Double Smack Down! This Cannot Be His Ending.
Little John, a true person.
I hardly have the words to make this post. I saw him two days ago after two years.

Life is not always roses.
Your all read the ending that I had planned and made, and my assumptions were true.
All of it really happened. Above you see the Little John I remember and on the right, Norma who had rented the apartment on her welfare benefits.
Below, you see Little John on the left, successfully in harmony with your world and mine, standing at the door of a high-rise apartment building. This is how he looked when I saw him two years ago. I ceased to worry about him.
If you are easily upset, stop here.
His English is not easy to understand as you will see below. Many of you wanted details through my series, I am sorry that I could not be more specific. There has always been a communication gap.
The unplanned ending is more like a relapse. I went to the park on Friday and found him. His jaw dropped. He looked at me as if he had seen a ghost. I walked through the grass toward him at the outer most corner of the newly renovated park.
Photo and film by @done 10/12/18
He put down his belongings, which he keeps in a large black garbage bag. It is everything he owns. He still has the camera I gave him, the above photos are from the SD card, with his permission.
I talked with Little John (Juancito) for almost two hours last Friday, the day of my last post. I learned that Norma was very sick and in a lot of pain. I am not sure what she had but John may tell you about that later. This past March, she died, though not from a disease. If I understood John correctly, she was beaten to death in her apartment. He was at work when it happened. When the coroner finally came for her, John had no contract, no right to stay, no place to live.
He is back at the park. I am devastated.
I asked if I could photograph him for an article that I am writing. I also showed it to him and handed him more than I have earned on the series. I had planned to upload this DTube video on my account but instead, he will now "learn to fish" with my help. I hope to fade into the background as soon as I have purchased a device for him to use.
I do my best work silently in the background. May I say that this series has pushed me to help where I though I had been @done. **I dislike failure! Watch me when I am motivated. This was not his fault!
If you would like to help Little John, vote here for @lvj "La Vida de Juan" (John's life).
either way he will get it.
Little John's introduction video. Filmed on October 12, 2018
DTube Link
I explained Steemit the best I could and promised to set him up with a phone or tablet so he could learn to post. Until that time, I will be at his side when he writes. Everything that his account makes is his. I am setting up an account on his new device that will allow him cash in hand from any local drug store.
Our hope. Support for @lvj - La Vida de Juan, a home for him Now!
@done over and out.
Yes....even before I read the post.....The exclamation in mind was.....He taught him to fish......fantastic news.
All the best to you.
God works through all things. Trust Him.
'.....and to those who love Him all things work together for good.'
True comment: John told me that he prayed and asked God to bring me to the park. That was four days before I went to the park. October ninth? I ended up trying to find him on the twelfth.
Exactly two weeks earlier than the day he prayed, I had started writing about him (after not having seen him in two years).
I am not sure what all that means.
Just amazing.....thank you for letting me know @done.
God works in mysterious ways......for His ways are not our ways nor His thoughts our thoughts....from the Bible...I think in the book of Isaiah.
Juan was brought to your mind.
After something has come to mind three times.....I say okay...I guess this wants doing....something like that…of course with thought. ^__^
We are His agents.
All the best to you.
Hi @done, how do you do.. !
"I dislike failure! Watch me when I'm motivated". very good words.
You've done an excellent job with him. All circumstances leave us with great teachings and experiences that allow us to improve things. It's good that you brought him to steemit because steemi is a lifesaver for people like us who for some reason have lost purchasing power. May God bless you greatly for the work you have done with our friend and bless our friend. I am sure that here on the platform there are many with a charitable spirit.
I was very moved to read your writing mr. @done ,,
I also learned a lot from your kindness, your writing was so inspired to me ,,
You are indeed the best Mr. @done ...
