FSDAO Upcoming Show - Howto Create an Argument
Part of the FSDAO Freedom Foundation Series:
Argument Structure
Claim / Hypothesis (What)- a precise & ideally atomic (single point) stance on the matter at hand. A claim to be tested through the validation of your argument.
Reason (The Why) - logic which justifies the claim.
Supporting Evidence (The How) - facts, evidence, which support your claim.
Joint (The Facts) - what connects your evidence to the claim or logic.
Counterclaim / Null Hypothesis (Doubt Elimination)- under what circumstances would your claim / hypothesis be invalidated
Rebuttal / Validation (Enlighten the Confused) - why your claim does not fall into the null-hypothesis circumstance & rebuttal of major counter-claims.
Methodology to Identify & Test Logic & Evidence
Socratic Method
Use: to determine facts which involve universally true- social, logical (quantitative), & rational (probable, not yet fully proven) arguments.
Method: test the claim in the worst & best case scenario, if it remains true, then it must be correct (fact).
Scientific Method
Use: to determine facts which involve universally true- pure logic (math), physical hypothesis, physics, chemistry, etc.
Method: test the claim in the worst & best case scenario, if it remains true, then it must be correct (fact).
Statistical Tools
Use: used as a tool, to support a method, which can provide probabilities, averages, & general insights.
Method: tests claims by polling, or sampling to determine quantities of something.
Howto Risk Mitigate Unknowns
Not everything can be solved immediately
Science is still working on figuring out everything
There are LOTS of things which fall into opinion
Thus, how do we deal with ambiguity via Reason
Two layered methods:
Individuals over all else
When in doubt about individuals vs other things, or collections of people, the individual comes first. Example: “Global Warming.” If the “cure” is worse [kills more people, causes more violence] than the disease, then we must choose the “best” solution present at the time.
Note: since individual supersedes all, that means the individual is equal in weight to all humans. Thus collections of individuals cannot violate the individual.
Pragmatic over Perfect (doing nothing until you find the perfect answer)
If something reduces violence, without creating more violence (say voting for a measure to eliminate a Government tax, regulation, department, etc.), then it “may” be worth it.
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