I love you (part 1)

in #love6 years ago

If someone asks me "brother to you all
What's the favorite thing to do? "
I'll say "sleep" at one go. Especially sleep in the morning.
And if someone wakes up in the morning to wake up
Does the car have good mood? Now my mood is not good.
Because I call him sleeping this morning
Broke out Even though the mood was very bad, I said
Can not say bad things. It is a girl who is good on her again
Friend Tuki's relationship with you.
"What are you doing?"
The mood is worse than one degree. This morning morning
What do people do? I said
"I'm standing on the Eiffel Tower. I'll jump now.
What do you want to do in the morning? "
" nothing . I'll call you for your findings. "
"Look, the mood does not hurt. Let's sleep I'm keeping the phone. "
"Do not listen! You need to meet. Please do not earn income
On campus. "
It seems that I fell down from the sky .
"On campus? now ? Can not And today we do not have classes
There is no question of going to the campus. "
"Please do not earn APU! I had some issues with you.
Please earn. I have come to the Already Campus. "
"You have gone well. Did you tell me? More
Call the emergency talk tomorrow. Now let me sleep. "
"Do not you?"
"Do not come true?"
"I did not say it."
"All right, you do not have to come. Dying sleep you die More
I do not call you any day. "
What to do! Dear sleepy, this is to give away the sleep. Isita too
Nude girl Let's see what is important.
Wash your face and go to the campus base for a long time
Got it I think once and maybe it will be gone.
But not I saw and sat in the seminar.
Seeing me, "Have you breakfast?"
"Where did you stop breakfast? Now what is your urgency? "
"Let's go and then breakfast."
While eating breakfast I saw him a little better. Another day
Compared to him a little different today. He never
Makeup is not aware. Not as much as it does not. But today
I saw and came to the Seagulls. It's pretty good
. And she looks pretty pretty.
I asked to eat "why lipstick?"
"Why? Not good luck. "
"Why not look good? I did not say that, and what else? "
He did not say anything. The bill did not give me too. "
Now tell me what you need. "
"Do not say now."
"What does that mean? In the morning, you came back to sleep. And now now
Do not say that. "
"I did not say so. But now I will say it in the afternoon. "
"Why do you call me tomorrow afternoon? To bluff
Do not pass the place. I was able to sleep for my sake
Here. There is no work . Dumb Actually you girls are like that
I can not do it! "
In my words, he was a little sad. And looked at the other side
Remained I know about this self. Trouble in anything
Pele and looked at the other.
I said a little soft away
"Well I'm sorry. I did not want to hurt you. But then
It's a good thing to talk about an emergency in the afternoon
What is the meaning of calling it like this? "
I saw the water in his eyes. To stop water
Trying. I was a little surprised at his behavior. Hey
There was never such a nominee. Talking with her is a leg-stroke
. I jerked him and hit me twice as fast as possible.
It's never so. Then today ??


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