RECKLESS 💓: About My Val Getaway

in #love7 years ago (edited)

"So many waters cannot quench love, neither can the floods drown it," says the Song of Solomon.

How true those words!

We are both busy people, and are always deeply engaged during the week. Unfortunately, this year's Valentine fell on a week day: Wednesday. The fact that we live in different cities, some 400km apart, meant meeting up after work would be impossible.

So we planned a romantic getaway, the weekend before Valentine. I would take permission off work, and she would take break from her equally break-neck busy academic schedule, and we'd find a beautiful place and be together.

The Only problem is, I was near broke: the Irrua wild goose chase, registration for an exam, a top secret family project, and a lil' bit of charity, and "waywardness," all saw to that. What was in my bank account wasn't much to write home about. Don't get me wrong o: it would be enough to fund all the expenses, but would leave me poor, like a church mouse. Of course, she didn't know; she would have objected.

Three days to the day of departure-- after I had already sent her a mini val "goody bag," to "butter her up" -- I fell sick: couldn't eat, was running fever, and was purging my guts out. Surely my village people were at it again. (common Nigerian slang when in deep sh*t) And all measures to get me fit before time proved abortive.

By Friday morning, I was so weak I was staggering, and couldn't find my feet; I hadn't eaten in 2 days, and ORS alone was doing a poor job keeping up with the massive fluid losses. My colleagues had to secure an IV access, and commence an aggressive rehydration plan with drips.

Some 3 hours later, after a few bags of IV fluid, and IV drugs, had gone in, I was feeling a little bit stronger. More so, my appetite was back, and I devoured a huge breakfast with trembling hands. Next, I was packing up, to embark on a 7-hour journey. All advice from my colleagues fell on a deaf ear; not even the reminder of how bad it'd be if I started purging on the road could stop me! Again, of course she was left in the dark, else she'd have insisted that I sat my ass down and got well first.

That was how I defied reason, swam across 7 seas, and scaled 7 mountains, to be with an amazing woman. By the end of the weekend, I was almost as poor as a church rat, but I was as happy as a king. The smile on her face, and her warm embrace, was enough to offset all my troubles.

It is the most stupid, reckless, irresponsible, and suicidal thing I have ever done, but it was well worth it [do not try it at home, though].

Reality Check:
It was all a dream; it was all IN MY HEAD 😂
Happy Valentine's Day to y'all who DARE to love; y'all who don't let anything stand in the way of love.

Want to use this opportunity to thank all those who commented and upvoted my first post on steemit, it was very encouraging.
I'm sorry this is coming late. "better late than never" i guess. .

Please don't withhold your upvotes, comments and resteems. Thanks


That was a funny one. And i was already in my my awwwn moment.
The getaway would have been nice though.

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