And for little john, may he always be in peace and quiet
When I joined Steemit back in July 2017, I came across a post that was written by a person who was at the verge of becoming homeless. He kept writing here at Steemit and people responded to his post and with just a few posts, he was able to survive. He thanked all who helped him in that time of crisis. I did some search at Steemit but could not find his posts. However, I found some other similar posts and want to share them here:
[I'm homeless but not forgotten]
This post made $10,360.53 and it was posted 2 years ago.
Here is another post from someone else:
So, you see the power of Steemit?
Little John too has a similar story and can change his life through Steemit. It's good to see him posting here. I just followed him and request everybody to do the same to help him. Empowering the weak is one of the things that bring you the real happiness - something priceless.
This post by @done has 81 votes but the person who this post/series is about has got only 15 followers at this point. Even at his first and only post, he has got 40 votes means at least 40 people landed at his post but did not all of them followed him. Please spare a few seconds and follow him here:
Let's change at least 1 life in this month.
Steem On!
I really appreciate what you wrote. There will likely be a video with his reaction to the money he sees on the screen. I am working feverishly to clear and reset an android device of mine to hand him.
Thank you for your post!
Great job @done. You're doing an excellent job. I've an idea that can help him a lot. Can we chat in person?
Yeah me too resteemed his post and followed him. Now he's got 21 followers. Great initiative @done. What could be better than helping the poor.
You're right @ugetfunded. Steemit has become my most favorite platform. It has the power to change lives through Steemians like @done but we can also play our role and that's what I just did. I'm his follower # 17.
Yup nice thinking. Just followed him and resteemed his introductory post so that other could see it.
Great job @done. You're a real hero.
Extraordinary, I personally am very happy to read your story. you are very kind to your friends, hopefully your principle can be demonstrated by steemia. thanks for sharing.
Very cool user name. I am happy you stopped by.
Plz Consider supporting John - "La Vida de Juan" - @LVJ
my upvotes are over there for today
Thank you very much friends, I am also happy to meet you
Little john people who are patient and tough.
thank you @done.
Posted using Partiko Android
Un final muy esperado y como dijo un amigo por alli esperamos que este no sea el final sino el principio, un nuevo comienzo, una nueva oportunidad que le da la vida, en este caso @done ayuda a otro a levantarse y seguir. Pocas veces somos optimistas y vemos volver a caer a las personas en situación de calle, a veces ni les preguntamos su historia, o porque estan alli. Se que no podemos ayudar a todos pero cada uno de nosotros debe buscar su mejor forma de ayudar a otros.
A long awaited ending and as a friend said there we hope that this is not the end but the beginning, a new beginning, a new opportunity that gives life, in this case @done helps another to get up and continue. We are seldom optimistic and we see people fall back into the street, sometimes we do not ask them their story, or because they are there. I know we can not help everyone but each one of us must find his best way to help others.
Un abrazo muy fuerte.
A big hug.
Juancito will see your post on his blog as soon as I can find him again. I am trying to get him a phone so I can make sure of where he is instead of walking blindly through that park.
hugs back!
Impresionante e ironica qie es la vida. Que mal que Norma haya muerto y el haya quedado nuevamente en la calle, ojala encuentre una solucion, me alegro mucho ver a Juancito Espero puedas seguir ayudandolo.
(Posted with Vapor, available for iOS and Android)
My plan is to provide the tools, the accounts, and the currency conversion for John's account into local cash. I am already looking for furnished rental places.
@done, some time back watched the video of Little John and literally speaking you are doing an graceful, kind and humanitarian work by Introducing him with an Platform from where he can step into new Reality. Keep up the great work and wishing you an great day and stay blessed. 🙂
Dear @done It has been exciting to know how you have helped Little Jhon (juancito) to solve his life problems so far complicated. I just hope that from now on he solves these problems and can give us new stories in steemit. Receive my affections
Thank you. He is learning Steemit and will hopefully earn his own way.
My comment voting is happening on John's account "La Vida de Juan" - @LVJ
Please consider supporting his intro post.