One Yeti's Perspective #32: Love?!

in #love7 years ago (edited)


It is an amazing day. The day after Valentine's day. I want to talk a bit about love.

I pull my references of love from the Bible. 1 Cor. 13, but that is not what I focus on. Not the verses describing love, but the verses that talk about doing things but not loving, and how it is pointless.

If I am to talk with people, be filled with the Holy Spirit and still not love them..then it previous things are pointless.

Is it possible to not share views, or interests, or even have opposing views...and still love wholly.

With the different types of love, philos/eros/agape, can we love people we don't even know.

▶️ DTube

Vivid imagery in the words "noisy gong or clanging symbol". I believe relationships are the most important thing we can be involved in even if we don't have the same perspectives. Thanks for sharing man and was great to see you in DTubeDaily Discord yesterday :)

Yeah man! Those words are powerful! I love the idea of dtube daily. It is nice to see that there is a community for creators commited to being so active. I do hope to learn more from them and make better videos with time. Shoot, I have 11 more months atleast of daily vlogs! I may not be as technical as some including the hodgetwins, but I am The Yeti, and that is enough for me 🙃

Hey man, it's about being the best version of youself, we don't need any more hodgetwins haha. The community is just about supporting and helping each other be the best we can be in our own way. Hope we can somehow help you out as well. If you ever need anything, don't ever hesitate to reach out.

What an amazing world this would be if we all loved each other as the bible says we should...

I agree. Who mkes the first move. The ones who read the bible or the ones who dont? 🙃

I have written a book on 1 Corinthians 13 I gave the title, "What's Love Got to Do With It?" International Standard Bible Encyclopedia claims that the word translated love in this chapter is not found in ancient literature until the book of First Corinthians (chapter 8 verse 1 is the first occurrence). It suggests that the word is coined by Paul to describe the unique love Christians have for their church.

I love it. So the term Paul used was coined for a representation the way believers love each other. 🙃 I do believe that there is a closeness that comes through a common belief.

This is the exact language from the ISBE,
"1. A New Word
The substantive agapē is mainly, if not exclusively, a Biblical and ecclesiastical word (see Deissmann, Bible Studies, 198ff), not found in profane writings, although the verb agapā́n, from which it is derived, is used in classical Greek in the sense of “love, founded in admiration, veneration, esteem, like the Latin diligere” (Grimm-Thayer), rather than natural emotion (Latin, amare).

  1. A New Ideal
    It is a significant evidence of the sense of a new ideal and principle of life that permeated the Christian consciousness of the earliest communities, that they should have made current a new word to express it, and that they should derive that word, not from the current or philosophical language of Greek morality, but from the Septuagint.

  2. An Apostolic Term
    In the New Testament the word is apostolic, and appears first and predominantly in the Pauline writings. It is found only twice in the Synoptics (Mat 24:12; Luk 11:42), and although it is in both places put in the mouth of the Saviour, it can easily be understood how the language of a later time may have been used by the narrator, when it is considered that these gospels were compiled and reduced to writing many years after the spread of the Pauline epistles."

Have a great day.

Thanks for the shout out!!! I am bummed I missed the call.

Great video. I agree that if we could only love people the way the Bible says our world would be radically different. One thing the Lord has been laying on me is that His Torah is all about love. How we love God and how we love others. Has totally changed how I approach life. Keep up the videos.

It really is amazing to think that love can transcend all things. I believe that is by design. If we are made in Gods image, I believe that image is love!

Sup!!! Crazy day and just saw this! I can tell I already love Stacie D. She's like the sweetest person in the world. You are blessed. :)

Whatup! Stacie D is a gem. She is the most amazing lady I have ever met. While I am on here curating...she is painting our house!

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