Manifesting Part 3: The Allowing
“Every time you praise something, every time you appreciate something, every time you feel good about something, you are telling the Universe, More of This, Please.” -Abraham Hicks
We are going to continue down the path of manifesting your heart’s desire and hopefully having fun doing it. If you've been reading the series, you know what Step 1 and Step 2 are. Step 1, ask and then stop asking. Feel the feeling of the wish fulfilled. Vibrate on that level. Step 2, let go of any and all beliefs that you don't deserve what you want.
After I woke up this morning I wanted to throw a little disclaimer on what I wrote about in Step 2. I want everybody to understand that I used the example of being a millionaire to uncover all the negative beliefs that you have about deserving a million dollars. However, I don't think it's the wisest thing to try to manifest a million dollars right off the bat.
Even me, all the work that I've done in practicing these things, I still have little loving children that say, "I don't deserve a million dollars," that I'm working out internally. However, there are none that say I don't deserve $100,000, definitely none that say I don't deserve $10,000. Again, I used a million as an example, but there's nothing to say that you can't start small and get an alignment with making $100,000 a year or $10,000 a quarter or whatever. Maybe for you, an extra $1,000 a month is something that you can get in alignment with, feel that you deserve, and allow in. What would it feel like to have an extra $1,000 a month? Could you let go of not deserving $1,000 a month easier than a million? I just wanted to clear that up, that a million was an example. Maybe not attempt to manifest the moon right off the bat. Nothing wrong with starting small until you get the hang of things.
I'm not a firm believer in going after billions when you can't pay your bills. Start with baby steps and crawl before you walk. There will be a lot less frustration and a willingness to stick with your Law of Attraction manifesting practice if you do.
Now on to Step 3, the art of allowing. Here is what I have learned about the allowing state. You have to get in the allowing state and there are two great tools I use for this, even though I’m sure there are hundreds more, these are just the ones I like. Once you get good at this stuff you'll find what you like.
Number one tool is gratitude. There's much to be said about being grateful. I've already written about it. However, the more that you are grateful for what you have, the more the universe will bring you things to be grateful for. I always carry a gratitude journal with me, I highly recommend it, just something small that can fit in your back pocket or in your purse or whatever. I write things that I am grateful for throughout the day.
Some days I forget sure, this is a practice after all, but somedays I write tons in there. I write down ideas, which I'm always grateful for, but mostly I write down little things that I see that make me feel gratitude. Today I'm grateful for my positive friends that I had a nice dinner with last night. I'm grateful for laughter. I'm grateful for the beautiful day today. I'm grateful I woke up in a comfortable bed. I'm grateful that I took the time to take care of my body today. Thank you. You get the idea. However, it is important that you feel grateful and that you take a few seconds to not only write them down but to truly feel them in your body
Along with gratitude we also must stop complaining. These two things are polar opposites and are counterproductive. You must kick the complaining addiction. I've written about that as well, and it is possibly the number one thing that stops people from manifesting. Because it gets vibration and manifestation going in the wrong direction. When you complain, when you put your attention on things you do not want, more things you don't want are going to come. That's the law of attraction.
Your work is to find ways to be grateful for everything in your life, even the things that you may not like. Or simply don’t put your attention on what you don’t want or don’t like until you get the hang of this. When you do you will be able to look at them and find the silver lining.
Yesterday when I first stepped into my office I had a problem to deal with that I did not expect. I felt myself complaining. Luckily, I didn't say it to anybody else. I found myself complaining about how much time it was taking to deal with this problem that wasn't scheduled for my day. Looking back, I'm grateful that the issue got resolved, that someone helped me with it, that there was money in the bank account to smooth out the issue, and that it's all done now. But at the moment it was so easy to be frustrated and complain. All I'm asking is that you bring awareness to it because the more you complain, the more you will bring things to complain about. The best thing I have found is to replace it with gratitude and looking for the silver lining in all things.
Can you spend five minutes a day to write down the things that you're grateful for even if you're repeating the same things from the day before? This builds positive momentum and gets you into the vibrational state of allowing. Not only can you feel the feeling of the wish fulfilled, but you're grateful for the feeling. You're grateful for all the things that are good in your life until one day you're grateful for all of it. You love all of it. You're grateful to be alive, to be breathing, to be here, to be chosen. I know it's easy to complain, but with practice, it will be easy to find things to be grateful for. It will be easy to tell when you're around someone who is complaining. It won't feel good anymore.
The other tool I like to use for allowing is what some would call finding evidence or celebrating wins. In the same journal, or in a different one the choice is yours, I want you to jot down the things that you see as evidence that what you want is coming. For instance, I had a great conversation yesterday with a business partner. We opened up new ideas and new thoughts of ways to help others and of course, make money doing it. The conversation was so good that I see it as evidence that what I want is coming. I choose to celebrate that as a win because ideas are how the universe works through us and cocreation like that is so much fun. Also yesterday, I had a conversation with someone I had never met. In that conversation I listened to their experiences of addiction and how they kicked it. They gave me a new perspective when dealing with my own, evidence that the universe is conspiring to help me get where I want to go. An open mind in a new direction is a huge win to celebrate.
If you met someone that was overweight and broke but was talking about how grateful they are for the things that they have, never complained about anything, saw the silver lining and the evidence that their wishes were being fulfilled, you would probably think that they were delusional. We've had this discussion about delusion before. You'd probably think that they need to be locked up and put in the loony bin, but their energy would tell you everything. It would tell you that By Law Of Attraction it's only a matter of time before those things do show up.
Keep this in mind. Before Marconi invented the radio he told people that he could send signals through the air without the need of wires and everyone thought he was insane. There is a rumor that some people close to him tried to have him committed. Luckily, he stayed with his “delusion” and was able prove to everybody that he was right. I think you get the point but what I'm trying to say is being delusional is okay. There is such a thing as good crazy.
The art of allowing is all about being and staying happy as much as you can. It’s taking it easy and watching everything divinely unfold before you. It is acting as if you know where you are going because you can feel yourself being pulled toward it. It is truly believing in what you want before the evidence ever shows itself.
Keep a grateful heart and remember that the key to enlightenment is to lighten up.
Good Journey My Friends
I really needed this today. Thanks for sharing your insights and for the reminder to make gratitude a priority. ❤️
You're so welcome, grateful to help 😉
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