Read the Bible: Every living thing loves its own kind, and we all love someone like ourselves. Ben Sira 13:15
There is a love that comes from the soul and a love that comes from the spirit. The Greeks in the time of Jesus called each form of love by its proper name, let us remember that love is a genre, you love what you want. Thus, the philosopher Plato in his book the Banquet speaks of eros, philia and agape.
Eros is the most primitive form of love, it is the love of lovers, the passion love itself. Then comes Philia, which is the love of the soul, love mixed with virtue and friendship, it is the love of those who are similar to each other, the bible tells us:
"Every living thing loves its own kind,
and we all love someone like ourselves.
Every living being keeps close to its own kind;
and people associate with their own kind.
Is a wolf ever allied with a lamb?
So the sinner with the righteous.
Can there be peace between the hyena and the dog?
Or peace between the rich and the poor?", Ben Sira 13:14-18.
For the love of the soul (Philia) like attracts like. This love arises from the pleasure of seeing ourselves reflected in the other. And this is of great importance because to a large extent this love will decide if we are successful people or not.
If we get together with negative people, the negative will develop in us: "Do not be misled: ´Bad company corrupts good character'", 1 Corinthians 15:33.
On the other hand, if we look for positive people, the positive will develop in us: “Walk with the wise and become wise, for a companion of fools suffers harm.”, Proverbs 13:20.
This is why if we want God's help we have to resemble him: "In all things God works for the good of those who love him", Romans 8:28. The path of wisdom is a blessed path because it is in accordance with the nature of God. If instead, we sin we are putting up a barrier with God: "But your iniquities have separated you from God; your sins have hidden his face from you, so that he will not hear", Isaiah 59:2.
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