Why is belly fat so hard to lose in adults?
Generally, there are 11 reasons why is belly fat so hard to lose in adults, and they are as follows:
1. Eating the Wrong Foods
The most common cause of a large belly is unhealthy eating. A diet high in starchy carbohydrates and unhealthy fats can cause your midsection to enlarge. Instead, eat a lot of vegetables, choose lean proteins, and avoid red meat fats. Fish, almonds, and avocados are all good sources of healthy fats.
A moderate reduction in carbs (grains, pasta, sweets) can also help.
2. Overeating
Subcutaneous belly fat (also known as visceral fat) and fat under your abdominal muscles and around essential organs (also known as visceral fat) must be eliminated. Visceral fat increases the risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes. It can also cause excessive blood pressure and other problems. Overeating is at least partially to blame for the flab. Visceral fat can be reduced by limiting your meals.
3. Smoking
We are all aware of the hazards of smoking. Add it to your ‘Stuff-to-Avoid’ list. According to one study, it causes an increase in abdominal and visceral fat. So, if you needed another excuse to give up, now you have it.
4. Stress
When the stress hormone cortisol passes through your system, fat accumulates in your stomach. Consult your doctor for advice on how to cope with stress. Exercise can help you feel better. Meditate. Practice yoga. Assemble a solid support system. If you require assistance, speak with a mental health professional.
5. Lack of Exercise
Nobody said losing belly fat would be simple. If your gut is straining the tape measure too much — more than 40 inches around the waist for men and more than 35 inches for women — you need moderate (walking) or strenuous (running) physical activity for at least 150 minutes a week, as well as strength training at least twice a week. But before starting any workout program, please consult your doctor.
6. Doing the Wrong Exercise
Doing just sit-ups aren't sufficient. To gain muscle, you must also engage in weight training. The more muscle you have, the more calories you'll burn.
If you just have time for one exercise, pick aerobic (like walking or jogging). It is most effective for fat burning. Make it a habit, and gradually increase the intensity to achieve the desired goals.
7. Drinking too much Beer
That beer belly is caused by more than just beer and beer carbs. All alcoholic beverages have calories. You'll gain weight if you consume too many calories, especially if you're not exercising and eating properly. Remember to drink in moderation if you do.
8. Drinking too much Sports and Energy Drinks
Sugar can be found in a variety of sports and energy drinks. This adds calories to the equation. If you consume too much of them, you're putting yourself at risk of gaining weight around your waistline. Reduce your intake of sugary, high-calorie beverages. That includes non-diet sodas and energy drinks.
9. Not Drinking Enough Water
Drinking more water has been shown to aid weight loss in studies. When you drink water instead of sugary drinks, you'll consume fewer calories. This may aid in the reduction of abdominal fat. It's also the only hydrating “beverage” that doesn't contain any sugars or other ingredients.
10. Genetics
Yes, your family history has some bearing on your chances of becoming obese. It can also influence where fat is stored. Nevertheless, there is still reason to be optimistic. Regardless of your genes, striking the appropriate balance between how many calories you take in (your food) and how many you burn (through exercise) might help you avoid gaining weight.
11. Not Sleeping Well or Not Getting Enough Sleep
Diets are spoiled by late-night raids on the refrigerator. Not only that, but you're causing stress hormones to spike if you don't get enough sleep. These cause your body to store fat.
Develop good sleeping patterns, such as:
- Put the phone down.
- Turn the laptop off.
- Every night, go to bed at the same time.
- Before going to bed, stay away from alcohol.
- Make sure you get some exercise.