#localetherwallet Local ether wallet
#Localetherwallet LocalEtherWallet is a free, secure, open-source Online Ethereum Wallet linked with ShapeShift, and simple tool for generating Ether Wallets, handling ERC-20 tokens, and interacting with the Ethereum blockchain.
P.S. LocalEtherWallet is not a web wallet. You don't have a login, and nothing ever gets saved to our servers. It is simply an interface that allows you to interact with the Ethereum blockchain.
LocalEtherWallet supports the following cryptocurrencies #Ethereum Ethereum (ETH), ETC, Tesnet, UBQ, EXP, MUSICOIN, RSK and all ERC-20 tokens (Ethereum standard tokens).
LocalEtherWallet is ideal for #ICO ICO investors, Ethereum traders, and users who are serious about #crypocurrency cryptocurrency trading. But, I believe that it is ideal for anybody who wants to have full control of their own #wallet wallet and coins - both starters and experts
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