The Great Awakening - an Introduction
This website exists for the primary purpose of spreading love and light to the collective soul of humanity.
The content is designed to inspire purpose, break the assumed limits of human potential and evoke passion for life on Earth.
It will make you think. It will make you wonder. It will make you question your quest.
Please allow yourself the opportunity to consider new and alternative ideas, as I kindly invite you to join me on a free-spirited ride into the immeasurable inner depths of the mind, soul and universe.
The words on your screen are quite literally the swords of life, courageously present and fully in tact, withstanding the war against all things false and deceitful.
There are keys here, given freely. They serve to unlock doors inside the deepened pool of cosmic awareness that is your beautiful, living mind.
You are being offered gentle guidance towards a wonderful realization; that life is a beautiful, complex, unfolding mystery awaiting exploration.
We are all spiritual beings having this incredible human experience, and massive amounts of new information is being loaded into the collective consciousness as more and more people across the planet awaken to the truth.
You are here, on Earth, and you might as well give consideration to the possibility that, as human adults, we are responsible for our own growth and ascension into the countless, higher realms of existence.
The world of the spirit – that so obviously exists beyond the spectrum of visible light – is gladly and patiently awaiting the awakening of our souls.
The secondary purpose of this website is to connect with artists. If you are a creator, feel free to reach out and join the creations team on it’s mission of spreading love and light.
Words are merely the primary weapon being used here. Music, photos and videos will be added to the site on a regular basis, along with a podcast and a general marketplace.
The material shall help us all to recognize the eternal truth of our existence; that we are, in fact, beautifully created divine infinite beings on an amazing, blessed and sacred journey of discovery.
Keeping if fun, openminded and sexy will always remain the basic direction of the site.
“Welcome to Earth; a Universe-City. Your mission, here, is spiritual warfare (whether you know it or not.)”
If you are interested in attempting to understand a bit more about who you are and what you are capable of – which is exactly what an artist is doing when he or she creates – forget everything you know and join me on a journey of self-discovery and truth.
There is nothing to fear. (There never was.)
There is nothing to do. (We never had to take it all so seriously.)
There is nowhere to go. (You are it.)
Be here now. (In this moment.)
Be who you are.
And, understand that, regardless of what you do, The Great Awakening is upon us.
“There is a critical mass of conscious awakening on the horizon, tipping the cosmic scales of the universe towards the great heavens.”
I will kindly remind you that the highest authority of truth is an independent mind.
Nobody can tell you the truth. The source of truth dwells within you, waiting to be discovered. Quite simply, you are the truth, and your mind is the only way to it.
In order to understand the great mysteries of the universe – countless, life-changing secrets of existence – you can only trust the innermost part of your being.
Do research, read books, watch videos, talk to people. At the end of the day, you are quite alone in the final determination as to what you will hold deep within as a core belief, as to what you will call truth – or true information.
Believing in God is one thing. Believing that you are God (and pretending not to be), or that you are alive inside God’s incomprehensible mind, creates an entirely different sort of mindset.
Beliefs of this nature are the type of beliefs that can create the manifestations necessary to change the entire course of, not only your own, individual life, but the course of all existence.
“Within the infinite mind of The All are millions and millions of universes, and beings with many powers and attributes. Beings that were once as man.”
The Kybalion
It’s important to understand your beliefs, isn’t it? What you actually believe about who you are – and what we are all doing on this planet – will become the general basis of your day-to-day conscious thinking.
With a slight adjustment to the height of our awareness, we can be mindful of this, and we can observe these automatic thoughts rapidly coming and going inside of our head, at times completely bombarding our consciousness.
What beliefs are driving your thoughts? Are they beneficial to your progress and health?
Where is the higher awareness coming from? Who is the you that’s aware of the thinking you?
Can we call that your ‘higher self‘?
What is the difference between a belief about ‘God‘, and a belief about this ‘Higher Self‘? Which of these two, internally-created beliefs contain self-imposed limits on the internal nature of the believer?
