Its your life you choose how to live it.

in #loa6 years ago

It is often I hear friends complaining about their life. Most of the time it is with their job. I have one who complains about his girlfriend, and his girlfriend complains about him. I am at a point in my life that this confuses me.

You see I am at a strong belief that this is my life and I choose how I live it. I stopped choosing miserable many years ago, and so far it has worked out great for me.

When my friends complain about their job I ask them what are you doing about it? What are you doing to change? Often more than not they reply with nothing. When my friend who complains about his girlfriend I ask him the same and I get the same response.

I have used this quote before and it is Einsteins definition on insanity. If you do the same thing over and over again but expect different results that is insanity.

If you want a better life you need to create one. You need to stop doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. This is true in all areas of your life. If your job sucks then look for a new, it really is that simple. You do not have to quit your old job before finding a new one. If your home life sucks then do something to make it better. If you do not like your girlfriend or boyfriend let them go. Being alone is not as miserable as people make it appear.

I know some people will say easier said than done. Well that may be true but if you are not working on making your life better it will not get better.

Every day I meditate and that relieves stress from the day. Once that stress is gone I can reflect on my life and then come up with a game plan to make it better. Sometimes it is not an over night thing and I need a few days, weeks, or months to improve something.

As I am writing this now I am planning on moving almost 1200 miles away from my home now. This move will be a burden lifted from my shoulders. I will be around family and a better support system. However this will not happen for another year and a half, 2 years at the most. BUT it is in motion and it will happen.

You see this is a long planning goal and it has taken me a year to decide to do this. Once I decided that is what I am going to do, I felt some stress relief as soon as I made that decision. In the mean time I post and write on steemit. I make youtube videos and I am slowly getting followers. I post on dtube and get followers their. I am thinking long term not immediately.

That is why so many people fail and or give up. They expect immediate results, and when it is not immediate they go back to living the life they hate.

If you are not happy with something change it. If you are not happy with someone leave them. I am not saying give up after a few days or weeks. I know that every thing I have written so far and the line about change may sound contradictory. It is not, I am saying if you are not happy with something in your life and you have put in an effort, do something to make it better.

Stop the complaining and make a change. This is your life and you choose how you live it.

James.. 8982d66a37620ceff0d081636ade9e05.jpg


Hello @ james.woods, what you write is very inspiring, it is very true and should be practiced by all, I totally agree with you, congratulations. Wish you much success in your plans!