 7 pagi. tidak bole telat" aku berjingkrak kesenangan.

Aku mulai memasuki areal kolam renan, tapi tidak ada siapapun disana. saat aku memandang luas tiba-tiba aku dikejutkan oleh suara langkah kaki. "joko" ucapku lirh.
"ya ini aku yun, kamu terlihat cantik pagi ini" katanya.

Aku tidak percaya ini. aku berlari keluar. dari hari itu hubunganku dengan joko semakn dekat, sampa pada suatu hari, aku diajak bolos olehnya dan pergi kerumahnya. disana tak ada sapa-siapa. aku diajaknya masuk kamar. kemudian dia keluar kembali, aku duduk di tempat tidurnya yang lemayan empuk. tidak beberapa lama dia msuk kembali membawa dua botol minuman. dia duduk disampingku "hanya ada ini" katanya, aku hanya mengangguk pelan. perlhan kudengr desah nafasnya. dia memandangiku, semakin dekat, semakin dekat. dan akhirnya.. lama kami bercumbu dalam cinta bukan nafsu, tiba-tiba aku terbangun, dan tentunya tetap mengenakan pakaian. karena kami tidak melakukan hubungan layakya suami dan istri, just kissing kok. saat aku akan pergi. tiba tiba dia berucp "hat-hati ya nitta", betapa remuk hatiku, karena yang di sebut bukan diriku melainkan perempuan lain, aku berlari. sampai aku d ujung jalan di mengirimi ku pesan "ma;af tdk bsa mengantar. aku ketduran". aku menyakan "siapa nitta?" tapi tdak jadi kukirimkan, kemudian aku mebalasnya. "apa aku dapat mempercayaimu"

Dengan singkat dia membalas "tentu", mulai hari itu aku menjauh darinya dan memutuskan untuk pindah sekolah, agar aku dapat melupakannya. baru kusadari jika cintaku ini tak berujung.


Ini yang mereka janjiankan ketika kisah cinta sejati mereka masih bersatu.


Assalamualaikum everything
How are your friends steemians


I will share the story in my post in the form of short stories.
A true endless love story


They look very passionate about running their love affair very happy.


The story of their true love is very beautiful like the love story of adam and marwah
They are perfect for living together forever.


Ereka little complicated for the sadikit began the wrong occurrence of the true love story of freedom that looks very happy. But finally the romance of true love story, until they are. Endless again until he left behind himself filled with tears.

My gaze blurred, remembering her message to take care of my health. Suddenly I collapsed and from the back was swiftly the person who helped me yesterday as well.

"you??" I say, "release" ...
"So if the road is careful" he replied while extending a hand "glend dani !!!" He continued.

Itself is full of tears.

My gaze blurred, remembering her message to take care of my health. Suddenly I collapsed and from the back was swiftly the person who helped me yesterday as well.

"you??" I say, "release" ...
"So if the road is careful" he replied while extending a hand "glend dani !!!" He continued.

"Ignorance" I replied while ngeloyor go.
From that day, I became more and more unruly. Said the doctor, my age is not long.

This afternoon, said the teachers there are new students, moving from magetan. Nmanya joko supandi, suddenly I remembered again with the figure of the man who had twice menolonku yesterday, "morning children" voice bu daughter suddenly startle me "morning bu," said children in unison. "Today we are coming new students" he continued "please enter the child, and introduce yourself"
"Well bu, my name is joko supandi, move from magetan" he said
For a moment I do not understand this is a dream or a reality. Yak right, the man named joko supandi is a man who helped me yesterday. "It may just be a coincidence" I thought

One day, after school I was busy looking for my lost mobile phone, I was looking from the locker, the bathroom, and the school cafeteria. But still nothing, I finally enter the library room. I sat for a moment, but suddenly I heard a familiar ringing sound. I looked for it and finally found it. I picked up the phone "hallo" ... "hallo yuni" said the voice on the other side.

simultaneously. "Today we are coming new students" he continued "please enter the child, and introduce yourself"
"Well bu, my name is joko supandi, move from magetan" he said
For a moment I do not understand this is a dream or a reality. Yak right, the man named joko supandi is a man who helped me yesterday. "It may just be a coincidence" I thought

One day, after school I was busy looking for my lost mobile phone, I was looking from the locker, the bathroom, and the school cafeteria. But still nothing, I finally enter the library room. I sat for a moment, but suddenly I heard a familiar ringing sound. I looked for it and finally found it. I picked up the phone "hallo" ... "hallo yuni" said the voice on the other side
"Thanks tmakasih, have found my phone" I said, but suddenly my phone is turned off.
I tried to check the contents of my phone, "geez" I cried, all contacts in my hendphone disappeared, suddenly a message came in "ma'af yes I deleted all the contacts", I'm curious, I call back that number, , Is inactive. Got home my father and mother were waiting for me to have dinner. Indeed I came home rather late, because I had to go ketoko book for a while.

The next morning is Sunday, he's a mysterious man back calling me, we talked at length. Until at last I did not realize that the clock had shown 23:00,
'Yuni, fast asleep', my mother shouted "yeah bu", I hurriedly turned off the lights and went inside the blanket, it turns out he is my classmate, I am confused, the next morning came, he returned call me, as I looked out, the sky looked a beautiful awn Heart shaped. "Heh you, look out, you got the picture of the clouds of the heart, for the memento." I said "up to you, bathing " I continued

Rushing off the lights and into the blanket. It turns out he is my classmate, I'm confused. The morning came. He returned calling me, as I looked out, in the sky a beautiful, heart-shaped awn. "Heh you, look out, you're the picture of the cloud of hearts, for the memories." I said "already, bath swing" I continued

After I showered there was a new message from him, "I wait in the school pool at 7 am not late bole" I jogged pleasure.

I started to enter the renan pool area, but there was no one there. As I stared wide I was suddenly startled by the sound of footsteps. "Joko" I say lirh.
"Yes it's me yun, you look beautiful this morning" he said.

I do not believe this. I ran out. From that day my relationship with joko semakn close, until one day, I was invited to skip by him and go to his house. There is no greeting anyone. I invited him into the room. Then he came out again, I sat on his soft cotton bed. Not long after he returned to bring two bottles of drink. He sat next to me "there's only this" he said, I just nodded slowly. I wake up breathing. He looked at me, closer, closer. And finally .. long time we flirted in love not lust, suddenly I woke up, and of course still wearing clothes. Because we do not do a relationship husband and wife, just kissing kok. When I'm leaving. Suddenly he was "careful nitta", how crushed my heart, because what I call not myself but other women, I run. Until i d the end of the road in sending me message "sorry i can drove me, i am sleep". I say "who is nitta?" But I did not send it, then I can. "Can i trust you"

He briefly replied "of course," from that day on I stepped away from him and decided to change school, so I could forget him. I just realized if my love is endless.

This is what they promise when their true love story is still united

Thank you for reading and do not hesitate to comment on it, because one steemian friend's voice is very meaningful. Upvote and Resteem.. @Julfan

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