Do you have more power than you…think?
If you believe that the world is ugly and ruinous, your thoughts will begin to defer towards ugly and ruinous things. You will only notice those negative aspects of the world, and you’ll begin to live in that reality of negativity.
Meanwhile, your thoughts, of course, are directly related to your emotions. And, both your emotions and your thoughts, will be used to help determine the actions you choose to take throughout each day.
It’s a beautiful and complex system that starts from (deep) within and ends with our actions; i.e., what we do as our purpose. And this, of course, affects the world as a whole.
Original Photo: @Michael-Morse
The negative thinker may choose to place unloving judgements onto the people around him. He may choose to smoke, curse and drink. He is willfully participating in a world that he has created through his beliefs.
The negative thinker has now created, joined and judged this ‘ruinous’ world. He is a part of it. His reality is his mind.
We don’t want that. We want love and light, and to see the world for what it actually is; gorgeous, breathtaking… and incomplete without you.
“The destiny of man is to attain higher.”
The Kybalion
Consider the following belief as an example: “It matters what other people think of me.”
The thoughts – the conscious thinking – that can arise from this particular belief have been known to arouse the uncomfortable emotion of anxiety and lead to actions that are not in alignment with our truest self.
So, why bother believing it?
What are these indicators telling us about the truth to this particular belief?
What is the price of not living in alignment with your true self? What is the payoff?
What is the payoff, collectively?
How about this belief: “There are limits to how powerful my mind is.”
Are there any physical indicators arising from this particular belief? Do most people believe this? Are most people: Anxious? Worrisome? Fearful? Purposeless? Seeking, but not finding?
Are most people living in truth? Are most people…limited?
By what? By who?
Let’s take a moment and ask ourself: Are we taking in stimuli from the outside world and associating those people, places, things and events in our mind based upon the common beliefs of those other societal humans around us?
Is this our life? Or someone else’s? Why are we holding back from the nature of our true self?
Oh, where, in the ‘whirrled’, have all the dreamers gone?
Original Photo: @jackhawley
If you can’t seem to stop the stream of automatic thoughts in your head, if you get stuck inside debilitating waves of emotion, or if you can’t escape a cycle of unhealthy choices…change your beliefs.
Check your source.
Perhaps the beliefs driving you have been created and given to you, gift-wrapped with the external stimulation of material pursuit.
Perhaps, over time, your kind and innocent nature has been susceptible to half-truths, or beliefs created in the name of an authority or institution.
Perhaps, we’ve under-estimated our own individual (and collective) powers, to the point of un-wittingly underestimating the powers of the so-called…’powers-that-be‘?
Could that be possible?
Have we given away the limits to our loving nature (and, therefore, our freedom) at the price of bowing down to the lengths and depths of love’s polar opposite?
Is there anyone existing in the world today that is interested in suppressing the truth? Is there anyone existing in the world today that has the ability to suppress the truth?
What sort of truth could possibly be a threat to someone?
Let’s face it; we’ve all been subjected to a certain level of programming in our lives, in the conscious mind, where the ego – the radar of consciousness – has innocently selected what to pay attention to, and what to dismiss.
Over time, any information that is constantly and repeatedly fed to us, will worm it’s way deep into our subconscious mind.
If we blindly believe in the source of this information – and we do because of our loving and innocent nature – we will take it all in without question.
The information be-comes our beliefs.
“A large part of The Great Awakening is simply this discovery; that it’s okay to question the way things are, and that it’s okay to dream of a better place for humanity.”
In your life: How many times have you exited the true (and peaceful) reality of your own, individual consciousness in order to participate in some dreary activity, or conversation, that distracts you from your true purpose (and causes unease)?
How many commercials, or ‘news feeds‘, have you unconsciously gazed and blinked upon? How much of your time is spent focusing on someone else’s purpose? Or worrying about what someone else is thinking?
