in #love7 years ago (edited)


Now I'm not talking about cheeseburger or a Big Mac, I'm talking about a person who fell into a whole piece of the puzzle and became a big part of my life.

It's time I write my love story down and share it with the world, with you guys plus I promised to do that in my very first post. 


Once Upon A Time…

  • So it starts with my elder sister.She used to live in China for 12 years, after my graduation from the university in Kazakhstan I went to China to study Chinese language, but after a year I decided I need to find a job in Kazakhstan and build up my career there as it was quite hard to find a job in Hangzhou and I didn't really think that teaching was something I wanted to do. A year later I came to visit my sister for a week from Kazakhstan, in one of those days of me being there we went out to a club and after club I suggested we go to McDonald's and have something to eat.My sister didn't want to go at all but I insisted and so we went.



It Was 4 Am In The Morning...

  • As we were walking towards McDonald's we were quite surprised to see a table with guys sitting there through the window.We came in and right away this table started whispering, they were wondering ( as I later found out) wether my sis and I were Chinese.The only clean table there was right next to the "whispering" fellas, so I didn't have a choice but to sit beside them. The blond guy who was wearing glasses said 你好! (Ni Hao) which means Hello and I said just Hi back. When my sister came with food, he came up and introduced himself, he said that their friends are wondering and disputing over where we were from?We started talking, he got a bit more enthusiastic and decided to take a chair in order to sit with us. He was pulling a chair to himself from another table and was looking at us telling something at the same time but the chair wasn't moving coz it was welded to the floor 😂I could see how embarrassed and red in his face he got. He finally found a chair that was movable and sat next to us.I don't remember what we were talking about, all I remember is that I had a pie and a coffee which I was too nervous to eat. My elder sister is very protective of my twin sister and I, she always brushes off all the guys who tries to hit on her baby sisters, this guy was not an exception, plus he told her she is aggressive so she was not happy at all. However, she could see I liked this guy, so she tried her very best to make him like her, even though she wanted to turn into a wolverine and rip him apart 😂😂😂


In the end of this very evening he gave me his phone number, like a true gentleman, in case I would want to get in touch with him. It was my 4th day out of 7, the time was ticking tick-tock.

Decision To Try...

  • The next day in the evening I texted him and we talked about everything and nothing, that day I realized how much in common we had.I didn't know him at all, but I kinda did, we clicked. It felt very comfortable talking with him. We met the day after that, I was excited to see him one more time before leaving. After this meeting we exchanged our Skype accounts and I flew back to Kazakhstan.Since then we chatted very often via Skype and started to get to know each other like friends, he told me about what he likes and I told him about myself.


I Had To See Him…

  • Two months after that I flew to China again, I told him I had to make a purchase of some clothes for a store I was renting at that time, honestly saying it would be much easier to ask my sister do that for me, but I had to see him again, that was the main reason of my trip there.
  • I wanted to bring and give him something that would remind him of me every time he looks at this thing, so I bought a silver bracelet and engraved: Remember me. From Damira, and let's be honest it was also a smart move from my side coz then other girls would look at the bracelet and know he is taken😁👏👌When we met, my sister and his friends were there with us. I gave him the present and he looooved it! He said it was the best present he had ever gotten from anyone.Later that evening we decided to meet at my sister's place.

Our First Date…

  • I cooked for him, lots of things: Russian style, Kazakh Style, some stuff from Thai cuisine as well, what can I say?- I had to impress him!😀😄😀He brought me beaaautiful pink roses,they felt like velvet,it was the first time I got pink roses.
  • We started dating since that evening,I've spent almost one month with him and flew back to my country.


Distance Relationships Do Work If There Is Real Love…

  • We were texting each other every single day, there was not even once when we didn't ask how our day went and what we did.My friends were watching me and telling how naive I was to believe that it could end up being something serious,but I knew there was something more than a relationship,there was a strong bond that was made a long time ago in McDonald's at 4 am that night and which can not be broken by any circumstances.

Next Visit…

  • In May,we decided I come and visit him again,he was still studying and I was already working in a company, as I needed a stable income and the store sales didn't do well.He bought half of the ticket and I paid for the rest, we made my trip happen together.I stayed with him the whole week and went back home, happy and sad at the same time.

Sacrifice For Love…

  • In September he asked me to come and visit again,I agreed.We didn't see each other for months.When I told him that I'm coming for two weeks he snapped, he said he thought I would come for the whole month and that I'm serious about our relationships.I had to calm this baby down and told him I'm gonna come for the whole month.I asked for leave at work for 30 days,of course no one let me go.I quit my job and flew anyway.We spent the best month of our lives together,he already got a job after graduating from university, so it was exciting time for us.


Moving In Together…

  • That visit we decided I should move to China in March and we should start living together.I came back to Kazakhstan, found a new job and started preparing everything to move there.I told my parents I'm living the country, because I want to be with him, they supported my decision and said that I can always come back if it won't work out.

I moved to China, after 10 months of us living together he proposed😁(he could do that earlier right?hahhaa JK) 


The rest is history...



“God Will Bring The Right Person Into Your Life At The Right Time. Always Believe That! If They Are Not There, God Isn't Finished Yet!” 

― Shannon L. Alder

For those who haven't found their love yet: You will find it, sooner or later- you will! And if you feel that it's a true one then fight for it and never give up!

Share your love stories in the comments as well! Have a wonderful day everyone!


Thank you for sharing this Damira. Truly, this is beautiful.

Thank you for reading!;)))

That is a sweet story! Love will find the way :)

Thank you😌How did you meet with your husband?

On ICQ hahaha. I was studying English and tried to find some native speakers to practice, so I did :)

Nice!It was a win win situation!😁

Yup, pretty much! :D

So lovely, happy for you :)

Thank you!

That was a wonderful story Damira. It's hilarious that Dan called your sister aggressive haha. I didn't know Mcdonalds was the place to meet women. I'm gonna have to go hang out there more often :P

Thank you!I guess single people should par-tay there, yeah🕺😁😁😁

It's a good story! You never know unless you try; I guess he is brave, if he can speak to your sister and she let's him stay. Courage can be a great insight into a person's character.

Thank you!True,you never know unless you try;)

Wow just goes to show you never know who you will meet or where! Great story.

Thank you😊

Damira! I did not know you were married, I feel very happy for you. I think the same, if it still does not arrive the right girl is because I still have to live, sooner or later she will be by my side.Maybe I should go to mcdonals more often. xD

Incredible story of love, I wish you two the best, do you plan to have children? and excuse me for the question. >.<

Thank you for your comment;)No worries, yeah of course we do, once we are settled and prepared for kids😁

That's nice!!, be Happy ;).

Awesome story! Good for you lil momma. 🐬😁

Thank you;)

What a lovely story! Glad it all worked out for you ;) You never know when God will place the right person in your life! BTW did he propose in McDonalds? AND why didnt you guys get married there?!

Thank you!Yeah,you never know..Mcdonald's would be an interesting place for that hahahah I have no idea why he didn't do it there😁

What a sweet romance! I can just see Dan trying to pull over a bolted down chair. You two are adorable together.

😂😂😂I should have filmed it haha Thank you!

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