RE: Let's Get Down to Bees-ness: Livesustainably Don't Buy It Challenge
Thank you. All the passengers right now are great contributors.
Yes, definitely, though we already got quite a few passengers covering those things sort of.
What so far nobody has done I guess is like a real series about permaculture design principles from a more scientific view, you know like in the books, people write more about their daily lives and experiences, which is of course also fine because it´s authentic.
Also at the moment the train is packed, we took on quite a few new passengers recently, but you can mail @eco-alex
at [email protected] to express your interest in ecotrain, we might take on new passengers in February, though I personally think, as long as none of the passengers is leaving, it might get time for a second train.
Why don´t you catch yourself some whales and start your own?
You could then become the driver and boss around others. 😉
Thank you for following up with my inquiry! I can understand wanting to keep the train diverse in content but I will connect with @eco-alex just in case there is room for us to board. As for catching whales we are still navigating the seemit realm and are newbie fishermen. 😆 Starting our own train sounds enticing but between tiny house living, caring for infant twins, building a house, and setting up our property this year I am not sure where we would find the time to boss anyone around. I will definitely keep the concept in mind for the future though because I really like the idea of gathering quality content and bringing it to others attention. I hope you have a wonderful day! -Aimee