What if you believed in the limitless nature of the self? What if you gave credit to the idea – to the belief – that a very unique universe exists inside of you? That you are just as big, just as beautiful and just as incredible as the entire universe?
Would you want to know more about your self and your purpose?
Hermes Trismegistus
Within that scope of time spent scanning, observing and perusing the incoming information of this ‘external reality’, within that scope of time spent worrying about what other people might think, or within that scope of time spent stuck in some sort of unhealthy attachment or relationship or unwillingness, how much of the time have you been ignoring the cry of your soul for something more than this?
Are you ignoring the magnitude of this potential discovery?
Are these incessant interruptions of consciousness presenting a constant reminder to society that we are better off if we consume, or purchase, or add to our life through some external derivative?
What if consciousness was never distracted from anything other than truth, purpose, love and light? Where would we be at that point?
Are these distractions from life merely distractions? Or, have they be-come life itself?
Is Heaven an achievable state of mind? Is it a teachable state of mind? Is it an adaptable state of mind? Can the world be a reflection of this state of mind on a collective level?
How many unconscious decisions have you made based upon the most random and impulsive stimulation of the senses?
How many times have you tolerated an action with a seemingly harmless re-action that solidifies a ‘ruinous’ belief?
What’s the mainstream media’s role in most people’s beliefs about the world and it’s destiny? Are they just ‘negative thinker’ creators, using fear as a tactic of some sort?
Perhaps, if we turned off the television, walked around a bit, and conversated with a few of our neighbors, we could see that the world is filled with good and honest people, and that all most of us want is to live free and start a family, minus all the drama, lies and war.
The truth is: The great, green Earth is abundant, and people get up and go to work every single day.
And with those two truths comes a harsh truth to our current reality: Nobody should be hungry, or homeless, or living life in some sort of warzone, or stuck working two jobs just to eek by in some poverty-stricken inner-city neighborhood.
“Half-truth: a statement that conveys only part of the truth, especially one used deliberately in order to deceive someone."
Oxford Dictionary
What percentage of our beliefs are coming from an outside source of economic-driven enterprise?
What percentage of the information we’ve been subjected to in our lives has been given to us by the people who are interested in having control?
Have we unknowingly settled in to certain beliefs over time as we played along with the basic ideas that seem to be holding together our society?
Religion, politics, military, entertainment, the justice system, law enforcement, corporations, healthcare, pharmaceuticals, narcotics, education, etc.
Who told you that you were not an amazingly infinite spiritual warrior on a mission of transcendental ascension into the great universe’s many, secret locations of existence?
What’s the next choice? Is it slowly killing you? And what’s the price of death sans an awakening to the true reality of your powerful nature?
Are you real? Are you a faker?
Just breathe here and love yourself for a moment.
When they are selling a product that does not necessarily do what it says it’s going to do, or a product that’s highly unhealthy, are they just actors at that point? Or professional liars?
What’s the cost of all this ‘money-making’? This competition for resources?
Are we just going along with this thing blindly? Are we okay with hate and division and violence and greed?
Are we interested in considering the guiding wisdom of a loving man whom was known as, ‘the great-souled one‘:
“Be the change you wish to see in the world.”
Mohandas Ghandi
Think about it; free will comes with three, unspoken, unarguable laws:
Protect the Earth
Protect the Children
The Golden Rule – treat others as you would have others treat you
The idea that my life is ‘okay’, ‘pretty good’ or even ‘great’, comes with a high dose of willful indifference to the suffering of others.
It doesn’t matter if you believe that God is on His way to help ‘fix things’ in one huge, divine swoop. It doesn’t matter if you see the world as existing at all times in full balance between good and evil.
Out of sight, out of mind? As long as my family is okay, it doesn’t matter if anyone else’s is not?
With the choice between the two – doing something or not doing something, loving ourselves or not loving ourselves, good or evil, love or hate – we shall always remain with an inclination towards the positive, towards the love and the light.
