8th letter to my future wife
Dear future wife,
I hope you are not busy today, because this letter I am writing to you will take some time to read through… Don’t worry, I will try to be as to brief as possible but I may write some silly things too. Bear with me, hun.
Babe, I just accidentally hit my head on the door while moving from the bedroom to the sitting room, It hurt so bad and I don’t know if it will swell up. But I know that if you were here, you will be my doctor right now. You will treat me, massage it and kiss me and everything will be alright again. Main, I wish you were here!!!!
Sugar, I went to bed hungry last nigh and I got up this morning hungry. I went into the kitchen, open the pots, they are all empty. I am craving for Affang. If you were here now, we will rush to the market together and get all the ingredients and rush home. While you are slicing the water-leave, I am slicing the affang-leave. When you pound the pepper, I am pounding the crayfish. We will cook together and eat it anyhow it taste. Don’t blame me if I spoil our food with too much pepper and too much salt. We will eat it like that.
My love, You know I cannot hide anything from you right? I am broke!!! I made some bad decisions and now I cannot even pay my bills. It keeps me up at night thinking and wondering. But if you were here, I know you will be my adviser, prayer warrior and angel. With your advice, I wont ever mismanage what I have. And even when I am broke, you will pray and because you are an angel, God will answer quickly and everything will be better than before! Please come now, I need you, Angel!
Darling, almost every week, I get invitations for wedding. In fact, I have to start hiding from people so they don’t invite me. I have bought many wedding cloths that I do not use. Hun, when will we invite people to our own? When will people buy our own aso-ebi? Tell me what you are waiting for and where you are hiding that I cannot find you.
I have a good news for you baby. I have a very beautiful house to show you… In the garage you will see amazing cars beautiful parked. The furniture are top class and the master bedroom is big enough to construct a football field. From the bedroom window you can see the sea, from the balcony on the first floor you can stare at the city with a bird view. You will love this! When I get rich, when I have money, I will buy a house like this for us… Hope you were not thinking it was mine? Don’t worry, when we have money, we will build something better than that.
Every day that I am coming home, there is these two Boutique on the way and they always have beautiful cloths on display. Everyday, I always wonder how it will feel buying 5 of them and bringing home to you.
Before I forgot, I learnt how to make a new hair style…. I will keep the name secret. I am sure it will look good on you. So get ready, I will be the one personally making your wedding hair! I hope you have learn how to barb a good haircut?
I am watching TV right now and I there is a man and a woman on the TV fighting! Baby, I want you to know that we will never fight. I will never hit you no matter what and I hope you will not tear me to pieces with your mouth whenever we have an argument. But before I forget, there is a kind of fight I love. The bedroom fight. Do you know the fight am taking about? In this fight, we don’t use hands or blow to fight, we use something else. I love that fight. We will fight it every night! We will fight it in the sitting room, fight it in the kitchen, fight it in the bathroom, fight it in the car, We will fight it in my office, we will fight it in many places.
You see all those ingredients on your body? Don’t let any man finish it o. I love the two ingredient on your chest, please don’t let anyone finish all the juice. Pity me please. I want all the ingredient intact when I meet you.
Please love, start learning how to speak in my native language Annang. So that we can use it to have secret conversation whenever we are in the crowd. Let me teach you some words: “Kuboro” Means “Don’t mind him or her” “Tie sung” means take care.
I hope too see you soon. Kuboro anyone trying to provoke you. Always stay sweet for me. Please show up soon
Tie Sung
I remain your love forever
The one who truly loves you
Mfon Abel Ekene