The story of my first love 😿 PLATONIC LOVE

in #love6 years ago (edited)

    This story that I will tell, relates part of my childhood and adolescence while I was studying my school and high school, something that happened to me! and I can say that although it was nice it was also sad and depressing.


    It all started when I was in 6th grade at my school, I grew up in Pampanito, a town in Trujillo state, Venezuela, my parents worked all day and that's why I spent more time at my grandmother's house with my brother who was always my confidant and my best friend, but of the guy I will tell you about, let's call him hemmm Jose, I met him in the classroom when we started the study day, our school was average, but he not! He was the nice guy that usually called attention and I was the one of the chubby girl with few friends, who passed between books and did not socialize much, his mom was a friend of mine, so she knew my study skills, so she always liked i am to guide Jose with the subjects and do the exams with him, which united us and made us good friends, or he considered me his friend for me, he was more than one.  :S

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    My infatuation extended until we entered the first year, (I have to tell you that I study with me until the 5th year, you can imagine everything that this hard) but I continue, the fact of studying with him in the same classroom, made me happy, it's more one of my motivations to attend class, something that others considered boring, was to see him, I always tried to put any kind of conversation thing that was not so easy due to my level of shyness I must confess like a fool always drew hearts in the notebooks with our initials (embarrassment) but when I saw him enter the classroom in my hands began to sweat was something incredible that until now has not happened to anyone else.

  Once we were going to present a biology exam and I had not studied, nothing at all a friend convinced me to make a chuleta! that's how we say in Venezuela to cheat on an exam ... and keep it under my sheet of paper, this was the first time I did it, so I was super nervous that they were going to I caught, but I took a risk and I did, during the exam my nervousness was made to notice something that obviously was not normal for me and I call the attention of the teacher who approached me and told me to raise the sheet and yes! there was the chuleta u_u all turned to see me and I almost died of grief, he looked me with a joking smile, at that moment I wanted to swallow the earth with everything and exam :C leaving the lounge everyone was gossiping about my daring act because I was the lab mouse that got the best grades, and of course Jose also did not overlook it in a funny tone began to make fun of me :S that year elapsed normal until we went to second year and he had the first girlfriend at least  the first one I met, for me it was a hard blow because seeing him with another girl and even more seeing him go hand in hand and kissing her made me feel very bad 🙀 and even made me cry, of course it did not last long for what I could observe at the time, that year was not all bad because I also met the one who was my best friend until the last days as a student, to her besides my brother I told her my feelings, my friend always told me to tell him, that I was not stupid, that I would not lose anything, but I was very, very, very shy to do it and I was afraid that he would reject me and that friendship we had would be lost because of me, that's why I always kept it a secret, during all this time in class I always did the exams in pairs with him, the group work with him, the exhibitions together and it was there where the classmates began to realize that something was happening, of they began to realize that something was going on, of course, less for him, who saw me as nothing more than a friend who helped him in class.

       Once in 4th year my friend got tired of all my suffering, and she took me by the arm and took me a few meters from where Jose was, she claimed me and told me it's enough Gusmary you have to tell her what you feel, it's stupid you keep hiding, he will have noticed and is waiting for you to confirm it we are going to tell him, I frightened and cowardly I let go of his hand and went to the other side, which she later reproached me, days later A close friend of Jose told me that she had talked to him and confessed that he knew everything 😓 (he already knew that I was in love !!!) she recommended that if he even knew, he did not say anything at all, it was because He did not care and that I had to forget (something I had been trying to do for 2 years but I had not succeeded) I remember that night was the last time I cried for his cause, try to distance myself from him in every possible way I almost did not talk to him just because of work issues s that were left pending, on one occasion finished 4th year I remember that in sports class I smeared the white flannel with a scrape of red and he began to laugh so much at me, that a classmate said: Juummm to Jose like he likes Gusmary esooo !, and he got serious but he did not say anything and my cheeks matched the red color of the stain on my flannel 😰 I have to admit that after so much time, listening like this was a joke that he liked me, I was filled with satisfaction and I said to myself, now if I can keep calm because I know that this is so very little, he really had a connection with me, a lot later I met a boy who was my first boyfriend (yes, my first boyfriend was in 4th year of high school) that made me forget the love of so many years that I had for Jose, if I could now reflect on my story I would say that I was a very silly girl Maybe I should have told him about my feelings, even if I risk rejecting or losing friendship, that would have made me have the peace of mind I so badly need. Currently, although we live in the same town, I have not seen him again and he does not publish anything. in their social networks, only for a friend who now has a child, but nothing more, maybe one day I will see him and with confidence I will tell him everything I felt for him.

   This was the story of how I liked a boy for 5 years, if you also have something similar, tell your story that I will be happy to read it, 🙈 I hope you liked it 😉 😊 🙋

   I apologize if there are some translation errors but I do not have much knowledge of English :S


Fresh. So admirable.

This is splendid and exquisite!!

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