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RE: Sustainable Development #13 Plastic Pollution
Huuuuge issue here. Isn't there an island of plastic floating around with one of the currents in the Pacific, headed for the Arctic? For some reason, I seem to recall hearing about some organism engineered to eat plastic? That would be cool.
It is going to be a big disaster if those plastic makes it to the Arctic. There is no organism that feeds on plastic, it only takes human effort to clean it up.
I'm not being argumentative here, honestly providing talking points, but here is the result of a Google Search. It is a bacteria, and they also claim Wax Worms eat plastics. Now, I didn't find any extremely official sites talking about it so I wanted you to be able to use your own discernment on the search results if you felt like following up the conversation. Again, thank you for bring this topic up in this community! Very important.