My definition of love

in #love7 years ago


Before I even start I just want to say that this is MY personal viewing of it. My relationship is not perfect and I'm not trying to portray it like that but to me it feels perfect.

So lets begin,

When I was 14 I met Dylan, you can almost say it was love at first sight for me. I immediately got butterfly's all that was going through my mind was that I needed this man in my life !!

At 14 I suppose that boyfriends should be the last thing on your mind but when I saw him I just knew he was the one for me. on the 28th of September 2012 he asked me to be his girlfriend, I was over joyed but there was a problem.... I lived about an hour away from him.

We made it work visiting back and forth on weekends and school holidays. Things got a little harder when moving about 2 or 3 hours away but we made it work. Then the really hard part came when we where together for only 1 year and 6 months.. I moved 12 HOURS away ( the moving was since my dad is always getting better job offers in other places, he works mostly in the hotel industry ) it was tough. One night we got into an extremely big fight, we both were upset with the fact that we don't know when we will be seeing each other again and what if one of us were to meet someone new. So we broke up. I was heart broken! imagine a 16 year old having her first real heart break.

Even though we where broken up we still talked but it wasn't the same and it was hard emotionally. You go from talking almost 24/7 to only talking now and again. But we both knew we wanted to be together we only didn't know how.

I got a vacation job to try and save up to buy a plane ticket to come visit him. I know its strange since we weren't together but we wanted to sort things out and not over the phone. I finally had enough money and bought my plane ticket. His sister and brother in-law came to fetch me at the airport and I still remember being nervous but exited, i hadn't seem him or his family in about 6 months and we aren't even together.

The first 2 days of being there was AWKWARD I didn't know what to do in front of his family since we not together and still trying to sort things out. On the 3rd night we both were sitting in the car in awkward silence for about 10 minutes ( it could have been less but felt like a lifetime to me ) when we finally started talking. We talked about how could we possibly make this work, there were obviously lots of crying from me but we talked through it then he finally asked me again to be his girlfriend it was the 10th August 2014.

We have been together ever since. We even live together now.

Every relationship gets tough but if you are not willing to work through it, it's not love.
Yes we still have our silly fights and yes we still get irritated with each other every now and again but it doesn't mean we don't love each other. Working through fights only makes the relationship stronger.

I can't imagine my life with him. He is my rock. My hero.
When I'm not with him i feel empty and lost.

Love to me means being together through thick and thin. It's not always easy but as long as you go through the hard times together you will come out stronger. Enjoy the good times because it wont be a breeze every day.


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