in #love6 years ago

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The theory that love lasts three years – not fiction-specific character of the novel. It was put forward by scientists and biologists, properly studying the physiological reactions of man during the relationship.

Most people agree with this hypothesis because we have experienced it in my life: after three years (and sometimes before) their attitude, so wonderful in the beginning, ended in failure.

Love lives three years. What's the curse? Bad omen? Superstition? There's no mystery. Everything is explained.

Three years-exactly so much was given by our mother nature that people attracted to each other, gave birth to a child and fed him. It is believed that much time is enough for the baby and mother survived. Next, the child becomes less vulnerable, the mother can get food for herself and a man, a male, in fact, it is not necessary. He can go further, find another woman, have another child... and so on around the circle.

What is necessary for a woman and a man to reach out to each other? The pheromones attraction. Most people find their partner on the very elusive in an odor. This is the main component of physical intimacy: pheromones that excite certain chemical processes in the human brain. Each stage of love is accompanied by a change in hormonal background in the human body.

Over time, the body of partners gets used to each other's pheromones. This usually occurs after about 3 years. In some pairs, this period is longer, in some more short. When habituation takes place, we seem to awaken from sleep and ask, "What was that all about?"Our partner appears before us in new colors, we, before looking at him through the veil of love, begin to see his shortcomings. Very often a change of affection and tenderness comes frustration and anger. Relations slowly (and sometimes quickly) roll into oblivion.

"Is that all? – You say, All the love, all the high feelings boil down to pheromones and chemical reactions in the brain?"If this were true, there would be no evidence to the contrary in the world. Despite the fact that many couples fail, part, divorce, there are also many examples when a man and a woman love each other and 3, and 5, and 10, and 20 years. And their tenderness and love towards each other do not know the limit. I think the tale? Not at all.

Love lives three years. This myth becomes reality, if you with your elected representative nothing not brings together, except sexual attraction. Relationship two is work, and they need to build from the very first meeting. Not to ignore the omissions and shortcomings, not shrug and say, "Oh, let it be what it will be." It'll be the first three years, and then when it comes time to Wake up, don't ask what you did wrong.

Ideal relationship is the work of both partners, when everyone thinks not of himself, but of his "half". This does not mean that you need to dissolve in each other, falling into love addiction. To love is not to accept a person with all his / her advantages and disadvantages, but to understand him / her. Don't blindly look at it and realize the motives of his behavior and actions. After all, only when we begin to treat each other more tolerant, the desire to change a partner for themselves.

In an era when sex has ceased to be something significant and intimate, it is time for a new level of relations-spiritual.

That's why, if you want to see love lived three years, and much longer, you should try to build, first of all, a firm Foundation for spiritual intimacy, which will guarantee that your tenderness and affection will not run out at the end of the action of pheromones. You will become the support and support of each other, saving the coast from life troubles for years to come.


My relationship with My wife has started 12 years ago , she is truly my best friend and everyday when I wake up next to her I am truly happy.
Is she perfect? No. Am I perfect? Hell no.
But love makes me try harder for her everyday.
And About that 3 year thing, maybe its true but that is a only a statistic.

glad for you, even if you continue to be all right

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muy bueno tu post, estas son cosas que hay que mantener en cuenta. he visto varias cosas sobre este tema que me parecen interesantes y en realidad estas son cosas que dependen de la persona misma o de la pareja en general. éxitos para ti, sigue adelante me encanto tu post.

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