Introduce phylosopy Sufi
erBirth, Nasab and Childhood Sheikh Abil Hasan Asy Syadzily
Asy Shaykh al-Imam al-Qutub al-Ghouts Sayyidina Asy Sharif Abul Hasan Ali asy Syadzily al-Hasani bin Abdullah bin Abdul Jabbar was born from the mother's womb in a village called Ghomaroh, not far from the town of Saptah, Maghrib al Aqsa or Marokko, North Africa the most western part, in 593 AH / 1197 AD He is the twenty-second dhurriyat or descendant of our lord the Great Prophet Muhammad, with the following sequence, asy Sheikh Abil Hasan Ali asy Syadzily is the son of:
Abdullah, bin
Abdul Jabbar, bin
Tamim, bin
Hurmuz, bin
Khotim, bin
Qushoyyi, bin
Joseph, son
Yusa ', bin
Wardi, bin
Abu Baththal, bin
Ali, bin
Ahmad, bin
Muhammad, son
'Isa, bin
Idris al Mutsanna, bin
Umar, bin
Idris, bin
Abdullah, bin
Hasan al Mutsanna, bin
Sayyidina Hasan, bin
Sayyidina Ali ibn Abu Talib wa Sayyidatina Fatima az Zahro 'bint
Sayyidina wa habibina wa syafi'ina Muhammadin, rosulillaahi shollolloohu 'alaihi wa aalihi sallam.
Since childhood he used to be called by the name: 'ALI, already known as a person who has morals or noble character that is very noble. He said very fluent, subtle, beautiful and polite, and contain a deep sense of meaning. In addition to having high ideals and noble, He also belonged to people who have a passion for science. In this village where he was born, he was given akhlaq education and other branches of religious sciences directly under the guidance of his father-mother. He lived in the village where he was born until the age of 6 years, which then eventually migrated to the city of Tunis (now the capital of the country of Tunisia, North Africa) which is solely for the purpose of tholabul 'ilmi in addition to reaching the noble ideals of He became people who have
proximity and degree of glory in the sight of Allah SWT.
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