Since 1974, The World Health Organization (WHO) has been working on, well the v word and other things too, because they believe the world is 90% overpopulated, and don't forget what the Georgia Guide Stones say about all of that which correlates with the Ted Talk that Bill Gates gave a few years ago. Genesis steals a few lines from the book of Enoch.
Deleted Documentary
A secret documentary was deleted off the Internet and off cable and even DVR machines, it was on national television in 2009, I am watching it right now, she mentioned what would look like Gulf War Syndrome. They don't want you to watch this. They don't want you to pass the information on.
Watch parts of the documentary here
Read the book of Enoch here.
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Oatmeal Daily - 2021-05-23 - Sunday | Published in May of 2021
Facebook insider is leaking via Project Veritas
By Oatmeal Joey Arnold
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Since 1974, The World Health Organization (WHO) has been working on, well the v word and other things too, because they believe the world is 90% overpopulated, and don't forget what the Georgia Guide Stones say about all of that which correlates with the Ted Talk that Bill Gates gave a few years ago.
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11:59 PM
Read the book of Enoch here.
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11:54 PM
Genesis steals a few lines from the book of Enoch.
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Star Wars: The Bad Bash 104
2021-05-23 - Sunday - 12:28 AM - 12:55 AM - Star Wars: The Bad Bash 104
Cornered. C3PO. Person as robot. Bounty hunter tried to get the girl. Mando all over again with the try to find out who the baby Yoda or girl is kind of thing.
Nerd of the Rings
09:54 AM - What if Galadriel Took the Ring? | Tolkien Theory
01:44 PM
I thought you could only destroy Sauron by destroying the One Ring. how can you destroy the spirit of Sauron, a supernatural force, via natural means, is not Sauron bound to the One Ring?
Nerd of the Rings
01:54 PM - Morgoth: The Origins of Melkor | Tolkien Explained
Elves live for many years like vampires.
Melkor is like the Emperor and Sauron is like Darth Vader without the redemption ark.
02:09 PM - Morgoth: Battles for Beleriand | Tolkien Explained
Flying ships. Giant dragons.
03:45 PM - Sauron in the First Age | Tolkien Explained
Sauron was OCD, obsessed with order.
04:06 PM - Sauron in the Second Age | Tolkien Explained
10:27 PM - Why the Music in The Rise of Skywalker Felt Misleading
Using the Yoda theme from Star Wars: Empire Strikes Back with Luke Skywalker as a force ghost lifting up the tie-fighter ship out of the water in Last Jedi makes sense if the theme is being morphed into being the have faith in the force that all things are possible theme, meaning the theme is all about showing the newbie, being Rey Palpatine in that film, that the force can do unbelievable things.
Ron Gibson
Since 1974, The World Health Organization (WHO) has been working on, well the v word and other things too, because they believe the world is 90% overpopulated, and don't forget what the Georgia Guide Stones say about all of that which correlates with the Ted Talk that Bill Gates gave a few years ago.
A secret documentary was deleted off the Internet and off cable and even DVR machines, it was on national television in 2009, I am watching it right now, she mentioned what would look like Gulf War Syndrome. They don't want you to watch this. They don't want you to pass the information on.
Watch Log
Here is a list of what I'm watching
Star Wars: The Bad Bash 104
2021-05-23 - Sunday - 12:28 AM - 12:55 AM - Star Wars: The Bad Bash 104
Nerd of the Rings
Nerd of the Rings
09:54 AM - What if Galadriel Took the Ring? | Tolkien Theory
Nerd of the Rings
01:54 PM - Morgoth: The Origins of Melkor | Tolkien Explained
Ron Gibson
Dear diary, got up at 9 AM. Little cloudy. Breakfast. Feeling better than previous days but still a bit of cold, but improving. Sermon on the spirit which is like electricity. Back to my throne, recycling, compost, burying, boxes, food sorting in the front garage. Around 2 PM to 03:30 PM, I helped Larry put up fencing around grapes and potatoes to keep them away from deer. Dishes, 7:30 PM to 9:30 PM.
Food log
Breakfast: coffee, banana, granola cereal with normal whole milk, 9 AM.
Lunch: salad, tangerines, etc, 1 PM t0 4 PM.
Dinner: ice-cream, 7:30 PM, soup, 9:37 PM.
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The value in telling the truth in a world of lies
They forced vaccines onto her daughter, not good
Watch parts of the documentary here