Moving On From A Heartbreak
LOVE can be extremely painful and can leave you shattered and broken into pieces. Heartbreak is caused by different reasons—betrayals, unfulfilled dreams, disappointments and expectations. It would really affect your life in more ways than one. It can even distract you from your daily routines, and worse, affect your work performance. When your heart is broken, you become a different person. Life becomes dark, it gets harder to smile and makes you forget about all other things you should be thankful for. You forget about your family and friends who loves you. You forget that life is still beautiful and one heartbreak shouldn't make your world stop on revolving.

Is it worth the pain and trouble?
You have to assess the situation. Does the person who broke your heart worthy enough of your tears, time and energy? Is losing him a big loss in your life or maybe a blessing in disguise because you're better off without him? You have to think harder. There's a reason for everything. What if God has better plans that's why He got rid of that person in your life? What if he's hindering you from becoming a better version of yourself? What if your relationship is getting toxic and is leading to nowhere? Not everything is worth fighting for. Sometimes you need to accept that things won't always go along your way. You need to loosen your grip and let go of the people that are not healthy for you anymore.
Know your worth.
Don't pity yourself. Don't ever think that you're less than perfect because someone left you. Never doubt yourself. Never question your worth. Stop asking if you haven't done enough or if you've done too much. You have to accept that you are not for everyone. Some people would love you fiercely and some people wouldn't want to be with you simply because you're not in line with their values or your character doesn't exactly compliment with theirs. And that is fine. That is completely okay. Again, you are not for everyone. You don't have to change yourself to fit in with their standards. Be yourself and the right people will find you good enough for them to stay in your life.
Feel the pain.
You cannot totally move on from a heartbreak without accepting and feeling the pain. Let the fact that someone you valued and cherished hurt you sink in. Cry if you must. Lock yourself inside your room maybe for a day or two and do nothing. But eventually, you can't let the pain eat you alive. You have to get up and continue your journey with a renewed strength. You have to move on and accept that pain is inevitable, that love and pain is a package deal. By falling in love, you're also risking your heart.
Indulge yourself on the things that you love, talk to the people that matters to you, re-evaluate yourself and remind yourself of your value. We have different ways of coping up. Do it your way. Listen to advices and consider doing them. Heartbreak is a challenging stage. It can either shatter everything in you beyond repair or it can make you a stronger and better person. Choose to be the latter.

Don't be bitter. Heartbreak is just a phase you need to experience over and over again to teach you different lessons about love and life. Don't lose hope. Don't lose faith in love. Nothing lasts forever... Including pain. Especially, pain. You will not be brokenhearted forever. Give it some time. All wounds heal.

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Ka nice ani bossing oyy !
Loving can hurt, loving can hurt sometimes
But it's the only thing that I know
When it gets hard, you know it can get hard sometimes
It is the only thing that makes us feel alive… 🎶
Hahaha. Cute! That's one of my favorites too.
Oops, typo! Haha! *coincidence 😅
Make a cover song and post it here! 😂