Planting trees for a greener planet

If there is something literally and figuratively green, then it is trees. They supply us with oxygen, absorb CO2, make us happy and offer living space to animals. Certainly with the disappearance of a lot of green on earth, we can never plant too many trees. Read here where, when and how you can do that.

International Day of Forests and National Tree Day
If spring officially begins on March 21, it is also International Day of Forests. This day was created by the United Nations to draw attention to the importance of all kinds of forests. In addition, countries are encouraged to organize local actions.

Such a local action in the Netherlands is known as the National Tree Day. Since 1957, an average of 200,000 trees have been planted by school children every year on (usually) the third Wednesday in March. Through collaboration of, among others, the National Tree Party Day, Staatsbosbeheer, IVN, municipalities and schools, children receive special nature education.

The National Tree Feast Day Foundation would like to think that planting a tree has such an impact on a child that he will not soon forget that and will recognize the value of nature. As long as our asphalt-loving politicians have so much support, I warmly welcome all the extra possibilities for nature education.

Tree planting day
Natuurmonumenten organizes the Boomplant Day in early November. Even adult children can then plant their own tree! Those who do not like it enough, can have a symbolic value. For example, the trees are often dedicated to a newborn child, a deceased relative or a year old friend.

For 25 euros you can buy a tree all year round. You can then plant these yourself on the Tree Plant Day or else the forester will plant it for you.
Trees for All
Do you want trees to be planted, but do not you want to do this yourself? Do you want to plant more than one tree? Or do you want those trees to be planted in areas where many precious forests disappear? Then donate once or monthly to Trees for All.

By planting trees through Trees for All you can immediately compensate your CO2 emissions. In addition to your flight ticket, you can also compensate other trips. If you really want to tackle it seriously, immediately compensate for the total emissions that you produce annually. This is estimated at 16 tons of CO2 for an average household and is to compensate 160 euros of trees.

Trees for All has all the necessary quality marks and meets the strict Gold Standard for CO2 compensation. You can therefore be sure that your money is well spent.

Have you ever planted a tree?

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