(1870-April 1874).
THAT memory 26 March 1873 - March 26, 2010 is the command of Sultan Mahmud Syah is still used as a spirit of war against the Dutch colonists. Some of the core message of Sultan's message is the main capital for peanggimang nanggroe. Now, this Sultan's message is not so practiced by the people of Aceh. Instead they turned the message: udep merdeka, asai na beulanja. But ta peulaku lage jen ek u cloud.
The message is important we remember again remember, in a few days we will recall the day of the Dutch invasion of Aceh. Historically, the ultimatum of the Acehnese war which was proclaimed by the Dutch East Indies Governor Commissioner Nieuwenhuijzen on 26 March 1873 against the kingdom of Aceh Darussalam led by Sultan Alaidin Mahmud Syah (1870-1874).
After the unsuccessful negotiations between Sidi Tahir the envoy Nieuwenhuijzen and the Sultan of Aceh Alaidin Mahmud Shah for Aceh surrendered to the Dutch on 24 March 1873. But the Sultan acted, rather than mortgaged his homeland, the Sultan told all the people to prepare to fight against the Dutch.
The above phrase is one of the famous messages. When the war began, Udep merde'ka, matesyahid; langet sihet cloud peutimang, bumoé'reunggang ujeuen peurata, wrong narit peudeueng peuteupat, wrong as teupuro dumna.
The Commissioner of the Dutch East Indies Government, based on the authority and authority granted to him by the Government of the Dutch East Indies, declared war on Aceh, and emphasized that all beaches, ports, bays and places that allow landings in Aceh were declared blockaded by the Dutch. "Brengt terkennisse van een iegelijk wien zulks mögt aangaan, dat naar aanleiding van dentoestand van oorlog, waarin het Gouvernement van Nederlandsch-Indie met hetrijk van Atjeh verkeert, de havens en landingsplaatsen, kusten, rivieren, baaijen en kreeken van genoemd rijk en zijne onderhoorighedenworden verklaard te zijn in staat van blockade, met al de gevolgen daaraanverbonden en dat met de uitvoering van dezen maatregel is belast de Kommandantder in de wateren van Atjeh gestationneerde Zeemagt "(Talsya: 1982).
The Dutch Citadel van Antwerp vessels continue to spew bullets into land beginning war to Aceh. On April 8, 1873, the Dutch landed 3,000 soldiers who received fierce resistance from the Aceh fighters. Even the leadership of General Kohler's troops was killed on April 14, 1873 in front of the Baiturrahman Great Mosque. Wal result, the Dutch retreat and return to Batavia. And this is the beginning of the Dutch Aceh war that began on March 26, 1873 and ended on March 12, 1942 along with the Japanese landings. Ulama and the people shoulder to shoulder to defend the homeland of Aceh. Many of the martyrs are martyred so that the tombs are scattered in the gampongs and forests of Aceh, both on the north, west and central beaches of Aceh. Clean sweeping operations were undertaken wherever, special forces were formed namely Marsose "and became the Dutch elite troops to capture the Acehnese fighters.
According to one report from 8 February 1902-23 July 1904, at least 2,902 Acehnese fighters in Gayo and Alas shaheed. Around 1,159 victims of this war consisted of women and children victims of the ferocity of special forces of the Netherlands. So also in Meulaboh between the years1902 1913 have killed 2.230 people of Aceh. (Paul Van't Veer: 1979). King Tampok and King Ubiet.
There are countless martyrs in Aceh Besar, Pidie and Aceh Utara. There are even people who fled to save their lives to the Malay Peninsula, to the Arab land and some even run into the forests as experienced by the families of King Tampok and King Ubiet. They escaped from the Dutch pursuit of Keumala-Tangse Pidie to the interior of Mount Itam. They only realized that Indonesia was independent in 1985 during the time of Governor Ibrahim Hasan. Where now most of the followers of King Tampok, led by Teuku Raja Keumala (50) settled at Pucuk Gunung Itam, Nagan Raya bordering Central Aceh and Pidie Jaya. From the Dutch side more than 2,000 soldiers lie quietly in Kerkhoof, Banda Aceh. Similarly, not countless who died in the jungle of Aceh forest. As evidence of their grave history we can still find if we trace the countryside of Aceh in east, west and central Aceh. Even the four Dutch generals died on Iskandar Muda's land.
The Dutch sent C Snouck Hurgronje to Mecca to study the culture of Acehnese who survived the war. So Dutch politicians say "Suffice Already" (Paul Van't Veer: 1979) and expect this war to end soon. This message is very well known in the Netherlands, where they are very concerned about the funds and the consequences of the wars that they experienced during the conquest of Aceh.
Indeed, the Dutch finally had to leave Aceh. They fled from Aceh after the Japanese landed at Kuta Raja at 11 pm on March 11, 1942. Landing