My Diary: Living in London #3

in #london7 years ago



It's been nearly a week of London for me and so far I have walked over 11 hours over 5 days. I am restraining myself from taking the tube too much and stimulating walking for many different reasons. It's been a really interesting week in terms of new rules and habits - I am eating more greens, smoking way less, walking more, engaging with people, being alone and setting my own terms. I feel very relaxed and when I am anxious I feel like I am able to understand what is happening. I think my maturity finally pinnacled when I felt glimpses of this idea that I can't blame anyone for anything that has happened and is going to happen to me.

I spent an entire day in the city yesterday. I have developed 3 ideas to do: another podcast on home, a project at home and material research for my drawings. School starts on Monday so I better hurry!

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Some snaps of the past week. So ELLE Korea approached me while I was just chilling on a bench on Boundary Str for an impromptu photoshoot for their magazine and website. Superfun!

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Hopefully I will be able to share with you my projects soon :)


One week in London already... We want to read more