Death is a truth
There was a young man named Radheshyam. He was a very calm and very thoughtful person. He had a small family with his parents, wife and two children. He was very loved by everyone.
Apart from this, he was a devotee of Lord Krishna and had compassion for everyone. Used to serve the needy. Did not hurt anyone. Because of his qualities, Shri Krishna was very pleased with him and always lived with him. And Radhey Shyam could see his Krishna and also spoke about it. Despite this he never asked God for anything. She was very happy because God always lived with her. He used to guide him. Radhey Shyam used to call Krishna as his friend and share his thoughts with him.
One day Radheshyam's father's health suddenly got worse. He was admitted to the hospital He added all the doctors' hands. To save your father, you can save his father. But everyone told him that he could not expect much. And everyone asked him to trust God.
Then Radhey Shyam got the idea of Krishna and he called his Krishna. Krishna came running. Radhey Shyam said - friend! You are God, save my father. Krishna said - friend! These are not in my hands. If there is a time of death then it is bound to be. Radhey Shyam got annoyed at this and started fighting with Krishna, he began to feel angry. God also explained him a lot but he did not listen to one.
Then Lord Krishna told him - friend! I can help you but for that you have to do one thing. Radheyyam asked immediately how did the work? Krishna said - you! Must have a handful of tide from one house and keep in mind that no one has ever died in that family. Radhey Shyam went out in search of a swift voice. He knocked several doors. There would be tidal in every house, but there was no one whose family had not died in any of them. Someone's father, somebody's grandfather, somebody's brother, mother, Kaki or sister. After wandering for two days, Radhey Shyam could not find such a house.
Then he realized that death is an absolute truth. Everyone has to face it. Nobody can run away from it. And he apologizes to Krishna for his behavior and decides he will serve him as long as his father is alive.
After a few days Radhey Shyam's father ascends to heaven. He is sad but because of that learning God gives his mind calm.
Friends, we all must accept the fact that death is an absolute truth, it is foolish to deny it. There are sorrow but it is wrong to be trapped because only you are not a generation suffering from that sadness, but the entire human race is in trouble. Accepting such truth and moving forward is life.
Many times we become so helpless when we go away from any particular person that we do not see life standing in front of us and those associated with it. It is difficult to get out of such darkness. The person who accepts the truth of death can lose his life and he can never break any suffering. He goes ahead in every field of life.