Listening is the other side of Thinking

in #love6 years ago (edited)

Today I want to speak of love and the path and nature of its emergence.
First we need to understand the synergistic aspects or poles of what is called the mind.
There is cognition as a certain function of this mind, and then there is also imagination as another.
Cognition is the procession of thought, which is not merely as is usually assumed the "points" of thought.
This word, this word, and then this word. This idea, this idea, and then this idea in a sucessive sequence of dot-like events.
That is only half of the story.
The other side of thinking is listening.
The interval between the dot-like points of this thought, this thought, and then this thought is the space of no-think, or no-thing between them.
The less I think compulsively, the deeper the depth of quality my thought when I do think has.
The cognition is a process of alternation between think and no-think.
Actually, to think requires no energy whatsoever when thinking is balanced in harmony with silence, which is listening.
Silence is not the absense of sound. Silence is the absence of your thought.
Thought interferes with the perception of the true vibrating reality that Is.
Yet at the same time, thought as one half of the cognitive process emerges naturally out of this passivity of the mind when it is truly still; no resistance in your mind whatsoever to the direct observation of what reality is.
It is not you that becomes absent. It is the attachment of identification to thought that becomes loosened and brought under your control.
When I want to think, I can think, and I can think infinitely deeply.
When I don't want to think, I don't need to, I can Be and be at peace.
And in that peace be restored of my vitality, that I know is intrinsic to the no-think infinitude of real silence.
Now what about love.
Love is a consequential emergent reality when thought and silence are perfectly balanced.
When there is perfect balance between thought and silence the eternal dialogue of the Self can commence and make its brilliant radiant reality seen.
Love you will see is our natural state. Love is existence. Love is Being. There is nothing else. There is absolutely nothing else that matters whatsoever. There is just love, there is only love. Ignorance of this plain obvious fact is the source of suffering. For all suffering that is done not in the service of love is vanity. It is senseless. It is stupidity. Indeed, what is intelligence other than the expression in harmonious action of thought, word and deed? All suffering exists because Love is the only real existence. Because that is so, precisely because that is so, there can be afforded all this misery as a consequence of not knowing we are all one Being manifested as the infinite outward expressions of eternity. Finitude only makes sense in relation to the Infinite. Boundaries of difference are coterminous with boundaries of unity.
You suffer because you are love. You love because you are suffering.
This is the secret of existence my friends.
It can only be immediately understood. And love is the consequence of understanding.
It can only be apprehended by dropping into the boundless depths of the ocean of your soul,
trusting yourself totally to the reality-intelligence-love that is existence that is completely beyond your comprehension in thought,
yet totally understood by the real mind, of which thinking is only an emergent function that can be learned to be engaged with increasingly perfected skill.
Thinking can become so incredibly sharp, that it becomes the divine instrument of the creative imagination, which I equate with the mind of the eternal, the Self, that which is beyond beyond itself, beyond the concept beyond. It is that which from which all flows and to which all returns forever and ever involving and evolving in eternal anamesis and forgetfulness.
There is no destination. There is no destiny. There is simply the eternal flow of Now and the expression of an infinite multitude of beings sprouting out of the one great Being as a consequence of the Love that is Itself.
What are the implications of this?
The implication is a loss of fear. Having lost fear, only power remains. Real power. Soul power. Power in the sense of real virtue, the kind that compels even the wicked to respect a wise man.
Becoming wise is not merely an accidental fluke that some people are graced with while others are not.
Wisdom is a choice, for he who searches shall always find, yes?
So then a loss of fear is the absence of any resistance in the fiber of your being to reality as informed by trusting your intelligence as processed between the elements of the bipolar mind with the creative imagination on the one hand and the cognitive process of alternating current between thinking and listening as seen as the real silence on the other hand.
There is nothing that needs to be done. There is nowhere you need to go.
For what you are looking for is right in front of you, except it is so close, it's everywhere, and so making it the most difficult thing to find, precisely because it is the most obvious thing to our consciousness, which filters out the vasy majority of reality because the brain is in the main eliminative when we are survival mode, not in discovery mode, exploring the creative imagination of our eternal Self.
The mind is invisible. And so the mind sees.


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