“Lest we forget.”
Rudyard Kipling
There are practices that exist in the world today that are destroying the Earth. There are practices that exist in the world today that are destroying the human body and mind.
Our principles as a society involving the safety and care for our children are mediocre at best. And the children of the Earth are not being properly protected or cared for.
This should be enough to tell you that the beliefs being held throughout the collective consciousness of humanity are based upon something that can not be in alignment with the highest divine truths.
Are we tolerating war and violence until the great, green Earth burns away forever? Are we okay with being controlled and told by some sort of appointed and annointed group of know-it-alls? Are they even doing any good with all this power we’ve given them?
After it’s all said and done, are these even our own thoughts anymore?
This belief that we have to conform to the beliefs of others, that we must participate in the current system quietly, and do what we have always been told to do, is it keeping the Earth and the Children safe?
Are we ignoring the subconscious mind that’s telling us there’s more? That’s telling us to love and be loved? That’s telling us that this isn’t necessarily what life was supposed to look like?
Are their secrets? What is the cost of not knowing the truth? What is the payoff of knowing the truth?
“Seek truth and question his-story.”
There’s a voice that speaks to you from within, is there not?
If you are reading this, and the information seems to resonate with you, that is you recognizing the truth. It is not me. It is only you.
And, if you believe that I am speaking to you from the podium of love – as a man who is simply fulfilling a calling, that I am simply spreading the great news of the universe – you can take the guidance and breathe purposefully in relief.
I am not trying to sell you something. I am not a company, or a commercial. I am one human being doing his part in the uplifting of global consciousness.
My humble goal (of which I have zero expectations) is to fulfill this calling and raise the vibration of humanity. We can understand our potential only through the belief that anything is possible, and we can help to usher in the new mentality that is turning us away from the many practices that are harming the great Earth and all of it’s inhabitants.
Look around you. The old systems are failing. People are unplugging from the misleading mainstream of the materialistic and meditating on miraculous manifestations.
New ideas, once ridiculed, are being implemented within forward-thinking communities around the world and slowly breaking down the fabric and structure of hierarcical authority and control.
People all over the planet are discovering the ancient secrets of the universe. We are unattaching from the reality of consumerism and materialism. We are seeing the media for what it is. And, we are realizing that government, in line with big business, does not have our best interests at heart.
The powers that be are scrambling to hold us down and keep the truth hidden. But it’s too late.
They are losing.
“The elephant would remind us that there is, simply, no stopping us.”
Now is the time for Loving Defiance.
Love is the answer.
Do you feel in your gut that there is something we’ve not been told about our power and ability as individual human beings?
What is that power when understood and harnessed? What if that power was understood collectively?
What is the price of ignoring this instinct of ‘something more’? What are you ignoring, in fact?
A journey within is a journey without. As above so below. You were created in the image of something wonderful.
You have within you a blueprint of the entire solar system; 7 chakras that represent the 7 visible planets, an all-seeing eye, a body alive with millions of moving parts and microscopic highways of biological interconnectedness.
You have the ability to escape the matrix of this so-called reality that has been taking advantage of our inclinations, defects, and even our loving and caring nature.
Life on Earth is a cycle. The day becomes Morning, Afternoon, Evening and Night. It never changes. The year becomes Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter. It never changes. And, The Great Year, as it is known, goes through four Ages.
Every 24,000 years, the two suns in our solar system return to each other. Two lovers, departed in space, reunite to provide the Earth with The Golden Age.
It began sometime around 2012, and the gamma rays are feeding our beautiful minds with information about who we are and what we are doing here.
Help from all over the universe is coming.
Don’t stop dreaming. Be exactly who you were always supposed to be. Awaken to your true purpose; the gold within.
A Key in Closing: What sort of words and such begin with the letters ‘Au’?
Au – the chemical symbol for Gold.
Aura, Author, Authority, Autograph, Authentic
‘Aum’ – the sound of creation, the sound of meditation.