Is it love or infatuation?

in #love7 years ago

How do you define love?
What is infatuation and what is love?
Are they different?

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LOVE, in the Bible; 1 Corinthians 13:4-5: “Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs." In dictionary, love is defined as an intense feeling of deep affection. Well, we all have our definition of love. Maybe you define it well or maybe not. It is the most powerful emotion a human being can experience.

Love isn't always perfect, right? It's an unconditional commitment to an imperfect person. It's not like a fairytale in a storybook. But what about infatuation, are we really in love or this is just an infatuation? Based on the dictionary, Infatuation is an intense but short-lived passion or admiration for someone or something. It's like you find a perfect person or of being carried away by an unreasoned passion.

So I made my own graph to distinguish what is love and infatuation. So are we really in love? Or like Jack Miller's song dazed and confused? Don't forget that love survives all the arguments while glosses over arguments if that's an infatuation. Love is a built on a strong foundation and the other is just temporarily. Being in love gives you more positive energy.

So how can you say that you are in love and that's not an infatuation?

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  • You are not just attracted but you are also connected with your partner physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.
  • You know how to forgive and forget.

  • You like who you are in that relationship.

  • You can express what you feel.

  • You are happy and free.

  • You are confident whenever he/she isn't around.

  • You have a peace of mind.

  • You feel secure and stable.

  • You are proud of your relationship status.

  • You appreciate him/her even on his/her small gestures.

  • No material possessions involved.

  • You feel the contentment and fulfilled.

  • You feel good about the way your partner and yourself interact and resolve issues.

  • Lastly, you are who you are in that relationship.

Laugh out loud. I'm not an expert but I just felt now what love and what's not. Most of my past relationships are just an infatuation that I thought I'm in love. So we must distinguish what is the real love. But don't get me wrong, this is just how I weigh things out. Most of the teenager's experience infatuation and mistake it for love. Like what I did! Many adults told us "don't take it seriously, that's just an infatuation" and were like a stubborn baby that we don't follow them because of what we thought and we call it "LOVE" even if it's not. So if you meet someone whom you like, and you feel like you're in love. Please take time and soon you'll find it out.

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Happy Monday Everyone!


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